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LCPAC 2006 Status Report: Recent Results and Collaborative Efforts

This report highlights the research collaboration and notable recent results of the LCPAC 2006 project, including observations of rare decay processes and the discovery of new particles. The collaboration is stable, with new members joining, and there have been changes in spokespersons. The report also discusses improvements in tracking techniques, particle identification, and data acquisition systems. The Belle Physics Program is focused on measuring fundamental parameters, searching for new physics, and studying unanticipated phenomena. The report concludes by discussing constraints on the Unitarity Triangle and the search for new physics in penguin loops.

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LCPAC 2006 Status Report: Recent Results and Collaborative Efforts

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  1. LCPAC 2006 Status Report collaboration S.L. Olsen U. of Hawai’i

  2. Publications • 164 journal papers published or submitted • ~42 papers submitted since LCPAC-2005 • ~8 currently in “authorship confirmation” • …

  3. Notable recent results • Observation of bdg • Evidence for BKK • Large direct CPV in B+K+r0 decays • Observation of a FB asymm in BK*l+l- • Observation of a cc1’ candidate in ggDD • A new charmonium-like state, X(3940) • New csu baryons, Xcx(2980) and Xcx(3077) • …

  4. Collaboration is stable Withdrawals: New members: • Institutions: • Nat’l Kaohsiung Normal U. • Utkal University • Aomori University • Tsukuba University • ~25 individuals • Institutions: • Nova Gorica Inst, • Slovenia • ~35 individuals

  5. Spokesperson changes Old New!! Aihara Olsen Browder Yamauchi Iijima Yamauchi New spokespersons all ran on platforms promising major reorganization of Belle ふにきがいれ, ぉにがそと

  6. elle continues to perform very well

  7. SVD-2 team continue their heroics Belle’s long march SVD2

  8. SVD performance A.Kibayashi 4 layers + improved coverage  better tracking effic

  9. October Meltdown!!

  10. Quick fix Solder wires directly to the repeater board (connector established outside the detector during this past month) Beam off: 10/20 Resume Data taking 11/4 more details from Uno-san

  11. Tracking with high backgrounds Pt resolution (s in %) 3x Bkg  (Bp+p-: s(DE)21MeV) Standard track finder 0.3% Tracking effic.improvements: +7% for J/y KS; +60% for D*+D*- New “Global” track finder

  12. p0detection p0gg line shape Data vs MC M(p0) resolution (s in MeV) (Bp0p0: sM(p0)8MeV) 4.5MeV 100MeV 1 GeV p0 detection effic is sensitive to bkg conditions; ECL recon code.is being improved

  13. Particle ID ~87% ACC dead tubes ~8%

  14. DAQ and computing are still keeping upalbeit just barely Faster signal processing with CMS chip in SVD (Silcon vertex det.) w/o Event Builder Upgrade New pipelined data Acquisition system (COPPER) Present operation

  15. 1200 new Dell servers Katayama’s talk this afternoon

  16. The Belle Physics Program 1)Measure of Fundamental SM Params: CKM elements & phases 2)Search for New Physics: look for evidence of new particles in loops 3) Unanticipated new phenomena: large s(e+e-cccc), X(3872),X(3940),Y(3940),.. 4) + lots of “bread & butter” hc’, cc2’, D**,Sc*, Xcx,t-physics, spin frag-fcn,… I can only give a few small tastes from this rich & flavorful menu

  17. _ B0 tag B0 J/y K0 sin2f1= 0.652 ±0.039 (stat) ±0.020 (syst) A = 0.010 ±0.026 (stat) ±0.036 (syst) B0 tag Precision measurement well understood method

  18. Somov, Schwartz et al hep-ex/0601024 CPV in B+- (274  106 BB pairs) q=1 q=-1 Results: Low quality tag High quality tag No CPV φ2 is near 900

  19. Belle Constraints on 2 (α) B [hep-ex/0502035] &  combined at 90% CL

  20. r r Belle method for f3: Dalitz Poluektov, Bondar et al hep-ex/0504013 3) fCOM= D0KSp+p- B+: obtain from tagged D0 (D*+ D0p+) sample |A2| |A1| B-: r = CPV: Asymmetry in Dalitz dist.: m+=m(Ksp+), m-=m(Ksp-)

  21. Constraints of the Unitarity Triangle World average as of summer 2005 from GLW, ADS, Dalitz and sin(2φ1+φ3): γ/φ3=70 -14° +12 Simplistic(?) summation: f1+ f2+ f3 182o  ~20o

  22. CP angles only ? f1~70o Disfavored >2s sin2f1 f1~20o f1 2-fold ambiguity 2f1 p-2f1 Ambiguity removed by Dalitz analysis of B0D0(Kspp)h0 Krokovny etal hep-ex/0507065 Simplistic(?) summation: f1+ f2+ f3 182o  ~20o

  23. * VudVub 2(a) * Vtd Vtb 3(g) 1(b) Vcd Vcb * How about the CKM triangle’s sides? Dmd & b  d g b  u ℓ-n & B- ℓ-n b  c l n

  24. Belle Inclusive |Vub| Limosani et al PLB 621, 28 Electron energy at endpoint • Pth = 1.9 GeV/c • Systematic limited • Hadronic and leptonic • invariant mass (Mx, q2) • Use full recon tag. • P+ also measured. Bizjak et al PRL 95, 141801 • Non-experimental error dominated by errors of shape function parameters. PDG 2002: (3.6  0.7) x 10-3

  25. Bℓn Decay Search Measures fB|Vub|2 Upper limits at EPS05 SM prediction Btn search close to SM expectation Ikado et al, hep-ex/0507034

  26. signal qq K*g other B First Observation of bd  Mohapatra. Nakao, Nishida et al hep-ex/0506079 _ Addresses the same physics issue as Bs- Bs mixing (future Tevatron RunII goal).

