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the verbs “to know”

the verbs “to know”. Wiederholung. What does “ kennen ” mean? to know (be familiar with) What kind of verb is it? Regular ich kenne wir kennen du kennst ihr kennt er / es / sie kennt sie / Sie kennen. There are two verbs meaning “to know”. kennen and wissen

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the verbs “to know”

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  1. the verbs “to know”

  2. Wiederholung • What does “kennen” mean? • to know (be familiar with) • What kind of verb is it? • Regular • ichkennewirkennen • du kennstihrkennt • er/es/siekenntsie/Siekennen

  3. There are two verbs meaning “to know” • kennen and wissen • While kennen is regular. Wissen is irregular and works like a modal verb • The ich, and the er/sie/es forms are THE SAME! • ichweißwirwissen • du weißtihrwisst • er/sie/esweißsie/Siewissen

  4. What’s the difference? • Kennen is used for people and general knowledge (familiar with) • I know Ashley. • I know the store. • I know the school. • Wissen is used when you know a fact, without a doubt! It will usually be followed with a clause. • I know how old Ashley is. • I know where the store is. • I know where the school is.

  5. Practice with wissen. • Fill in the blanks with the correct form of wissen. • Ich _________, wo das Kaufhausliegt. • ________ du, wievielSchüleresgibt? • Joe _______, um wievielUhr die Schulebeginnt. • _______ ihr, wannsievorbeikommenwerden? • ________ Sie Herr Williams, woichwohne? • Du _________, wirwohnen in derStadt. • Dakota ________, wo dieses Buchist.

  6. Kennen or Wissen? • Would you use “kennen” or “wissen” to say the following sentences in German? • I know Frau King’s birthday. • wissen • I know Brent. • kennen • I know when school starts. • wissen • I know how many students there are in my class. • wissen • I know some of the students in my class. • kennen

  7. Kennen vs. Wissen cont. • I know what they’re doing tomorrow. • wissen • I know Ilayda very well. • kennen • He knows how old I am. • wissen • They know where Brianna is. • wissen • Do y’all know what time they’re coming over? • wissen • Do we know the teacher? • kennen

  8. Üben • Im Buch auf Seite 210 Ü14 • 14 – Decide whether the statement calls for the use of kennen or wissen. Then conjugate the verb correctly.

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