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C# Programming II. CIS-151. What will we do?. A continuation of CIS150 Some Review
C# Programming II CIS-151
What will we do? • A continuation of CIS150 • Some Review • New concepts: data abstraction, classes, maintaining relational data, the use of additional visual components and other techniques commonly employed in advanced, commercial, multi-tiered applications. Other topics such as programming for the Internet, targeting handheld devices, and using graphics to enhance an application’s visual appeal may also be explored. • Schedule - http://otccis151.pbworks.com/w/page/43695017/Scope%20and%20Sequence
What will I learn? • Real-world skills for computer programming • Manage projects independently and as a team • More “discussion” less “lecture” • It helps if you think of it more as training than worry about grades
Who am I? • Tiffany Ford • Department Chair – CIS, TEC-285 • A.A.S in CIT and A.A.S in IAD from OTCB.A.S in Technology Management from MSU • M.A.S. in Career and Technical Education from UCM • Doctoral student for my Dr. in Higher Education Administration from Lindenwood Univ. • Faculty info - http://otccis151.pbworks.com/w/page/43695013/Faculty%20Information
How to find me? • Email – fordt@otc.edu • Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/rhysma • Twitter – https://twitter.com/therhysma • Skype – CISTiffany • Resume – www.rhysma.com • Blog – www.csharplearning.com
Where can you find me? • NKM223 D • Wednesdays 3:00 – 4:00 or Fridays 8:00 – 10:30 (NKM104) • fordt@otc.edu
CPU Club • The purpose of this organization is to provide students with a means for networking with those already working, or preparing to work, in their chosen field. This can be anyone who plans of becoming IT professionals, support staff, programmers, web developers or technicians. The goals of this organization are to bring together these people for the sharing of information, workshops, seminars and the building of relationships before they begin their career.We also welcome those that would like to learn from us! We work to be educators of technology so that all can benefit from computers.This is also where I put job postings that come in from employers so if students are looking for work they should join our Facebook page. We will be scheduling our first meeting of the semester shortly.http://www.facebook.com/groups/141205100077/members/
.NET User Group • The Springfield Area .NET Users Group meets on the fourth Tuesday of every month, usually at the Southside library center on Campbell street (Hwy 160). Our group is made up of programmers and network professionals from a variety of disciplines. We have members that work in IT departments, as consultants, students, and commercial software developers. Many of us are experts in .NET and other Microsoft technologies, as well as other platforms like iOS, Linux, and more.https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/sgfdotnet
Position Available • Duties of my assistant include:- Helping keep me organized by creating or modifying spreadsheets- Working on websites for the department and special projects...- Working on minor programming tools I use for automation or administration- Helping me promote the program at HS career fairs, expos and OTC events- Delivering things around campus- Sometimes being loaned out to other CIS faculty for fun activities such as shredding papers- Various other tasks that take up time- Helping keep the chaos to a dull roar • The position pays 15 hours a week maximum (per workstudy rules) but a lot of that time is "work on your own". The other time is in my office discussing projects or being places you are needed. Its really pretty flexible. • If you are not sure if you are Work Study eligible or if you want to apply for Federal Work Study, you can do so here - https://www.otc.edu/FORMS/financialaid/contract.php
Syllabus • http://otccis151.pbworks.com/w/page/43695019/Syllabus