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Plants Web Quest 3rd Grade

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Plants Web Quest 3rd Grade

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    1. Plants Web Quest 3rd Grade By: Amanda Kappler

    2. Table of Contents ?Start Here!

    3. Introduction Plants go through a life cycle just like animals. We know that animals grow from babies into adults. So how do seeds change and grow into plants?

    4. Task Today you will work as a botanist (a botanist is a scientist who studies plants) and discover the basic parts of a plant, what plants need in order to survive, and how plants change and grow! Before your begin, you may want to look at the rubric I’ll be using to score your work and effort!

    5. Process You will need to follow several steps in order to accomplish your task! 1. First you will learn about the parts of a plant and what they do for the plant. The basic parts of most plants are roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and seeds. Click to the next slide to begin learning about each one!

    6. The Roots Roots support plants by holding the plant in the ground and absorbing water and nutrients to help the plant grow. roots

    7. The Stem Stems carry the water and nutrients from the roots to the leaves. Stems also give the plant support. The stem helps the leaves reach the sunlight so they can produce food. stem

    8. The Leaves Leaves come in many shapes and sizes. Leaves catch sunlight and have tiny openings where water and air come and go. When leaves have enough sunlight, water, and air they go into a process called photosynthesis (foto-sin-the-sis). Photosynthesis turns sunlight, water, and air into food for the plant.

    9. The Flowers Flowers are important to the plant because they make seeds. Inside each flower tiny seeds wait to be fertilized by pollen. Once the seed is fertilized, it can grow into a new plant!

    10. The Seeds Every seed is a tiny plant. Inside seeds are leaves, stems, and roots waiting for the right conditions outside so it can begin to grow. Seeds need water, soil, nutrients, and sunlight to begin to grow. Seeds can travel to new places in the wind, float in water, or be eaten (inside fruit) by animals and carried somewhere else. seed

    11. Process Continued Now that you know about the parts of a plant and what they do, follow these steps: 2. To complete the last task, you will need to click “Interactive Whiteboard Activity 1” and then “Part 2.” Put the life cycle of a plant in the correct order and show Miss Kappler your work! Click here! 3. Click here and follow the directions to discover what conditions a plant needs in order to grow!

    12. Evaluation It’s time to show Miss Kappler how much you’ve learned today! Please click here and print this worksheet. Read the directions carefully and do your best to complete it! Turn it in when you are finished. Good luck! ?

    13. Conclusion Now that you’re an expert botanist, you can teach others all about plants. You have discovered the parts of a plant, what plants need in order to grow healthily, and even how plants change and grow! Great work! If you’re finished earlier than everyone else, click here!

    14. Resources BBC Schools Website The Great Plant Escape Primary Grades Plant Wordsearch The National Grid for Learning Website

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