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Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ . Èãå×ã_éoÂB ãÌð¨å×éxÂB áÌãÆ ãÐðäÃÂCãQ âlåÒâ®áB. I seek refuge in Allah from the rejected Shaitan. ãÈ×ãcáäoÂB ãÌÇåcáäoÂB ãÐÃÂB ãÈåtãQ. In the name of Allah, the Beneficient, the Merciful. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ .

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  1. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ Èãå×ã_éoÂB ãÌð¨å×éxÂB áÌãÆ ãÐðäÃÂCãQ âlåÒâ®áB I seek refuge in Allah from the rejected Shaitan ãÈ×ãcáäoÂB ãÌÇåcáäoÂB ãÐÃÂB ãÈåtãQ In the name of Allah, the Beneficient, the Merciful Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  2. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ áPCáXã¾ åÈâ¿âÊCáÇåÖáF åYá¿áÃáÆ CáÆ áäÙãH ACátãäËÂB áÌãÆ âVCáËá|ådâÇåÂBáÑåBÒâ³áXåRáW ÉáF åÈâ¿ãÂál ABánáÑ CáäÆ Èâ¿á áäÄãcâFáÑ åÈâ¿å×áÃá® ãÐäÃÂBáÌ×ãdã¶CátâÆ áoå×á² áÌ×ãËã|ådâäÆ Èâ¿ãÂBáÒåÆáGãQ [4:24] And all married women except those whom your right hands possess (this is) Allah's ordinance to you, and lawful for you are (all women) besides those, provided that you seek (them) with your property, taking (them) in marriage not committing fornication. Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  3. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ æUá£ÖãoᶠáäÌâÎánÒâ_âF áäÌâÎÒâWEᶠáäÌâÏåËãÆ ãÐãQ ÈâXå¯áXåÇáXåsB CáÇᶠãUá£Öãoá·åÂB ãkå¯áQ ÌãÆ ãÐãQ ÈâXå×á¢BáoáW CáÇ×㶠åÈâ¿å×áÃá® ábCáËâ_ áÙáÑ ý24þ CæÇ×ã¿ác CæÇ×ãÃá® áÉCá¾ áÐäÃÂB áäÉãH Then as to those whom you profit by, give them their dowries as appointed; and there is no blame on you about what you mutually agree after what is appointed; surely Allah is Knowing, Wise. Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  4. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ ãVCáËá|ådâÇåÂB áeã¿ËáÖ ÉáF æÙåÒᦠåÈâ¿ËãÆ å°ã§áXåtáÖ åÈáä ÌáÆáÑâÈâ¿ãWCá×áXᶠÌãäÆ Èâ¿âÊCáÇåÖáF åYá¿áÃáÆ CãäÆ ÌãÇᶠãVCáËãÆåKâÇåÂB èãVCáËãÆåKâÇåÂB [4:25] And whoever among you has not within his power ampleness of means to marry free believing women, then (he may marry) of those whom your right hands possess from among your believing maidens; Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  5. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ áäÌâÎÒâdã¿ÊCᶠ¤å¯áQ ÌãäÆ Èâ¿â£å¯áQ åÈâ¿ãÊCáÇÖãIãQ âÈáÃå®áF âÐäÃÂBáÑ èVCáËá|ådâÆ ãµÑâoå¯áÇåÂCãQ áäÌâÎánÒâ_âF áäÌâÎÒâWDáÑ áäÌãÏãÃåÎáF ãÉålãIãQ áäÌã|åcâF BálãIᶠèÉBákågáF ãVBámãháäXâÆ áÙáÑ èVCádã¶CátâÆ áoå×á² and Allah knows best your faith: you are (sprung) the one from the other; so marry them with the permission of their masters, and give them their dowries justly, they being chaste, not fornicating, nor receiving paramours; and when they are taken in marriage, Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  6. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ ãVCáËá|ådâÇåÂB ÔáÃá® CáÆ â¸å|ãÊ áäÌãÏå×áÃá¯á¶ èUáxãcCá·ãQ áÌå×áWáF åÉãIᶠåBÑâoãRå|áW ÉáFáÑ åÈâ¿åËãÆ áYáËá¯åÂB áØãxág åÌáÇã áÀãÂál ãPBámá¯åÂB áÌãÆ ý25þ çÈ×ãcáän çnÒâ·á² âÐäÃÂBáÑ åÈâ¿áä çoå×ág then if they are guilty of indecency, they shall suffer half the punishment which is (inflicted) upon free women. This is for him among you who fears falling into evil; and that you abstain is better for you, and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  7. