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KS 2013/2014

KS 2013/2014. Some information about me… from North Vancouver Taught in North Vancouver and London, England prior to Collingwood Taught at Collingwood since 2009 BSc Honours (Queen’s University) BEd (UBC)

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KS 2013/2014

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  1. KS 2013/2014

  2. Some information about me… • from North Vancouver • Taught in North Vancouver and London, England prior to Collingwood • Taught at Collingwood since 2009 • BSc Honours (Queen’s University) • BEd (UBC) • MEd (University of Western Ontario) in Early Literacy, specifically emergent writing

  3. Our Associate Faculty (AF) Miss Seema Ahad -joined the Collingwood team from York House, The Little School in 2012 -also taught Kindergarten at a Punjabi independent school in Vancouver

  4. Classroom Ethos • We are all good at different things. • We feel proud of trying our best. • We are kind to our friends • We help each other out when we can. • When we need help, we ask a teacher • We say ‘please’. • We say ‘thank you’.

  5. Parent / Teacher Communication • Email is the best method: • laura.scobie@collingwood.org • Our class website: http://kskindergarten2013-2014.weebly.com/index.html • Reading Diary • For any absence-please send an email for our records (thanks!)

  6. Class Mums • A huge thank you to Linda Getz (Chase’s mum) and Rachael Carroll (Sophie’s mum) for being our class mums! • They will help me to organize help for class parties and field trips and to relay important info • Everyone who wishes should get a chance to help with something over the year  • Must have criminal record check to volunteer for field trip

  7. Daily Routines • children come into classroom starting at 8.10 am • hang up backpack, coat, etc… • put reading folder in the reading folder bucket and water bottle in front of their mailbox • go to table to do ‘Morning Work” • attendance at 8.30am at the carpet • morning recess at 10.05am (snack before, except Wednesdays) • lunch at 11.50am • Lunch recess from 12.05-12.45pm • dismissal at 2.30pm (*usually start down at 2.20pm) • Daycare: must be registered

  8. Weekly Routines Monday: Bring gym bag back to school Tuesday: Library – Please send library book back to exchange. A new book will come home. (*first library class 17th Sept.) Wednesday: Assembly day – Kindergarten assemblies will be every other week. #1 uniform every Wednesday Friday: Gym bag sent home at the weekend to be washed and returned Monday

  9. Which items ‘live’ at school? • rainboots • (*optional=rain jacket. We have CW ponchos as well) • gym bag (comes home every Friday to be returned Monday) • Which items travel back and forth each day? • -reading folder • -water bottles

  10. Home Reading -programme starts next week (Monday 16th) -book sent home each night in reading folder -a variety of ‘types’ of books -should be at your child’s reading ability -child reads home reading book to you (with support  ) -please make a note in the reading diary -send book and reading diary back to school in reading folder each day

  11. Handouts -Packet of ‘useful’ information (Comfort kits, tips for Kindie, a note from the School Nurse re. sleep, Kelso’s choices) -KS timetable -Kindergarten Curriculum Overview (Term 1) -KS informal class photo – helpful when arranging play dates 

  12. Project Work in KS • “We wonder…” • Develop multidisciplinary class projects from the children’s questions • Usually one per term-but could be variable • Can go in so many directions • Amazing to see how ENGAGED and EAGER the children are to learn in this way.

  13. This year, I would like to encourage your child to: • try new things and develop varying interests • make new friends • develop self confidence • explore and be curious • be creative • develop social and emotional awareness • increase his or her independence • not be afraid to make mistakes • develop language and communication skills • enjoy coming to school EVERY DAY!

  14. Ways to Help  • -encourage independence • label clothing • thermoses to alleviate long microwave queues Thank you for coming this evening!

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