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Nestle KitKat Advertisement: local motion UCLUCU notes 1.On March 18th 2008 an advertisement for Nestlé KitKat was filmed in the UCL quadrangle in front of the main building.
Nestle KitKat Advertisement: local motion UCLUCU notes1.On March 18th 2008 an advertisement for Nestlé KitKat was filmed in the UCL quadrangle in front of the main building. 2. Nestlé have a longstanding record in contravening the WHO International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes. As UNICEF has said: "Marketing practices that undermine breastfeeding are potentially hazardous wherever they are pursued: in the developing world, WHO estimates that some 1.5 million children die each year because they are not adequately breastfed. These facts are not in dispute." As a result of Nestle's alleged malpractice there is an international boycott of Nestlé called by the International Baby Food Action Network and Baby Milk Action. UCLUCU believes1. That this University should not have been used to actively market and promote Nestlé products.2. That UCL should take an ethical stance because as part of its role as a Global University it has responsibility for the promotion of Global Health. UCLUCU resolves1. To request that UCL management agrees not to actively market and promote Nestle product (at least until such time as Nestle fully complies with the WHO International Code of Marketing Of Breastmilk Substitutes code of practice).2. To demand that UCL management make clear the procedures and guidelines followed when taking decisions on acceptance of commercial funding and on involvement in marketing of goods and services. Proposer: Nicola Shelton Seconder: Richard Watt
Emergency Resolution: Stop the BNP UCLUCU notes the threat posed to a free civil society, women, LGBT and ethnic minorities by the fascist British National Party (BNP). Its policies include the destruction of the NHS and trade unions, and racism against black people, Jews, Muslims and refugees.The BNP has gained a seat on the London Assembly by pretending to be a ‘respectable’ political party.UCLUCU believes that most people voting for the BNP can be persuaded otherwise. But we need a mass campaign against the BNP.UCLUCU resolves to prioritise our campaigning work against the BNP this year. We call on members to support campaigns by Unite Against Fascism and its affiliates, commencing with a protest called for 6pm Tuesday 6 May at City Hall.Proposed: Sean WallisSeconded: Simon Renton (A version of this text to form an emergency resolution to Congress)
HE23 Manifesto for academic-related staff (Academic-related staff committee) "Conference endorses the revisions to the UCU manifesto for academic related staff set out in circular UCU/81. Conference instructs the Academic Related Staff Committee to organise a high profile re-launch of the manifesto and to use it to raise the profile of academic related members. The committee is instructed to liaise with the Recruitment, Organising and Campaigns Committee to ensure the manifesto is used as a national campaigning and recruitment tool. It is also instructed to provide advice to HE local associations and branches on how to take forward recruitment and campaigning work with academic related staff. Conference believes the manifesto should be distributed widely through the UC magazine and,if possible, through other publications. Regional committees should be asked to discuss how to use the manifesto in their campaigning and organising work."
PROPOSED AMENDMENT: To add at the end: "AR staff have suffered disproportionate red circling compared to other staff categories, indicating a lack of understanding of the complexity and professional contribution of AR roles. Managements have cut costs at their expense. Congress calls upon the NEC to commission further analysis of pre-1992 survey returns, compare AR role profiles across the sector, assess the impact of role profiles on AR career paths, and identify and publicise worst / best practice."
Israel Resolution SFC10 Congress notes the1. continuation of illegal settlement, killing of civilians and the impossibility of civil life, including education; 2. humanitarian catastrophe imposed on Gaza by Israel and the EU; 3. apparent complicity of most of the Israeli academy; 4. legal attempts to prevent UCU debating boycott of Israeli academic institutions; and legal advice that such debates are lawful Congress affirms that 5. criticism of Israel or Israeli policy are not, as such, anti-semitic; 6. pursuit and dissemination of knowledge are not uniquely immune from their moral and political consequences;
Congress resolves that 7. colleagues be asked to consider the moral and political implications of educational links with Israeli institutions, and to discuss the occupation with individuals and institutions concerned, including Israeli colleagues with whom they are collaborating; 8. UCU widely disseminate the personal testimonies of UCU and PFUUPE delegations to Palestine and the UK, respectively; 9. the testimonies will be used to promote a wide discussion by colleagues of the appropriateness of continued educational links with Israeli academic institutions; 10. UCU facilitate and encourage twinning arrangements and other direct solidarity with Palestinian institutions; 11. Ariel College, an explicitly colonising institution in the West Bank, be investigated under the formal Greylisting Procedure."
Existing proposals for amendment SFC10A.1 Compositing amendment: University ofBrighton Eastbourne, University of East London DocklandsPoint 3, delete 'apparent‘ SFC10A.2 Compositing amendment: University of Brighton - EastbourneAdd new point 6: 'a boycott of all Israeli academic institutions at this time is unlikely to maximize and unify international solidarity.' SFC10A.3 Compositing amendment: University of East London DocklandsDelete point 10, replace with 'Ariel College and similar institutions in the Occupied Territories are illegal, and will be investigated under UCU's Greylisting Procedure'
PROPOSED AMENDMENTS:i) Delete point 3.ii) Point 8 : After respectively; Add 'and statements from Israeli academics and British academics who have links with Israel'iii) Point 9: After appropriateness.. delete 'of' and add 'for and against'.iv) Add a new final point 12 (will become 11 if 3 is deleted): 'No decision on an academic boycott of Israel will be made without a ballot of all members.'
HE30 Pension Investment - Reducing Risk University of Edinburgh: • Conference notes with alarm the recent crisis in the financial markets. This is of particular concern to many UCU members as the USS pension scheme invests heavily in stocks and shares. A collapse in the stock market is a frightening prospect especially if our pensions are likely to be affected by any such catastrophe. We instruct the NEC to urgently review USS investment in the stock market and to develop proposals to ensure a more secure and balanced fund.Options to reduce risk may include:* Secure government bonds* Direct investment in social housing, retirement homes and nurseries* Development of a pay-as-you-go scheme such as the English Teachers pension scheme2. Conference also restates our opposition to any change to the pension scheme, for existing or new entrants, that would affect its final salaryscheme status or alter the current retirement age. • PROPOSED AMENDMENT:Para 1, line 5, starting "We instruct the NEC..." Insert after "...stock market and" the words: ", to the degree that the level of risk is found to be inappropriate,"Proposer: Dave Guppy