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ åÈâ¿ãÃåRẠÌãÆ áÌÖãmáäÂB áÌáËâs åÈâ¿áÖãkåÏáÖáÑ åÈâ¿á áÌãä×áRâ×ã âÐäÃÂB âkÖãoâÖý26þ çÈ×ã¿ác çÈ×ãÃá® âÐäÃÂBáÑ åÈâ¿å×áÃá® áPÒâXáÖáÑ [4:26] Allah desires to explain to you, and to guide you into the ways of those before you, and to turn to you (mercifully), and Allah is Knowing, Wise. Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  8. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ áÉÒâ¯ãRáäXáÖ áÌÖãmáäÂB âkÖãoâÖáÑ åÈâ¿å×áÃá® áPÒâXáÖ ÉáF âkÖãoâÖ âÐäÃÂBáÑý27þ CæÇ×ã«á® æÚå×áÆ åBÒâÃ×ãÇáW ÉáF ãVBáÒáÏáäxÂBý28þ Cæ·×ã¯á¢ âÉCátÊãßB á¼ãÃâgáÑ åÈâ¿Ëá® á¸ãä·áhâÖ ÉáF âÐäÃÂB âkÖãoâÖ [4:27] And Allah desires that He should turn to you (mercifully), and those who follow (their) lusts desire that you should deviate (with) a great deviation.[4:28] Allah desires that He should make light your burdens, and man is created weak. Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  9. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ åÈâ¿áËå×áQ åÈâ¿áÂBáÒåÆáF åBÒâÃâ¾åGáW áÙ åBÒâËáÆD áÌÖãmáäÂB CáÏâäÖáF CáÖåBÒâÃâXå»áW áÙáÑ åÈâ¿ËãäÆ è¡BáoáW Ìá® æTánCá`ãW áÉÒâ¿áW ÉáF áäÙãH ãÄã¦CáRåÂCãQý29þ CæÇ×ãcán åÈâ¿ãQ áÉCá¾ áÐäÃÂB áäÉãH åÈâ¿átâ·ÊáF [4:29] O you who believe! do not devour your property among yourselves falsely, except that it be trading by your mutual consent; and do not kill your people; surely Allah is Merciful to you. Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  10. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ áÉCá¾áÑ BænCáÊ ãÐ×ãÃå|âÊ áµåÒátᶠCæÇåÃâªáÑ CæÊBáÑåkâ® áÀãÂál åÄá¯å·áÖ ÌáÆáÑý30þ Bæo×ãtáÖ ãÐäÃÂB ÔáÃá® áÀãÂálåÈâ¿ãWCáNãä×ás åÈâ¿Ëá® åoãä·á¿âÊ âÐåËá® áÉåÒáÏåËâW CáÆ áoãMEáRá¾ åBÒâRãËáXå`áW ÉãHý31þ CæÇÖãoá¾ æÚágåkâäÆ Èâ¿åÃãgåkâÊáÑ [4:30] And whoever does this aggressively and unjustly, We will soon cast him into fire; and this is easy to Allah.[4:31] If you shun the great sins which you are forbidden, We will do away with your small sins and cause you to enter an honorable place of entering. Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  11. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ ãÁCá_ãäoÃãä è¤å¯áQ ÔáÃá® åÈâ¿á£å¯áQ ãÐãQ âÐäÃÂB áÄáä£á¶ CáÆ åBåÒáäËáÇáXáW áÙáÑåBÒâÂáGåsBáÑ áÌåRátáXå¾B CáäÇãäÆ çS×ã|áÊ ACátãäËÃãÂáÑ åBÒâRátáXå¾B CáäÇãäÆ çS×ã|áÊý32þ CæÇ×ãÃá® èAåØáw ãäÄâ¿ãQ áÉCá¾ áÐäÃÂB áäÉãH ãÐãÃå£á¶ ÌãÆ áÐäÃÂB [4:32] And do not covet that by which Allah has made some of you excel others; men shall have the benefit of what they earn and women shall have the benefit of what they earn; and ask Allah of His grace; surely Allah knows all things. Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  12. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ áÉÒâQáoåºáÛBáÑ ãÉBákãÂBáÒåÂB á½áoáW CáäÇãÆ áØãÂBáÒáÆ CáËåÃá¯á_ èäÄâ¿ãÂáÑáÐäÃÂB áäÉãH åÈâÏáR×ã|áÊ åÈâÎÒâWEᶠåÈâ¿âÊCáÇåÖáF åVáká»á® áÌÖãmáäÂBáÑý33þ Bæk×ãÏáw èAåØáw ãäÄâ¾ ÔáÃá® áÉCá¾ [4:33] And to every one We have appointed heirs of what parents and near relatives leave; and as to those with whom your rights hands have ratified agreements, give them their portion; surely Allah is a witness over all things. Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  13. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ åÈâÏá£å¯áQ âÐäÃÂB áÄáä£á¶ CáÇãQ ACátãäËÂB ÔáÃá® áÉÒâÆBáäÒẠâÁCá_ãäoÂBçVCáXãÊCẠâVCádãÂCáä|ÂCᶠåÈãÏãÂBáÒåÆáF åÌãÆ åBÒâ»á·ÊáF CáÇãQáÑ è¤å¯áQ ÔáÃá®âÐäÃÂB á¬ã·ác CáÇãQ ãSå×á³åÃãä çVCá«ã¶Các [4:34] Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  14. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ áäÌâÎÑâoâ`åÎBáÑ áäÌâÎÒâ«ã¯á¶ áäÌâÎápÒâxâÊ áÉÒâ¶CáháW ØãWáäÚÂBáÑ åBÒâ³åRáW áÚᶠåÈâ¿áËå¯á¦áF åÉãIᶠáäÌâÎÒâQãoå¢BáÑ ã°ã_Cá£áÇåÂB Ø㶠ý34þ Bæo×ãRá¾ Cæä×ãÃá® áÉCá¾ áÐäÃÂB áäÉãH æÚ×ãRás áäÌãÏå×áÃá® and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great. Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  15. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ ãÐãÃåÎáF åÌãäÆ CæÇá¿ác åBÒâ\á¯åQCᶠCáÇãÏãËå×áQ á¹Cá»ãw åÈâXå·ãg åÉãHáÑCáÇâÏáËå×áQ âÐäÃÂB ã¼ãä¶áÒâÖ CæcáÚå{ãH BákÖãoâÖ ÉãH CáÏãÃåÎáF åÌãäÆ CæÇá¿ácáÑý35þ Bæo×ãRág CæÇ×ãÃá® áÉCá¾ áÐäÃÂB áäÉãH [4:35] And if you fear a breach between the two, then appoint judge from his people and a judge from her people; if they both desire agreement, Allah will effect harmony between them, surely Allah is Knowing, Aware. Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  16. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ CæÊCátåcãH ãÌåÖákãÂBáÒåÂCãQáÑ CæNå×áw ãÐãQ åBÒâ¾ãoåxâW áÙáÑ áÐäÃÂB åBÑâkâRå®BáÑÔáQåoâ»åÂB Õãl ãnCá`åÂBáÑ ãÌ×ã¾CátáÇåÂBáÑ ÔáÆCáXá×åÂBáÑ ÔáQåoâ»åÂB ÕãmãQáÑ [4:36] And serve Allah and do not associate any thing with Him and be good to the parents and to the near of kin and the orphans and the needy and the neighbor of (your) kin and the alien neighbor, Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  17. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ ãÄ×ãRáätÂB ãÌåQBáÑ ãSËá`ÂCãQ ãSãcCáä|ÂBáÑ ãSâËâ`åÂB ãnCá`åÂBáÑáÉCá¾ ÌáÆ âäSãdâÖ áÙ áÐäÃÂB áäÉãH åÈâ¿âÊCáÇåÖáF åYá¿áÃáÆ CáÆáÑ ý36þ BænÒâhᶠæÙCáXåhâÆ and the companion in a journey and the wayfarer and those whom your right hands possess; surely Allah does not love him who is proud, boastful; Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  18. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ áÉÒâÇâXå¿áÖáÑ ãÄåhâRåÂCãQ árCáäËÂB áÉÑâoâÆåGáÖáÑ áÉÒâÃáhåRáÖ áÌÖãmáäÂBCæQBámá® áÌÖãoã¶Cá¿åÃã CáÊåkáXå®áFáÑ ãÐãÃå£á¶ ÌãÆ âÐäÃÂB âÈâÎCáWD CáÆý37þ CæË×ãÏâäÆ [4:37] Those who are niggardly and bid people to be niggardly and hide what Allah has given them out of His grace; and We have prepared for the unbelievers a disgraceful chastisement. Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  19. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ áÉÒâËãÆåKâÖ áÙáÑ ãrCáäËÂB AC~áMãn åÈâÏáÂBáÒåÆáF áÉÒâ»ã·ËâÖ áÌÖãmáäÂBáÑCæËÖãoẠâÐá âÉCá§å×áäxÂB ãÌâ¿áÖ ÌáÆáÑ ãoãgÝB ãÅåÒá×åÂCãQ áÙáÑ ãÐäÃÂCãQý38þ CæËÖão㺠ACátᶠ[4:38] And those who spend their property (in alms) to be seen of the people and do not believe in Allah nor in the last day; and as for him whose associate is the Shaitan, an evil associate is he! Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  20. