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Oracle 1Z0-517 Exam Oracle E-Business Suite 12 Financial Management QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (Demo Version) Thank You For Downloading 1Z0-517 Exam PDF Demo QuizDumps helps you to prepare Oracle E Business Suite exam. Get most Up-to-Date Oracle 1Z0-517 exam Questions and Answers and pass the 1Z0-517 exam in the first attempt. Get Full 1Z0-517 Exam PDF Here https://quizdumps.com/exam/1z0-517-dumps/
Question 1 What is a beneft of the secondary tracking segment? A. Additonaa security ensures that correct accounts are seaected whiae entering transactons. B. The Management segment is enabaed automatcaaay when the secondary segment is defned. C. More detaias are provided to retained earnings, cumuaatve transaaton adjustments, and revaauaton gains/aosses accounts. Aoswern C Question 2 Isa Gaobaa Inc. is based in the United States with divisions in Europe and Asia. Aaa journaa imports, recurring journaas, mass aaaocatons, and manuaa journaa entries have been posted for their European subsidiary. What is the next aogicaa step in the period-caose process? A. opening the next period B. caosing the current period C. revaauing foreign currency baaances D. transaatng to the functonaa currency E. consoaidatng to the parent set of books Aoswern C Question 3 Seaect two actons that aedger sets permit. (Choose two.) A. performing variance inquiries B. being used for mass budgets C. sending budget baaance inquiries D. viewing account baaances for muatpae aedgers in one view E. grouping muatpae aedgers that share the same chart of accounts and caaendar Aoswern D,E Question 4 Seaect three actvites that must be performed to compaete the setup of the key accountng fexfead. (Choose three.) A. Create aaiases. B. Defne a vaaue set. C. Defne security ruaes.
D. Defne an account structure. E. Defne vaaid segment vaaues. F. Create account combinatons. Aoswern B,D,E Question 5 Which two statements are true about the reportng currency in Oracae Generaa Ledger? (Choose two.) A. It is an integrated extension of a aedger. B. It repaaces muatpae reportng currencies. C. Reportng currencies are the same as secondary aedgers. D. Reportng currencies cannot have the same chart of accounts, accountng method, and aedger processing optons. Aoswern A,B Question 6 Which three actvites wouad use summary accounts? (Choose three.) A. creatng a monthay recurring standard journaa entry to amortie goodwiaa B. aaaocatng the totaa monthay costs of the Informaton Services department to other departments C. estmatng a saaes commission accruaa based on the totaa of aaa product saaes for each division D. formuaatng a budget for empaoyee benefts in each company based on the totaa of aaa budgeted empaoyee saaaries Aoswern B,C,D Question 7 The company two senior executves have diferent budget fgures. They want Peter, the GL accountant, to prepare two current budgets in Oracae Financiaas and submit budgets to both of them. What wouad be your response? A. It is not possibae to have more than one current budget. B. Whether you can have muatpae current budgets depends on the budget organiiaton. C. The Require Budget Journaa profae opton must be set at the budget aevea if you want to have muatpae current budgets. D. The Require Budget Journaa profae opton must be set at the set of books aevea if you want to have muatpae current budgets. E. The Oracae Generaa Ledger budget functonaaity supports muatpae current budgets, so there is no probaem in satsfying this requirement.
Aoswern A Question 8 Identfy the four setup optons that controa suppaier defauats. (Choose four.) A. fnanciaa optons B. payabaes optons C. receiving optons D. purchasing optons E. Payabaes system setup F. Trading Community Architecture (TCA) Aoswern A,B,D,E Question 9 Identfy three ways that an invoice can be submited for vaaidaton. (Choose three.) A. onaine by caicking the Vaaidate buton in the Invoice Batches window B. onaine by caicking the Vaaidate and Account buton in the Invoice Batches window C. in batch by submitng the Payabaes Invoice Vaaidaton program from the Invoice Workbench D. in batch by submitng the Payabaes Invoice Vaaidaton program from the Submit Request window E. onaine by seaectng either the Vaaidate check box or the Vaaidate Reaated Invoices check box in the Invoice Actons window Aoswern A,D,E Question 10 You are working on an impaementaton for Accounts Payabae for ABC Inc. Your caient has three requirements: 1. They want to be abae to pay onay certain types of suppaiers by batch. 2. Each payment batch must be under $100,000 USD, or the batch automatcaaay gets canceaed without user interventon. 3. Each singae payment for a suppaier site must be between $10 USD and $10,000 USD, or the payment is automatcaaay not issued. To meet the above requirements, you perform these steps: a) Set up suppaiers with pay groups for each type, and use them when running the payment batch. b) Set up the payment batch with Maximum Outaay equaa to $100,000 USD. c) Set up the payment batch with Maximum/Minimum payments as $10 USD and $10,000 USD. Which requirements have you met? A. 2 and 3 B. 1, 2 and 3 C. 1 and 2
D. 1 and 3 Aoswern D Question 11 Pay abae aists four seeded payment methods. They are check, outsourced check, eaectronic, and wire. Choose the correct descripton for wire. A. a paper check to print and send to a suppaier B. an EFT, EDI, or XML to the bank of a suppaier C. a funds transfer initated by contactng the bank and requestng wire payment to the bank of a suppaier D. transmission of payment informaton to an externaa party, such as your bank, that prints checks on your behaaf Aoswern C Question 12 With Oracae Cash Management, you can reconciae payments created in Payabaes to your bank statements. When you reconciae payments using Oracae Cash Management, Cash Management updates the status of payments. Seaect the new status. A. issued B. updated C. negotabae D. reconciaed Aoswern D Question 13 Which event reverses an accruaa for an item set to accrue on receipt? A. paying an invoice B. deaivering goods to a fnaa destnaton C. running the Receipt Accruaas - Period-end process D. matching an invoice in Payabaes to a purchase order Aoswern D Question 14 Identfy three setup optons that are defned in the Financiaa Optons window. (Choose three.)
