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knowledge and innovation for climate friendly transport in the

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    3. What? The �resund EcoMobility Project aims to increase knowledge and innovation within climate friendly transport in the �resund region. is a Swedish�Danish cross-border initiative. unites universities, companies and authorities (Triple Helix). builds on a unique network of over 40 experts in areas such as cleantech, environmental science, infrastructure, city and transport planning, logistics and supply chain management.

    4. Why? Because the �resund Region is the largest hub in Scandinavia for transport of goods and people by sea, road, air and railway. Efficient and cheap transportation is a key factor for regional growth. However, transportation also accounts for 30% of CO2 emissions in Sweden and 25% in Denmark. �resund EcoMobility will promote innovative solutions that could reduce the negative impact from transport while increasing mobility and accessibility. holds a great deal of competence on sustainable transports, but it is scattered, and there is an increased demand for knowledge from private and public sectors. �resund EcoMobility will gather, create and spread knowledge about climate friendly transportation of goods and people.

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