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ åBÒâ»á·ÊáFáÑ ãoãgÝB ãÅåÒá×åÂBáÑ ãÐäÃÂCãQ åBÒâËáÆD åÒá åÈãÏå×áÃá® BálCáÆáÑý39þ CæÇ×ãÃá® ÈãÏãQ âÐäÃÂB áÉCá¾áÑ âÐäÃÂB âÈâÏáºápán CáäÇãÆ [4:39] And what (harm) would it have done them if they had believed in Allah and the last day and spent (benevolently) of what Allah had given them? And Allah knows them. Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  21. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ CáÏå·ã®Cá£âÖ æUáËátác âÀáW ÉãHáÑ èTáänál áÁCá»å\ãÆ âÈãÃå«áÖ áÙ áÐäÃÂB áäÉãHý40þ CæÇ×ã«á® Bæoå_áF âÐåÊâkáä ÌãÆ ãVåKâÖáÑÔáÃá® áÀãQ CáËåNã_áÑ èk×ãÏáxãQ èUáäÆF ãäÄâ¾ ÌãÆ CáËåNã_ BálãH á¸å×á¿á¶ý41þ Bæk×ãÏáw AÙâK~áÎ [4:40] Surely Allah does not do injustice to the weight of an atom, and if it is a good deed He multiplies it and gives from Himself a great reward.[4:41] How will it be, then, when We bring from every people a witness and bring you as a witness against these? Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  22. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ ÓáäÒátâW åÒá áÁÒâsáäoÂB åBâÒá|á®áÑ åBÑâoá·á¾ áÌÖãmáäÂB âäjáÒáÖ èmãNáÆåÒáÖý42þ Cæ\Öãkác áÐäÃÂB áÉÒâÇâXå¿áÖ áÙáÑ â¡ånáÛB âÈãÏãQ [4:42] On that day will those who disbelieve and disobey the Messenger desire that the earth were levelled with them, and they shall not hide any word from Allah. Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  23. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ ÓánCá¿âs åÈâXÊáFáÑ áTáÚáä|ÂB åBÒâQáoå»áW áÙ åBÒâËáÆD áÌÖãmáäÂB CáÏâäÖáF CáÖèÄ×ãRás ÕãoãQCá® áäÙãH CæRâËâ_ áÙáÑ áÉÒâÂÒâ»áW CáÆ åBÒâÇáÃå¯áW áÔáäXácèoá·ás ÔáÃá® åÑáF Ôá¢åoáäÆ ÈâXËâ¾ ÉãHáÑ åBÒâÃãtáXå³áW áÔáäXác [4:43] O you who believe! do not go near prayer when you are Intoxicated until you know (well) what you say, nor when you are under an obligation to perform a bath-- unless (you are) travelling on the road-- until you have washed yourselves; and if you are sick, or on a journey, Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  24. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ åÈáÃᶠACátãäËÂB âÈâXåtáÆáÙ åÑáF ã¨ãMEá³åÂB ÌãäÆ Èâ¿ËãäÆ çkácáF ACá_ åÑáF åÈâ¿ãÎÒâ_âÒãQ åBÒâdátåÆCᶠCæRãä×ᦠBæk×ã¯á{ åBÒâÇáäÇá×áXᶠACáÆ åBÑâkã`áW ý43þ BænÒâ·á² BæäÒâ·á® áÉCá¾ áÐäÃÂB áäÉãH åÈâ¿ÖãkåÖáFáÑ or one of you come from the privy or you have touched the women, and you cannot find water, betake yourselves to pure earth, then wipe your faces and your hands; surely Allah is Pardoning, Forgiving. Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  25. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ áÉÑâoáXåxáÖ ãPCáXã¿åÂB áÌãäÆ CæR×ã|áÊ åBÒâWÑâF áÌÖãmáäÂB ÔáÂãH áoáW åÈáÂáFý44þ áÄ×ãRáätÂB åBÒâäÃã£áW ÉáF áÉÑâkÖãoâÖáÑ áUáÂáÚáä£ÂBãÐäÃÂCãQ Ôá·á¾áÑ Cæä×ãÂáÑ ãÐäÃÂCãQ Ôá·á¾áÑ åÈâ¿ãMBákå®áGãQ âÈáÃå®áF âÐäÃÂBáÑý45þ Bæo×ã|áÊ [4:44] Have you not considered those to whom a portion of the Book has been given? They buy error and desire that you should go astray from the way.[4:45] And Allah best knows your enemies; and Allah suffices as a Guardian, and Allah suffices as a Helper. Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  26. