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Bullying. This is a presentation on how bullying affects us around us and how we can act against it… Made by Nick Kounalis and George Tzanakis .
Bullying.. This is a presentation on how bullying affects us around us and how we can act against it… Made by Nick Kounalis and George Tzanakis.
Now we always talk about bullying.. What is bullying:Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the tendency to be repeated, over time. Both kids who are bullied and who bully others may have serious lasting problems… • Now… in order to be considered bullied, the behavior must be aggressive, and in most cases involves: • An Imbalance of Power: Kids who bully use their power—such as physical strength, access to personal embarrassing information, or popularity—to control or harm others. Power imbalances can change over time and in different situations, even if they involve the same people. • Repetition: Bullying behaviors happen more than once , or have the tendency to happen more than once. What is bullying?
There are many roles that kids can play. Kids can bully others, they can be bullied, or they may witness bullying. When kids are involved in bullying, they often play more than one role. Sometimes kids may both be bullied and bully others or they may witness other kids being bullied. It is important to understand the multiple roles kids play in order to effectively prevent and respond to bullying. How bullying affects us at schools..
In most cases, bullies have social problems and they cannot keep their position in the social hierarchy • As a result, they are resorting to kids with the same problem, but lower in the social hierarchy, just because they cannot impose to anyone else.. • Another reason for a bully to act, is because he has been taught to act this way…..
In addition, a kid that has been bullied once, or repeatedly, usually has a low level of confidence.. • And that’s the reason he allows it to happen.(Confidence: trust in your own power-beliefs)…Also, a kid may be bullied because of his insecurity, and we mean with his tendency to seem weak, helpless.. • Another but one of the most important reason is the PEER Pressure…As a result, bullied kids get a psychological trauma, and when they can’t find a way out, we can see their choice at newspaper’s frontlines
Finally , eye- witnesses are usually afraid to react and in most cases feel just like the victim…They are afraid to talk, because there’s always that fear of getting bullied too…As a result, for both persons ( victim-witness), they get a psychological trauma…
A very drastic way to stop bullying, is to encourage the kid, not to be afraid to talk, about what happened to them, or even what they saw, via seminars… This way kids won’t feel so lonely, and they will see that someone cares…. • Also, we can encourage them to take part in hobbies they like. Kids can volunteer, play sports, sing in a chorus, or join a youth group or school club. These activities give kids a chance to have fun and meet others with the same interests. They can build confidence and friendships that help protect kids from bullying. • Furthermore, one (not so rare) reason that we forgot to mention about bullies’ actions, is that they feel so lonely, that they “burst” against innocent victims…When the only thing that they really need… is A FRIEND who can change the whole situation… How we can act and stop bullying
The conclusion is… • Stop Bullying immediately… Everyone can do it but also everyone can prevent it…!!! • You can act…. • You can bully the bullying, just by preventing it! SAY NO TO BULLYING!