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Getting to Know Your Affiliate Add your association name ...

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    1. Getting to Know Your Affiliate (Add your association name) & NAADAC DATE PRESENTERS

    3. NAADAC Is� A National & International Membership Organization for Addiction Professionals Promoting Identity and Development An Advocacy Organization A National & International Credentialing Body

    4. The NAADAC Vision To be the premier global organization of addiction focused professionals who enhance the health and recovery of individuals, families and communities.

    5. The NAADAC Mission To lead, unify and empower addiction focused professionals to achieve excellence through education, advocacy, knowledge, standards of practice, ethics, professional development and research.

    6. Benefits of Membership Subscription to Addiction Professional magazine Subscription to the NAADAC News Nine Free Online CEs Discounts on National Credentials NAADAC publications National Conference Registrations Regional Conferences Workshops 20% Discount on Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services

    7. Benefits of Membership Professional liability insurance and access to legal advice Medical, Dental, Life & Disability Insurance Annual national conference National advocacy for addiction treatment coverage Professional development & career advancement Networking opportunities Toll free access to national staff and informative website Opportunities for leadership and recognition through committees, elected offices and awards programs

    8. Free CE�s Nine (9) FREE online CEs New in 2010 � Six more online FREE CEs Certifications and Endorsements NAADAC members are eligible for a $100 discount in the National Certification Commission (NCC): National Certified Addiction Counselor (NCAC) levels I and II Master Addiction Counselor (MAC) Nicotine Dependent Specialist Credential Adolescent Specialist Endorsement (ASE). Conference and Workshops NAADAC members receive a discount on: NAADAC Sponsored Conferences and workshops NAADAC Products (Basics, Conflict Resolution in Recovery, Recovery Watches, SAP/DOT Qualification Course and New Horizons (MI)/New Innovations) Membership That Pays for Itself

    9. Increase the visibility of your Organization/Agency Free career ad on www.naadac.org Free Organization/Agency listing in a NAADAC publication One complimentary Conference registration (one every two years) 30% discount on NAADAC Education Provider fee New REDUCED fee ($500 for Two Year Membership) Organizational Membership

    10. Access to Affordable: Medical Dental Disability Life Insurance Property Insurance Board of Director�s Liability Agency & Individual Malpractice

    11. National & Regional Conferences Reduced rate for members. Scholarships NAADAC members are eligible for scholarships to NAADAC conferences and seminars.

    12. Current News Advocacy Health Reform Prevention Treatment Education National & State Events FREE to NAADAC Members

    13. DOT/SAP Qualification Earn Nationally recognized Department of Transportation Substance Abuse Professional Qualification & Re-Qualification Course books available at www.naadac.org

    14. Skill-Based Trainings and Certificates Conflict Resolution in Recovery & Relapse Prevention � designed to: Help reduce relapse and sustain recovery of adult and adolescent substance use. Serve as a research-based, empirically-tested, psycho-educational curriculum that is effective and appropriate to use with diverse populations. Provide treatment and training materials for professionals that are easy to use and integrate into existing treatments. Curriculum kits containing Facilitators Guide, Client Workbook and Power Points available at www.naadac.org

    15. Basics of Addiction Counseling: Desk Reference and Study Guide Classic Version New for Fall 2009 Ethics Counseling Skills Pharmacotherapy

    16. NAADAC Branded Member Specialties Support your profession by sporting a NAADAC polo shirt and briefcase. NAADAC Wellness and Recovery Watch with interchangeable support discs

    18. Examples of NAADAC�s Legislative Activity Parity: Historic anti-discrimination law passes in 2008; goes into effect 2010 Health Care Reform: Working to ensure addiction services are required in all health plans and that addiction professionals benefit from new workforce development programs Veterans Issues: NAADAC President delivered oral testimony before Congress on veterans� treatment needs in 2008; Justin Bailey Veterans Substance Use Disorder Prevention & Treatment Act passes 2008

    19. Political Action Committee Enables NAADAC to donate to members of Congress who support addiction professionals and the clients we serve�a unique and irreplaceable advocacy tool Only active addiction-focused national PAC Relies 100% on donations from NAADAC members September 1-30, 2009: Annual PAC Drive! Donate in August and be entered to win prizes!

