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CITY OF DOUGLAS 2008 GICH REPORT CITY OF DOUGLAS 2008 GICH REPORT YEAR ONE ACCOMPLISHMENTS Housing survey of target area conducted by the Southeast Georgia RDC Code Enforcement became proactive rather than reactive Established Annual Junk Free Week
CITY OF DOUGLAS 2008 GICH REPORT YEAR ONE ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Housing survey of target area conducted by the Southeast Georgia RDC • Code Enforcement became proactive rather than reactive • Established Annual Junk Free Week • Provided down payment assistance and housing rehabilitation to qualified applicants using CHIP/DCA grant funds • Established a Neighborhood Involvement Program
City of Douglas 2008 GICH Report HOUSING SURVEY • Southeast Georgia RDC received grant funds from DCA to conduct a housing survey of Pearl Avenue/East Cleveland target area. The survey determined owner-occupied units, rental units, income, number in family, age of structure, rent & mortgage amounts, housing needs, type of housing preferred. The survey revealed that there were a total of 228 structures in the target area. Sixty six 66% of the structures were standard; 28% were deteriorated and 6% dilapidated. Two major issues expressed by residents were (1) increasing crime rate and (2) the lack of maintenance of rental property by landlords.
City of Douglas 2008 GICH Report Code Enforcement • Three dilapidated structures were razed and removed through Code Enforcement. • Several property owners notified of code violations opted to bring their property up to minimum code standards rather than appear in court, thus making more decent, safe, and sanitary housing available. There are numerous other code enforcement cases pending ranging from overgrown lots to dilapidated structures.
After Before
Before After
City of Douglas 2008 GICH Report Code Enforcement - Meeting with Landlords • The City of Douglas and Trans Waste began strict enforcement of their policies regarding items they pick up that had been placed by the road. • Landlords or tenants were placing items considered “construction debris” on the street for pick-up and neither the city or Trans Waste were picking it up. This created an eyesore and Code Enforcement received complaints. • The purpose of this meeting was to make the landlords aware of the type of debris the City of Douglas and Trans Waste were responsible for and what was their responsibility.
City of Douglas 2008 GICH Report Housing • Infill housing was constructed throughout the city, including the target area by private developers.
CITY OF DOUGLAS GICH REPORT • Eight homes were rehabbed citywide and seven households received down payment assistance using CDBG/CHIP funds. Also USDA Rural Development funds were used as well. Down Payment Program Down Payment Program
Privaterenovation in North Gaskin Avenue Historic District Before and after photos
Private Renovation Before After
City of Douglas 2008 GICH Report Junk Free Week • City and Trans Waste partnered to implement first Annual Junk Free Week by giving citizens an opportunity to dispose of all types of junk and debris, (excluding tires) at no charge. • Trans Waste provided sway cars and waived tipping fees. • The city provided space for the sway cars and transported the junk/debris to the landfill. • A total of 46.23 tons of debris was collected; $3,581.00 in tipping fees were waived. • This will become an annual event for the month of April.
City of Douglas 2008 GICH Report Neighborhood Involvement Program • NIP was developed to establish a partnership and empower the residences to take an active role in improving their neighborhood. • Using GIS, the city was divided into 11 zones. Neighborhood meetings will be held in each zone. GICH team members and city elected officials are involved in these meetings. • A flyer explaining the purpose of NIP with the meeting location and time is mailed to each residence in the zone. Initially, the primary focus of NIP will be on Code Enforcement and Public Safety. • City Officials and GICH team members will listen to concerns relating to Code Enforcement and Public Safety and address the concerns. • Staff will prepare a report on proposed action plan from NIP. • The first NIP meeting was held on February 19, 2009.
City of Douglas 2008 GICH Report • This concludes our first year report!