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ áÉÒâÂÒâ»áÖáÑ ãÐã¯ã¢BáÒáäÆ Ìá® áÈãÃá¿åÂB áÉÒâ¶ãäoádâÖ åBÑâjCáÎ áÌÖãmáäÂB áÌãäÆåÈãÏãXáËãtåÂáGãQ Cæä×á CáËã®BánáÑ è°áÇåtâÆ áoå×á² å°áÇåsBáÑ CáËå×á|á®áÑ CáËå¯ãÇásãÌÖãäkÂB Ø㶠CæËå¯á¦áÑ [4:46] Of those who are Jews (there are those who) alter words from their places and say: We have heard and we disobey and: Hear, may you not be made to hear! and: Raina, distorting (the word) with their tongues and taunting about religion; Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  27. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ áÉCá¿á CáÊåoâ«ÊBáÑ å°áÇåsBáÑ CáËå¯á¦áFáÑ CáËå¯ãÇás åBÒâÂCẠåÈâÏáäÊáF åÒáÂáÑ áÉÒâËãÆåKâÖ áÚᶠåÈãÎãoå·â¿ãQ âÐäÃÂB âÈâÏáËá¯áä Ìã¿áÂáÑ áÅáÒåºáFáÑ åÈâÏáä Bæoå×ág ý46þ æÚ×ãÃẠáäÙãH and if they had said (instead): We have heard and we obey, and hearken, and unzurna it would have been better for them and more upright; but Allah has cursed them on account of their unbelief, so they do not believe but a little. Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  28. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ Cæºãäká|âÆ CáËåÂáäqáÊ CáÇãQ åBÒâËãÆD áPCáXã¿åÂB åBÒâWÑâF áÌÖãmáäÂB CáÏâäÖáF CáÖCáÎáäjâoáËᶠCæÎÒâ_âÑ áuãÇå§áäÊ ÉáF ãÄåRẠÌãäÆ Èâ¿á¯áÆ CáÇãäÂãYåRáätÂB áPCádå{áF CáäËá¯á CáÇá¾ åÈâÏáËá¯åÃáÊ åÑáF CáÎãnCáQåjáF ÔáÃá® ý47þ æÙÒâ¯å·áÆ ãÐäÃÂB âoåÆáF áÉCá¾áÑ [4:47] O you who have been given the Book! believe that which We have revealed, verifying what you have, before We alter faces then turn them on their backs, or curse them as We cursed the violaters of the Sabbath, and the command of Allah shall be executed. Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  29. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ áÀãÂál áÉÑâj CáÆ âoã·å³áÖáÑ ãÐãQ á½áoåxâÖ ÉáF âoã·å³áÖ áÙ áÐäÃÂB áäÉãHÓáoáXå¶B ãká»á¶ ãÐäÃÂCãQ å½ãoåxâÖ ÌáÆáÑ ACáxáÖ ÌáÇã ý48þ CæÇ×ã«á® CæÇå[ãH [4:48] Surely Allah does not forgive that anything should be associated with Him, and forgives what is besides that to whomsoever He pleases; and whoever associates anything with Allah, he devises indeed a great sin. Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  30. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ Øãä¾áqâÖ âÐäÃÂB ãÄáQ åÈâÏátâ·ÊáF áÉÒâä¾áqâÖ áÌÖãmáäÂB ÔáÂãH áoáW åÈáÂáFý49þ æÚ×ãXᶠáÉÒâÇáÃå«âÖ áÙáÑ ACáxáÖ ÌáÆCæË×ãRâäÆ CæÇå[ãH ãÐãQ Ôá·á¾áÑ áPãmá¿ÂB ãÐäÃÂB ÔáÃá® áÉÑâoáXå·áÖ á¸×á¾ åoâ«ÊBý50þ [4:49] Have you not considered those who attribute purity to themselves? Nay, Allah purifies whom He pleases; and they shall not be wronged the husk of a date stone.[4:50] See how they forge the lie against Allah, and this is sufficient as a manifest sin. Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  31. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ áÉÒâËãÆåKâÖ ãPCáXã¿åÂB áÌãäÆ CæR×ã|áÊ åBÒâWÑâF áÌÖãmáäÂB ÔáÂãH áoáW åÈáÂáFÓákåÎáF AÙâKáÎ åBÑâoá·á¾ áÌÖãmáäÃã áÉÒâÂÒâ»áÖáÑ ãVÒâ²Cáä§ÂBáÑ ãYåRã`åÂCãQý51þ æÚ×ãRás åBÒâËáÆD áÌÖãmáäÂB áÌãÆ [4:51] Have you not seen those to whom a portion of the Book has been given? They believe in idols and false deities and say of those who disbelieve: These are better guided in the path than those who believe. Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  32. