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History 151. Fall 2008 E Komo Mai!. Course Description:. A survey of World History from earliest times through 1600. Contact Information. LJ Padilla PB 1-7 Upper Campus lpadilla@hawaii.edu 974-2376 Office Hours: M-TR 2-3:30. Required Readings.
History 151 Fall 2008 E Komo Mai!
Course Description: • A survey of World History from earliest times through 1600
Contact Information • LJ Padilla PB 1-7 Upper Campus lpadilla@hawaii.edu 974-2376 • Office Hours: M-TR 2-3:30
Required Readings • Clive Ponting, A Green History of the World: The Environment & the Collapse of Great Civilizations • Richard Paul and Linda Elder, "How to Study & Learn" and "Analytical Thinking" • Handouts as assigned from various primary and secondary sources
Course Requirements • Seven Chapter Reviews OR Quiz’s 7 @ 10 points each = 70 points • Five Map Quiz's 5@ 5 points each= 25 points • One World Cultures Presentation = 25 points • Attendance & Participation 4 points each week = 64 points Grade Scale A 184-166 B 165-148 C 147-130 D 129-112
Quiz's • Combination of multiple choice, short answer and take home essay • Open note with study guide for readings • Exams cover all readings, discussions and presentations • Make ups given for documented medical situations
Map Quiz's • Africa • Europe • Asia • The Americas • Oceania • Handouts/Website given for independent study. Material not covered in class. Study groups encouraged. • Quiz’s given in class
Select One Cultural Presentation
Cultural History • Select a native cultural group from one of the following regions; Africa, Oceania, Europe, Asia, the Americas. • The presentation should focus on cultural topics such as religion, language, dance, music, art, rituals/tradition, philosophy and/ or notable leaders. • Complete research and build a presentation that includes a five minute talk, visual aid and outline for each student. • In this process you will complete self, peer and group evaluations using a rubric to evaluate the group process from concept development through implementation.
Attendance & participation
Attendance and participation are very important in this course and is part of your grade • Please arrive on time • stay for the entire class meeting • bring reading material • have assigned work completed and ready on your desk at the start of class • take notes • listen • participate in class discussions to earn credit • Attendance will be taken each class meeting
Sleeping • Working on computers • Using cell to text, view items etc • Talking during presentations • Listening to audio devices • Working on homework that should have been completed before the start of class • Absence, late arrivals, early departures • Lack of reading materials or assignments • Failure to pay attention, take notes, collaborate during group work and participate in discussions All result in a zero for the class meeting
This is a student centered course that requires consistent student participation in both small and large group situations. • Please turn off your pagers and cell phones in class. • All exams are open note with a study guide. • All assignments need to be typed. Handwritten classroom activities must be legible to earn credit. • Students are responsible for all lecture material, announcements and handouts for each class period. If you miss some material, ask a classmate. Most announcements and assignments are made at the beginning of the class period and will not be repeated for late or absent students. You are welcome to discuss material or ask for clarification at any time and invite you to visit during office hours.
The Learning Center provides free access to computers, tutoring, learning skills development, make up testing, writing/math and ESL assistance. • HawCC is committed to provide equal access to the campus, course information and activities for students with disabilities. If you have a documented disability and/or related access needs, please see me during my office hours, or contact Karen Kane at the Kokua program 933-0702 kkane@hawaii.edu • Students are expected to be familiar with and abide by the Hawaii Community College Student Conduct code. • Plagiarism will result in a zero on the assignment. Please review http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plagiarism about this topic or ask questions for further clarification. • Please let me know how I can help you succeed at HAWCC and in this course. I am looking forward to working with you and participating in your academic success.
Student Learning Outcomes & Instructional Objectives