  27. Belle combined Constraint on |Vtd/ Vts | 0.003 0.002 = 0.032  0.008  0.143 < |Vtd/Vts| < 0.260 (95%CL) Same physics as Bs mixing

  28. Current status CPV angles only: η=0.321±0.027 =0.193±0.57 sides only: η=0.342±0.022 =0.216±0.036

  29. SM with KM ansatz works remarkably well for tree-level processes Next step: Look for new physics in penguin loops

  30. _ Example: bsss Example: no KM phase f1 * Vtd (or h’, K+K-) , (h’, K+K- + B B 0 0 * Vtd f1 _ SM: sin2f1 =sin2f1 from BJ/y KS (bc c s) unless there are other, non-SM particles in the loop eff

  31. Significant CP Violation in a bs penguin mode!! Chen et al PRD 72012

  32. >>all systematically below sin(2b) >>QCD corrections : sin2b(penguin)>sin2b(tree) Many bs modes were studied: recent QCD factorization estimates : [Beneke, hep-ph/0505075] [Cheng,Chua,Soni, hep-ph/0506268] sin2φ1(penguin)-sin2φ1(tree)

  33. sin2f1(penguin) = 0.50  0.06 (HFAG’s “naïve average”) 0.4-

  34. new physics in EW penguins? • AFB for B K*ℓ+ℓ- Interference btw  and Z (loops with virtual t’s, W’s, & Z’s) AFB (Kℓ+ℓ -) = 0.09  0.14 (stat) AFB(K*ℓ+ℓ -) = 0.56  0.13 (stat) 3.4 s from 0

  35. Not just beauty • Charm physics • Tau physics • Hadron spectroscopy • Charmed mesons & baryons • Charmonium states hc’ , cc1’ • Mystery states X(3872), X(3940), Y(3940) • Fragmentation functions • Bs • Dark matter search

  36. D0-D0 mixing Zhang, Li et al hep-ex/0601029 Belle 2006 Shipsey @ DIF06

  37. High precisiont-p-p0 nt Hayashii et al hep-ex/0502171

  38. bonuses: new mesons, many puzzles! Choi et al, PRL 89 112001 Choi et al , PRL 91 262001 Z(3931) cc2’? hc’ X(3872) Uehara et al , PRL 96 082003 Y(3940)wJ/y e+e-cccc Choi et al , PRL 94 182002 ?? Pakhlov et al , hep-ex/0507019 M(wJ/y) MeV

  39. more bonuses: charmed baryons c+- c+0 c++ c0(2800) c++(2800) c+(2800) Mizuk et al PRL 94 122002 & mesons D0’0(2427) D0*(2308) Kuzmin et al PR D69 112002

  40. CLEO PRL 54, 381 (5S) (5S) “engineering” rundetails from Alan Schwartz this PM (4S) 3-day, 1.86 fb-1 test run Bs*Bs* Mbc BsBs* BsBs 100% BqBq DE Bs(*)Bs(*) Bq(*)Bq(*) BqBq(*)π BqBqππ Bf(Bsgg)< 0.56 x 10-4 (90%CL) ~factor 3 improvement on on world best limit

  41. DAMA NaI 3s Region CDMS 04 CDMS 05 Dark matter search McElrath, PRD 72, 103508: Br((1S)cc)~0.4% Mc < 4.7 GeV Experimental signature: (3S)pp(1s)  pp nothing Belle (with optimized trigger): Direct dark-matter searches cannot see M<10 GeV region McElrath prediction 3fb-1 engineering run data @ the (3S) under analysis

  42. Summary f3 error ~100 ?? B+t+n ?? cc2’ X(3940), Y(3940) bd penguins (bdg BKK) DD-mixing (world’s best limit) f2 error~100 |Vub| error <10% Sc* baryon triplet Direct CPV in BK+p- X(3872) BK*ℓ+ℓ- EW penguin D0*0 & D1*0 mesons CPV in B decays hc’ & e+e-cccc

  43. Conclusion • The Belle collaboration remains strong • Our publishing is nearing 1 paper/week • We have two new & energetic spokespersons • Our detector continues to perform well • Continuously improvements to handle increased luminosity (&bkg) • We have shown that the CKM ansatz works well for tree processes • Verified with high precision • Provides “anchor point” for new physics searches • CPV in penguins provide us with sensitive probe for new physics • Theoretically and experimentally clean • We are measuring Bf~10-6 penguin processes with high precision • We have made a number of “unexpected discoveries” • And expect many more in the future

  44. Backup Slides

  45. .“Observation” of Direct CP violation in BK-+ One more nail in the Superweak coffin.

  46. Evidence for BK0 K _ (hadronic bd s s processes) Belle@250 fb-1 Measurements of B K0 K0 CPV at Super B will be possible.

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