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2012 SLAV `Action Plan’. The Background: -Mid-late 2011 SLAV Executive approached a range of school library and other educational professionals to form part of a Reference Group to respond to last years Parliamentary Inquiry into School Libraries. The people involved ….
2012 SLAV `Action Plan’ The Background: -Mid-late 2011 SLAV Executive approached a range of school library and other educational professionals to form part of a Reference Group to respond to last years Parliamentary Inquiry into School Libraries.
What came out of both 2011 meeting and the SLAV Planning Day on 25th Feb 2012 ….. THE FOLLOWING `ACTION PLAN’ -All of you will be doing some of these things already. -What follows is a `roadmap’ of ideas with which to move forward ….. the light on the pathway ….
NATIONAL DIGITAL LITERACY STATEMENT -Participation in on-line courses. (EG PLN) -To develop resources based around students being good digital citizens.
NATIONAL DIGITAL LITERACY STATEMENT … continued -To demonstrate `good models’ in our use of social media. -To develop `quality assurance’ criteria for digital literacy/resources.
TEACHER-LIBRARIAN STATISTICS This is an area where difficulty has been experienced in obtaining conclusive statistics: -Proposal is to investigate the use of social networking sites (EG: Ushahidi) on TL numbers and qualifications from all schools.
TEACHER-LIBRARIAN STATISTICS ….. cont -To encourage schools to provide statistics via SLAV branches. -Drafting of a letter to ACARA supporting the move to include TL’s & school library statistics on `My School’ website.
PROMOTION OF A LOVE OF READING (especially in this the NYOR 2012) -TL’s to provide evidence of what’s being done at a school level for inclusion on the SLAV website.
LIBRARY PROGRAMS, DIGITAL LITERACY, STUDENT ACHEIVEMENT & DISADVANTAGE -Collate existing research/case studies which demonstrate `best practice’ in relation to the link between TL’s driven programmes and student outcomes.
LIBRARY PROGRAMS, DIGITAL LITERACY, STUDENT ACHEIVEMENT & DISADVANTAGE … cont -Development of templates which can be used by TL’s to collect, record and write up evidence of positive impacts on student outcomes.
TL’s AND LEADERSHIP IN E-LEARNING -Familiarize ourselves with the publication `What a teacher-librarian can do for you’ -Build on your role as TL by being a positive force of leadership and innovation within the school community, including parents. (EG: AEU states TL has role in digital literacy)
TL’s AND LEADERSHIP IN E-LEARNING … cont -Highlight the role of the TL by providing community programmes in school & local libraries where students can demonstrate ICT in their learning. -SLAV is approaching VITTA to conduct `Apps’ PD for TL’s.
TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT -Investigate on-line modules for TL’s and Library Technicians to enhance training/skills opportunities. SLAV aspiring to: Increase the number of accredited teacher-librarian courses across Australia. Develop partnerships with Skills Council to influence both content & uptake of TL & Lib Tech qualifications. Work with AusVELS to investigate the new professional learning opportunities for Victorian TL’s.
WORKFORCE DATA & THE ROLE OF THE TL -In collaboration with SLAV branches and individual schools collect data and prepare a workforce analysis within Victoria.
ADVOCACY -Promote the role of the TLs and school libraries in the broader community by partnering with local libraries. -TLs to promote their role within schools with guidance from `Being Indispensable’(Synergy). -TLs to run PD in their school & local community on social media.
ADVOCACY … continued -TLs to become an advocate for ownership of ICT systems such as Ultranet, social media or online learning platforms in schools. -TLs to take ownership of Inquiry Learning and the VCE Extended Investigation Unit by providing support / resources / mentoring to teachers.
ADVOCACY … continued -Write an article about the opportunities involved in the VCE and AUSVELS areas for TLs (Seek out a TL to write) -Approach David Howes, VCAA to express SLAV’s capability for providing resources for the Extended Investigation Unit.
SCHOOL LIBRARIES & COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS -Encourage branches to develop networks with local libraries, community organisations such as senior or multicultural groups. -Encourage students to take out local library, SLV membership.
SCHOOL LIBRARIES & COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS -Promote and support partnerships that encourage participation in the National Year of Reading initiative. -Branches to consider holding their meetings in local libraries and/or bookshops.
Contact: Eileen Cooney KILLESTER COLLEGE LIBRARY 433 Springvale Road SPRINGVALE, VIC 3171. PH: 9547-5000 EMAIL: ecooney@killester.catholic.edu.au TWITTER: @eileen_cooney