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Employability Development Plan

The Employability Development Plan (EDP) is a strategic document outlining actions, responsibilities, and timelines for enhancing job seekers' skills, experience, and employability through tailored goals, accommodations, services, and steps to be taken.

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Employability Development Plan

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Employability Development Plan

  2. EDP • Should contain what is to be done, who is to take each action, how it is to be done, when it is to be done, and why • Planned jointly with job seeker • Requires follow-up • May be kept on disk, hard drive or paper copy • Must be kept on file for at least one year after inactivity

  3. EDP • The initial assessment of employability is based on: • The participant's work skills; • The participant's prior work experience; • The participant's mental and physical limitations affecting employability; and • Other factors that may affect the participant's potential for employment.

  4. The employability plan should: • Contain an employment goal • Describe any reasonable accommodations needed to enable the participant to complete the plan; • Describe any supportive services needed to enable the participant to complete the plan; and • Describe the steps to be taken by the participant to complete the plan.

  5. More Information • Wagner-Peyser Resource Guide • Contact: • Joan Losiewicz at 850-245-7422 • SunCom: 205-7422 • Joan.losiewicz@awi.state.fl.us

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