    20. Benefits for Members Advocacy in Action Conference CE trainings on advocacy Policy briefings Put skills into action by visiting your members of Congress Sept. 2010 with annual conf. E-Advocacy Center Action Alerts on current legislation issues Advocacy updates, town hall alerts and other advocacy efforts

    21. Benefits for Members NAADAC.org/Advocacy Updated briefings, background papers, resources and more Advocacy blog - keep up-to-date on current issues Printed materials Annual �Guide to Addiction Policy� Articles in NAADAC News, Addiction Professional & Others Access to NAADAC staff for any advocacy questions or advice

    22. Technical assistance on state-level advocacy Sept. 14, 1 pm ET: Web-based advocacy training for state affiliates RSVP to daniel@naadac.org or 800.548.0497 x129 Support for affiliate public policy committees, including strategic planning and assistance on starting a public policy committee Use of the e-Advocacy Center for state-level advocacy �Advocacy Handbook for Individuals and Affiliates� to be released Fall 2009 Benefits to Affiliates

    23. Public Policy Committee & PAC Committee PPC: oversight for NAADAC�s government relations activities Are you a NAADAC member who cares deeply about advocating for the profession? NAADAC is accepting self-nominations for the Public Policy Committee. Please visit www.naadac.org/advocacy for more information. Deadline: Sept. 15, 2009 PAC Committee: provides oversight for the PAC Self-nominations always welcome. Contact daniel@naadac.org or 800.548.0497 x129 for more information

    24. 50 NAADAC Affiliates * Strategic Planning * Conference Development * Membership Development *Technical assistance

    25. NAADAC�s Web site

    26. Toll free number to the national office 800.548.0497

    27. Free promotion of state events on the NAADAC Web site and in NAADAC News

    28. NAADAC National Headquarters NAADAC Moved into new Association Offices in August 2007. NAADAC Membership dues were not affected. This investment provides equity for the association and ensures its long-term stability. NAADAC has raised funds for the building. Two long-time supporters of NAADAC, Tom Van Wagner, of Van Wagner Insurance, and Mel Schulstad, the first President of NAADAC, serve as co-chairs of the NAADAC Building Campaign.

    29. Alexandria, VA A building will be more than just bricks and mortar: it will continue to form a foundation for more growth, services and advocacy in the future.

    30. Earn Continuing Education Credits with NAADAC�s Life Long Learning Education & Training NAADAC Life-Long Learning Series Earn Credits Online or at Seminars Low to no Cost Full Program Details at www.naadac.org/learn

    31. Experienced Trainers can tap into a national network Local facilities/groups can find nationally recognized trainers Speakers Bureau

    32. National Awards Annual Awards Recognizing Best Practices and Practitioners in Counseling, Medical & Professional Care

    33. Workforce Development A Workforce Development video, In partnership with NEATTAC, CEATTAC, NATTC, CAADAC, OAADAC, Watershed Treatment AAPNY, SCAADAC & CRC Health Group.

    34. National Scope of Practice NAADAC in collaboration with other stakeholders developed a Scope of Practice specific to: Entry Level (Beginning Counselor/Intern) Level I Counselor (Associates) Level II (Bachelors) Level III (Masters or Above) Visit www.naadac.org and search for �scope of practice�

    35. NASSCC National Addiction Studies & Standards Collaborative Committee (NASSCC) National committee composed of representatives from ATTCs, HBCUs, INCASE, NASADAD & colleges and universities National standardized addiction curriculum at the AA, BA, MA & PhD Nationally recognized Scope of Practice A network colleges & universities in addiction studies for transferability & recognition

    36. Certificate in Spiritual Caregiving to Help Addicted Persons and Families A special certificate program ideally suited for faith leaders that will: enhance the basic knowledge about addiction and its impact on family members including children and youth provide opportunities to learn about treatment and recovery resources in the community enhance skills at recognizing alcohol and drug addiction provide tools and strategies to help children, youth and families living with addicted parents or spouses.

    37. Coming Events Conflict Resolution in Recovery October 1-3, 2009 March 14-16, 2010 Washington, DC U.S. DOT Substance Abuse Professional Seminars March 25-26, 2010 October 21-22, 2010 Washington, DC National Conference on Addiction Disorders September 8-11, 2010 Washington, DC Visit NAADAC�s website for Regional and State Conferences at www.NAADAC.org

    38. For More NAADAC Information 800.548.0497

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