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Signposts!. Plan of presentation:UWB radars: an introductionUWB radars: typesUWB radars: usages Problems and challengesTalk timing = 20min (talk) 10min (QA). UWB: A brief introduction. Ultra wide bandBW > 20% of central frequency, ORBW > 500 MHzThree types:Impulse UWB radarLFM UWB radarNoise UWB radarRecent FCC regulation.
1. UWB Radars: Possibilities and Problems Dr. Amit Kumar Mishra
Department of ECE
IIT Guwahati
3. UWB: A brief introduction Ultra wide band
BW > 20% of central frequency, OR
BW > 500 MHz
Three types:
Impulse UWB radar
LFM UWB radar
Noise UWB radar
Recent FCC regulation
4. UWB Spectrum FCC ruling permits UWB spectrum overlay
5. Summary of the FCC Rules Significant protection for sensitive systems
GPS, Federal aviation systems, etc.
Lowest Limits Ever by FCC
Incorporates NTIA recommendations
Allows UWB technology to coexist with existing radio services without causing interference
The R&O rules are “designed to ensure that existing and planned radio services, particularly safety services, are protected.”
6. Some typical advantages of UWB Multipath immunity
Ease of signal generation and processing architectures (!)
– Inherent high precision – sub-centimeter ranging
– Wideband excitation for detection of complex, low RCS targets
– Sub-centimeter resolution using pulse leading edge detection
– passes through building blocks, walls, etc. (LOS not required)
Low Cost
– Nearly “all-digital” architecture
– ideal for microminiaturization into a chipset
Frequency diversity with minimal hardware modifications
7. UWB Radar types LFM UWB radars: Not much different from any other radar system
Noise Radar: UWB feature from the BW of noise
Impulse Radar: Time frequency uncertainty!
8. LFM UWB Radar Tx signal is a simple chirp with UWB properties
e.g. VHF radar image
20-90 MHz (but BW > 25% of fc)
In use since long
target modeling!
too much information!
9. Noise UWB Radar The question is how you model noise!
Frequency diversity
Immunity to detection, jamming etc.
Spectral efficiency (little cross-interference between 2 noise radars)
Many proofs of concept available
10. Impulse UWB radar Non-sinusoidal waveforms
Fav. Shape: Gaussian waveforms
Autocorrelation is Gaussian shape!
FT is also Gaussian shape!
Major advantages obtained from time domain analysis
Impulse waveform: ~1ns
Depth of pulse: ~ 30cm
Finer resolution
11. Possibilities of impulse radar Resolution
Target identification
Low elevation performance (time of arrival is different!)
Antenna pattern depend on signal characteristics
Both range and X-range resolution improved by higher BW
Immunity to interference and noise
Decreased “dead-zone”
MTI without using Doppler
Theoretically no side-lobes!
12. Ranging and Imaging Capabilities Many early applications of modern UWB technology were in radar systems
Sub-nanosecond time resolution leads to precision ranging and imaging capabilities
Capabilities result from the large relative and coherent bandwidth
13. Bio-medical sensing using UWB radar imaging the required power for a UWB to image human body is much lower than the permitted maximum level of electro-magnetic (EM) energy
One of the major uses of UWB radar imaging for biomedical purpose has been to get information about the heart beat of a person. Termed as heart rate variability (HRV), this diagnosed information has been shown to be of immense utility
14. Imaging through obstacles Foliage penetration (FOPEN) has been an active research area for the military radar community
With UWB techniques, systems can have both good resolution as well as FOEN capabilities
15. Problems and challenges Impulse radar:
Shape change during propagation
Time domain analysis: yet to achieve all the promises
Noise radar:
Yet to fully prove its capacities
Energy control is difficult
LFM radar:
Not suitable for FCC based utilities
Difficult and costly to generate UWB using LFM
16. Related Standards IEEE 802.15 : Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN)
IEEE 802.15.1 : Bluetooth, 1Mbps
IEEE 802.15.3 : WPAN/high rate, 50Mbps
IEEE 802.15.3a: WPAN/Higher rate, 200Mbps, UWB
IEEE 802.15.4 : WPAN/low-rate, low-power, mW level, 200kbps
17. FCC UWB Device Classifications R&O authorizes 5 classes of devices – Different limits for each:
Imaging Systems
Ground penetrating radars, wall imaging, medical imaging
Thru-wall Imaging & Surveillance Systems
Communication and Measurement Systems
Indoor Systems
Outdoor Hand-held Systems
Vehicular Radar Systems
collision avoidance, improved airbag activation, suspension systems, etc.
18. Summary of Preliminary R&O Limits *Indoor and outdoor communications devices have different out-of-band emission limits
19. UWB Emission Limit for Indoor Systems
20. UWB Emission Limit for Outdoor Hand-held Systems
21. UWB Emission Limits for GPRs, Wall Imaging, & Medical Imaging Systems
22. UWB Emission Limits for Thru-wall Imaging & Surveillance Systems