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Urban Airport Study: Congonhas & Pampulha

Detailed analysis of airport operations at Congonhas & Pampulha in urban areas. Includes capacity, traffic composition, challenges, and proposed improvements. Study by Brazilian Civil Department of Aviation.

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Urban Airport Study: Congonhas & Pampulha

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  1. Airports Located at Urban Areas A Study of the Congonhas and Pampulha Airports Fabio Rabbani

  2. 16.781 Project

  3. Congonhas Characteristics • Operating with its annual capacity of 7 million passengers a year completely saturated. Presently operating with 11.5 million/year- Commercial Airliners compose 71% of the traffic, 29% executive flights • Operates with 2 non- independent parallel runways. Only one has ILS. • - No jetways. Use of buses in the Apron Area • - Guarulhos is operating under its capacity 16.781 Project

  4. Pampulha Characteristics • Topography is far from ideal and its area is insufficient. • No space for taxiways expansion • The terminal is completely inadequate. Small linear shaped • Expected to receive about 3.3 million passengers this year. Capacity of 1 million/year • High military traffic • - Confins Operates at 10% of its capacity 16.781 Project

  5. Multi-airport System Management? • Two major questions: • Additional Capacity should be located at existing airports or • elsewhere? Studies concluded that there would not be enough space • How traffic will distribute between existing major airport • a possible second airport. Usually second airport remains unused for long • periods • Intent: • To establish a second site as potential major airport; • provide insurance to future demand 16.781 Project

  6. Congonhas and Guarulhos Movements 16.781 Project

  7. Congonhas and Guarulhos Passengers 16.781 Project

  8. Pampulha and Confins Movements 16.781 Project

  9. Pampulha and Confins Passengers 16.781 Project

  10. Study made by Brazilian Civil Department of Aviation - Study made in 1999 - Optimistic forecast based on data from 1983 until 1997: 16.781 Project

  11. Study made by Brazilian Civil Department of Aviation 16.781 Project

  12. Proposed Solutions for Congonhas • Delay due to community requests. Defend Sao Paulo Movement • No intention to increase number of present movements. • Plans to reduce the short haul airports’ movements in 10 – 15% • Discarded: • - Expansion of taxiways, including fast exits • - Installation of the ILS on the runway 35L, increasing the • movement capacity when this runway is in use. (Global influence) 16.781 Project

  13. Final Consensus - Passenger terminal will be expanded from 37,300 m2 to 12,400 m2 to accommodate growing traffic - Parking garage slots will grow to 939 and parking lots - Capacity will be increased to 2,816 vehicles. - Storage capacity of aircraft fuel tanks will also be significantly increased. 16.781 Project

  14. Main Terminal Building Hangars Hangars Congonhas Runway 17R/35L Runway 17L/35R 16.781 Project

  15. Pampulha Expansion Project Operations will be greatly improved by the following steps: - expanding the 4,500 m2 passenger terminal to 25,900 m2; - expanding the 38,000 m2 taxiway to 51,000 m2; - addition of six fueling stations; - creation of 324 new slots in the parking garage, and 971 new slots in the parking lot; - construction of 800 m x 18 m taxiway; - construction of a 1,600 m2 domestic cargo terminal. 16.781 Project

  16. Pampulha Taxiway T e r m i n a l New Cargo Terminal 16.781 Project

  17. Current Actions - Congonhas already reduced its threshold from 54 to 48 movements per hour at peak hours. The intention is to reduce Pampulha to 34 slots per hour. - As of June 1 of 2002, Infraero lowered its fees at the international airports of Guarulhos (SP), Galeão (RJ) and Confins (MG) - In September, Infraero announced that the major airlines will be obliged to reduce in 10% their scheduled flights in Congonhas, Pampulha and Santos Dumont (RJ) 16.781 Project

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