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ ákã`áW ÌáÃᶠâÐäÃÂB ãÌá¯åÃáÖ ÌáÆáÑ âÐäÃÂB âÈâÏáËá¯á áÌÖãmáäÂB áÀãN~áÂåÑâFý52þ Bæo×ã|áÊ âÐáÂáäÙ BælãIᶠãÀåÃâÇåÂB áÌãäÆ çS×ã|áÊ åÈâÏá åÅáFý53þ Bæo×ã»áÊ árCáäËÂB áÉÒâWåKâÖ [4:52] Those are they whom Allah has cursed, and whomever Allah curses you shall not find any helper for him.[4:53] Or have they a share in the kingdom? But then they would not give to people even the speck in the date stone. Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  33. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ åká»á¶ ãÐãÃå£á¶ ÌãÆ âÐäÃÂB âÈâÎCáWD CáÆ ÔáÃá® árCáäËÂB áÉÑâkâtådáÖ åÅáFCæ¿åÃâäÆ ÈâÎCáËå×áWDáÑ áUáÇå¿ãdåÂBáÑ áPCáXã¿åÂB áÈ×ãÎBáoåQãH áÁD CáËå×áWDý54þ CæÇ×ã«á® [4:54] Or do they envy the people for what Allah has given them of His grace? But indeed We have given to Ibrahim's children the Book and the wisdom, and We have given them a grand kingdom. Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  34. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ áÈáäËáÏá`ãQ Ôá·á¾áÑ âÐåËá® áäká{ ÌáäÆ ÈâÏåËãÆáÑ ãÐãQ áÌáÆD åÌáäÆ ÈâÏåËãÇá¶ý55þ Bæo×ã¯ás [4:55] So of them is he who believes in him, and of them is he who turns away from him, and hell is sufficient to burn. Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  35. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ CáÇáäÃâ¾ BænCáÊ åÈãÏ×ãÃå|âÊ áµåÒás CáËãWCáÖEãQ åBÑâoá·á¾ áÌÖãmáäÂB áäÉãHáPBámá¯åÂB åBÒâºÑâmá×ã CáÎáoå×á² BæjÒâÃâ_ åÈâÎCáËåÂáäkáQ åÈâÎâjÒâÃâ_ åYá`ã£áÊý56þ CæÇ×ã¿ác BæqÖãqá® áÉCá¾ áÐäÃÂB áäÉãH [4:56] (As for) those who disbelieve in Our communications, We shall make them enter fire; so oft as their skins are thoroughly burned, We will change them for other skins, that they may taste the chastisement; surely Allah is Mighty, Wise. Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  36. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ èVCáäËá_ åÈâÏâÃãgåkâËás ãVCádãÂCáä|ÂB åBÒâÃãÇá®áÑ åBÒâËáÆD áÌÖãmáäÂBáÑCáÏ×㶠åÈâÏáä BækáQáF CáÏ×㶠áÌÖãkãÂCág ânCáÏåÊáÛB CáÏãXådáW ÌãÆ Õãoå`áWý57þ æÚ×ãÃ᪠æäÚ~㪠åÈâÏâÃãgåkâÊáÑ çTáoáäÏá§âäÆ ç^BáÑåpáF [4:57] And (as for) those who believe and do good deeds, We will make them enter gardens beneath which rivers flow, to abide in them for ever; they shall have therein pure mates, and We shall make them enter a dense shade. Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  37. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ BálãHáÑ CáÏãÃåÎáF ÔáÂãH ãVCáÊCáÆáÛB åBÑâäjKâW ÉáF åÈâ¾âoâÆåGáÖ áÐäÃÂB áäÉãHCáäÇã¯ãÊ áÐäÃÂB áäÉãH ãÁåká¯åÂCãQ åBÒâÇâ¿ådáW ÉáF ãrCáäËÂB áÌå×áQ ÈâXåÇá¿ácý58þ Bæo×ã|áQ Cæ¯×ãÇás áÉCá¾ áÐäÃÂB áäÉãH ãÐãQ Èâ¿â«ã¯áÖ [4:58] Surely Allah commands you to make over trusts to their owners and that when you judge between people you judge with justice; surely Allah admonishes you with what is excellent; surely Allah is Seeing, Hearing. Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  38. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ áÁÒâsáäoÂB åBÒâ¯×ã¦áFáÑ áÐäÃÂB åBÒâ¯×ã¦áF åBÒâËáÆD áÌÖãmáäÂB CáÏâäÖáF CáÖÔáÂãH âÍÑâäjâoᶠèAåØáw Ø㶠åÈâXå®ápCáËáW ÉãIᶠåÈâ¿ËãÆ ãoåÆáÛB ØãÂåÑâFáÑãoãgÝB ãÅåÒá×åÂBáÑ ãÐäÃÂCãQ áÉÒâËãÆåKâW åÈâXËâ¾ ÉãH ãÁÒâsáäoÂBáÑ ãÐäÃÂBý59þ æÚÖãÑåGáW âÌátåcáFáÑ çoå×ág áÀãÂál [4:59] O you who believe! obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority from among you; then if you quarrel about anything, refer it to Allah and the Messenger, if you believe in Allah and the last day; this is better and very good in the end. Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  39. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ áÁãqÊâF CáÇãQ åBÒâËáÆD åÈâÏáäÊáF áÉÒâÇâ®åqáÖ áÌÖãmáäÂB ÔáÂãH áoáW åÈáÂáFÔáÂãH åBÒâÇá¾CádáXáÖ ÉáF áÉÑâkÖãoâÖ áÀãÃåRẠÌãÆ áÁãqÊâF CáÆáÑ áÀå×áÂãHâÉCá§å×áäxÂB âkÖãoâÖáÑ ãÐãQ åBÑâoâ·å¿áÖ ÉáF åBÑâoãÆâF åkáºáÑ ãVÒâ²Cáä§ÂBý60þ Bæk×ã¯áQ æÙáÚᢠåÈâÏáäÃã£âÖ ÉáF [4:60] Have you not seen those who assert that they believe in what has been revealed to you and what was revealed before you? They desire to summon one another to the judgment of the Shaitan, though they were commanded to deny him, and the Shaitan desires to lead them astray into a remote error. Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  40. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ ãÁÒâsáäoÂB ÔáÂãHáÑ âÐäÃÂB áÁáqÊáF CáÆ ÔáÂãH åBåÒáÂCá¯áW åÈâÏá áÄ×㺠BálãHáÑý61þ BæjÑâkâ{ áÀËá® áÉÑâäkâ|áÖ áÌ×ã»ã¶CáËâÇåÂB áYåÖáFán [4:61] And when it is said to them: Come to what Allah has revealed and to the Messenger, you will see the hypocrites turning away from you with (utter) aversion. Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  41. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ áäÈâ[ åÈãÏÖãkåÖáF åYáÆáäkẠCáÇãQ çUáR×ã|âäÆ ÈâÏåXáQCá{áF BálãH á¸å×á¿á¶Cæ»×ã¶åÒáWáÑ CæÊCátåcãH áäÙãH CáÊåjánáF åÉãH ãÐäÃÂCãQ áÉÒâ·ãÃådáÖ á½ÑâJEá_ý62þ [4:62] But how will it be when misfortune befalls them on account of what their hands have sent before? Then they will come to you swearing by Allah: We did not desire (anything) but good and concord. Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  42. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ åÈâÏåËá® å¡ãoå®áGᶠåÈãÏãQÒâÃ⺠Ø㶠CáÆ âÐäÃÂB âÈáÃå¯áÖ áÌÖãmáäÂB áÀãN~áÂÑâFý63þ Cæ³×ãÃáQ æÙåÒẠåÈãÏãtâ·ÊáF Ø㶠åÈâÏáä ÄâºáÑ åÈâÏå«ã®áÑ [4:63] These are they of whom Allah knows what is in their hearts; therefore turn aside from them and admonish them, and speak to them effectual words concerning themselves. Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  43. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ åÈâÏáäÊáF åÒáÂáÑ ãÐäÃÂB ãÉålãIãQ á­Cá§â×ã áäÙãH èÁÒâsáän ÌãÆ CáËåÃásånáF CáÆáÑáoá·å³áXåsBáÑ áÐäÃÂB åBÑâoá·å³áXåsCᶠá½ÑâJEá_ åÈâÏátâ·ÊáF åBÒâÇáÃáäª lãHý64þ CæÇ×ãcáän CæQBáäÒáW áÐäÃÂB åBÑâká_áÒá âÁÒâsáäoÂB âÈâÏá [4:64] And We did not send any messenger but that he should be obeyed by Allah's permission; and had they, when they were unjust to themselves, come to you and asked forgiveness of Allah and the Messenger had (also) asked forgiveness for them, they would have found Allah Oft-returning (to mercy), Merciful. Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  44. