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Why did the Nazis remain in power?

There was a lack of opposition to the Nazis to remove them from power because…. Why did the Nazis remain in power?. People were grateful due to the improvement the Nazis brought through their economic, social and foreign policies.

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Why did the Nazis remain in power?

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  1. There was a lack of opposition to the Nazis to remove them from power because…. Why did the Nazis remain in power? • People were grateful due to the improvement the Nazis brought through their economic, social and foreign policies. • People were intimidated into obedience by fear generated by the gestapo, concentration camps and threatening propaganda. • By creating a totalitarian state all groups who might have led opposition to the Nazis found themselves persecuted and unable to mount a successful opposition. • The brainwashed youth supported the Nazis.

  2. Why did the Nazis remain in power? Use of fear and terror by Gestapo and concentration camps intimidated the people into accepting Nazi control and not rebelling.

  3. Gestapo were the Nazi secret police who rounded up those who dared speak out such as communists and those the Nazis considered a threat. People were taken away often in the middle of the night, tortured for confessions and sent to concentration camps. By 1933 150,000 political prisoners were in camps. This…. becauseeveryone knew someone who had been taken away. Altho most had not been to a camp, stories circulated about the brutality. This created a climate of fear and ensured obedience as they worried about the consequences for themselves or their family if they spoke out. Why did the Nazis remain in power? I did it 150,000 Secret FEAR

  4. Gestapo They used a system of informers who spied on the German people. This…. because No-one knew if friends or neighbours were spying on them ready to report any complaints. As a result for most people it was simply safer not to complain or oppose the Nazis and this helped them stay in power. http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/the-removal-of-opposition/3273.html Why did the Nazis remain in power? http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/resistance-of-hitler/3289.html Is she an informer? BalanceThere was genuine popular support for the Nazis.

  5. Why did the Nazis remain in power? Propaganda helped the Nazis remain in power by showing the Nazis in a good light and also acting as a source of intimidation.

  6. Propaganda Propaganda such as posters, cinema, Nuremburg rallies and radio were used to convince the German people that Hitler was saving Germany. Cheap radios were made, 70% of homes had radios by 1939 so that they could hear Nazi radio stations. Simple repetitive slogans were used such as the Jews were bad for Germany. Hitler’s speeches at rallies kept his audiences spellbound. This…. because The Nazis censored everything the public could see or hear so without access to any anti-Nazi views some people believed the propaganda that life was better under Germany and so had no reason to oppose them. HoweverRecent research has shown that propaganda didn’t really convince people to believe something they did not want to. It was only really effective in convincing people of what they already believed such as Germany had not really lost WW1. Why did the Nazis remain in power? 70% Anti-Nazi believe

  7. Propaganda Posters with slogans like ‘Death to our enemies’ acted as a threat and source of intimidation. The rallies allowed Hitler to show off the military strength of the Nazis and their level of popular support. Over 500,000 people took part each year. This…. because Propaganda contributed to the climate of fear and deterred opposition because it made people feel that against the strength of the Nazis any resistance would be futile. Why did the Nazis remain in power? FEAR

  8. Why did the Nazis remain in power? Hitler created a totalitarian state which controlled all aspects of life and banned opposition. Communists Socialists

  9. Totalitarian state Totalitarian states do not allow opposition. In 1933 the communists were banned after the Reichstag fire. The Enabling law allowed Hitler to pass laws without going through parliament and this let him ban the socialists and trade unions as well as make it illegal to form political parties. This…. because People most likely to oppose the Nazis found themselves persecuted and imprisoned. They lost the power of legal opposition so went underground but were infiltrated by the Gestapo. So no effective opposition to the Nazis was organised allowing them to remain in power. Why did the Nazis remain in power? Enabling law Socialists http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/hitler-becomes-fuhrer/8145.html http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/organised-opposition-to-the-nazis/3285.html

  10. The church was a potential source of opposition.But many Catholic church people supported the Nazis since they were against communism who disapproved of religion. In 1933 Hitler made a concordat with the Catholic church both agreeing not to interfere with each other. Therefore a potential source of opposition was removed. However many churchmen such as Martin Niemoller did speak out, yet they were persecuted and sent to concentration camps preventing them from leading strong resistance to the Nazis. http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/lack-of-christian-opposition-to-hitler/3286.html

  11. Why did the Nazis remain in power? The Nazi control of children contributed to the Nazis remaining in power(Social controls)

  12. Youth The school curriculum was changed to teach Nazi ideals and to brainwash children to grow up as Nazi supporters. New studies such as race studies were introduced, any teachers who spoke out against the Nazis were sacked. All textbooks were Nazi approved. Children were encouraged and then forced to join Hitler Youth groups where they were brainwashed further in Nazi ideals. In 1936 60% of all children were members. This…. because It won support from the youth and helped remove some opposition as many children would report their parents or anybody they heard criticising the Nazi party. Why did the Nazis remain in power? http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/girls-and-boys-in-nazi-germany/5675.html http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/hitler-youth-indoctrination-of-the-young/3281.html http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/indoctrination-in-nazi-germany/3282.html

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