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ åÈâÏáËå×áQ áoá`áw CáÇ×㶠á½ÒâÇãä¿ádâÖ áÔáäXác áÉÒâËãÆåKâÖ áÙ áÀãäQánáÑ áÚá¶åBÒâÇãäÃátâÖáÑ áYå×á£áº CáäÇãäÆ Cæ_áoác åÈãÏãtâ·ÊáF Ø㶠åBÑâkã`áÖ áÙ áäÈâ[ý65þ CæÇ×ãÃåtáW [4:65] But no! by your Lord! they do not believe (in reality) until they make you a judge of that which has become a matter of disagreement among them, and then do not find any straitness in their hearts as to what you have decided and submit with entire submission. Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  45. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ åBÒâ_âoågB ãÑáF åÈâ¿átâ·ÊáF åBÒâÃâXåºB ãÉáF åÈãÏå×áÃá® CáËåRáXá¾ CáäÊáF åÒáÂáÑåÈâÏáäÊáF åÒáÂáÑ åÈâÏåËãäÆ çÄ×ãÃẠáäÙãH âÍÒâÃá¯á¶ CáäÆ Èâ¾ãnCáÖãj ÌãÆCæX×ãRå\áW áäkáwáFáÑ åÈâÏáä Bæoå×ág áÉCá¿á ãÐãQ áÉÒâ«á®ÒâÖ CáÆ åBÒâÃá¯á¶ý66þ [4:66] And if We had prescribed for them: Lay down your lives or go forth from your homes, they would not have done it except a few of them; and if they had done what they were admonished, it would have certainly been better for them and best in strengthening (them); Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  46. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ ý67þ CæÇ×ã«á® æBoå_áF C~áäÊâkáä ÌãäÆ ÈâÎCáËå×áWáäÝ æBlãHáÑý68þ CæÇ×ã»áXåtâäÆ Cæ¦Báoã{ åÈâÎCáËåÖákáÏáÂáÑ [4:67] And then We would certainly have given them from Ourselves a great reward.[4:68] And We would certainly have guided them in the right path. Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  47. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ áÈá¯åÊáF áÌÖãmáäÂB á°áÆ áÀãN~áÂåÑâGᶠáÁÒâsáäoÂBáÑ áÐäÃÂB ã°ã§âÖ ÌáÆáÑáÌ×ãdãÂCáä|ÂBáÑ ABákáÏâäxÂBáÑ áÌ×ã»Öãäkãä|ÂBáÑ áÌ×ãä×ãRáäËÂB áÌãäÆ ÈãÏå×áÃá® âÐäÃÂBý69þ Cæ»×ã¶án áÀãN~áÂÑâF áÌâtácáÑ [4:69] And whoever obeys Allah and the Messenger, these are with those upon whom Allah has bestowed favors from among the prophets and the truthful and the martyrs and the good, and a goodly company are they! Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  48. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ ý70þ CæÇ×ãÃá® ãÐäÃÂCãQ Ôá·á¾áÑ ãÐäÃÂB áÌãÆ âÄå£á·åÂB áÀãÂálèVCáRâ[ åBÑâoã·ÊCᶠåÈâ¾ánåmãc åBÑâmâg åBÒâËáÆD áÌÖãmáäÂB CáÏâäÖáF CáÖý71þ Cæ¯×ãÇá_ åBÑâoã·ÊB ãÑáF [4:70] This is grace from Allah, and sufficient is Allah as the Knower.[4:71] O you who believe! take your precaution, then go forth in detachments or go forth in a body. Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  49. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ áÁCẠçUáR×ã|âäÆ Èâ¿åXáQCá{áF åÉãIᶠáäÌáNãä§áRâ×áä ÌáÇá åÈâ¿ËãÆ áäÉãHáÑý72þ Bæk×ãÏáw åÈâÏá¯áäÆ Ìâ¾áF åÈá ålãH áäØáÃá® âÐäÃÂB áÈá¯åÊáF åkẠ[4:72] And surely among you is he who would certainly hang back! If then a misfortune befalls you he says: Surely Allah conferred a benefit on me that I was not present with them. Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  50. Surah 4: An-Nisaa’ åÈâ¿áËå×áQ Ìâ¿áW åÈáä ÉáGá¾ áäÌáÂÒâ»á×á ÐÃÂB áÌãäÆ çÄå£á¶ åÈâ¿áQCá{áF åÌãNáÂáÑCæÇ×ã«á® BæpåÒᶠápÒâ¶áGᶠåÈâÏá¯áÆ âYËâ¾ ØãËáX×á CáÖ çTáäjáÒáÆ âÐáËå×áQáÑý73þ [4:73] And if grace from Allah come to you, he would certainly cry out, as if there had not been any friendship between you and him: Would that I had been with them, then I should have attained a mighty good fortune. Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

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