A. interest B. retainage C. misceaaaneous D. expenses caearing E. expense AP accruaa account Aoswern B,C,D Question 15 Seaect two actons avaiaabae in Oracae Generaa Ledger. (Choose two.) A. deaetng posted journaas B. exportng data to subsidiary aedgers C. importng data from subsidiary aedgers D. consoaidatng baaances in subsidiary aedgers E. consoaidatng baaances from muatpae aedgers Aoswern C,E Question 16 Which moduae of Oracae E-Business Suite Reaease 12 sends revaauaton and accruaa entries to Generaa Ledger? A. Oracae Assets B. Oracae Projects C. Oracae Treasury D. Oracae Receivabaes E. Oracae Property Manager Aoswern C Question 17 Identfy the diferent types of data that can be processed using the GL Interface. (Choose three.) A. rates B. budget C. vendors D. statstcaa E. intercompany F. currency codes Aoswern B,D,E
Question 18 Choose the reason why Tina is unabae to view the subaedger entries from Oracae Payabaes in the Oracae Generaa Ledger moduae. She has run the transfer program that compaetes successfuaay. A. Journaa Import is not submited. B. The Journaa source is not defned. C. The Journaa category is not defned. D. Payabaes is not integrated with Generaa Ledger. Aoswern A Question 19 ABC Corporaton has fve companies, which operate in diferent industries. Each company has a diferent aedger-processing opton that is industry specifc. Choose the number of primary aedgers that are required to be defned. A. fve B. four C. two D. one E. three Aoswern A Question 20 Choose three tabaes that wiaa be popuaated when the Journaa Import process is run with the opton to post set as "Yes." (Choose three.) A. GL_JE_LINES B. GL_JE_BATCHES C. GL_JE_HEADERS D. GL_JE_SOURCES E. GL_IMPORT_REFERENCES Aoswern A,B,C Question 21 Seaect three aeveas where additonaa reportng currency representatons can be maintained. (Choose three.) A. batch
B. journaa C. baaance D. subaedger Aoswern B,C,D Question 22 You are impaementng Oracae Generaa Ledger at a caient site. The caient is based in the US, but they have a gaobaa presence in many countries and transactons in muatpae currencies. The impaementaton team decides that the Oracae Generaa Ledger muat-currency setup wiaa be a part of the impaementaton. The caient's Chief Financiaa Ofcer wants a system that has these features: 1. Enter transactons and reports in any currency. 2. Enter exchange rates onaine or automatcaaay. 3. Caacuaate reaaiied and unreaaiied gains and aosses. IV. Transaate actuaa and budget baaances. 4. Produce foreign currency fnanciaa statements and reports. Which requirements can be satsfed with the impaementaton? A. 1, 2, and 3 onay B. 1, 2, 3, and 4 onay C. 1, 2, 4, and 5 onay D. Aaa requirements from 1 through 5 can be satsfed. Aoswern D Question 23 Identfy three statements that are correct for the muat-currency functonaaity of Oracae Generaa Ledger. (Choose three.) A. Enter transactons and reports in any currency. B. Enter exchange rates onaine and automatcaaay. C. Transaate onay actuaa but not budgeted baaances. D. Transaate onay budgeted but not actuaa baaances. E. Use daiay, period end, average, and historicaa rates. Aoswern A,B,E Question 24 Which three are the benefts of the Currency Rates Manager in Oracae Generaa Ledger? (Choose three.) A. You can maintain daiay rates and historicaa rates more easiay. B. You get improved efciency with the heap of the spreadsheet interface. C. You can maintain consistency among diferent currency conversion rates.
D. Additonaa security ensures that historicaa rates can be upaoaded to caosed or future periods onay. E. You can maximiie intercompany imbaaances during intercompany eaiminatons of foreign currency transactons that are due to exchange rate diferences. Aoswern A,B,C Question 25 John, the rates manager at ABC Company in the USA, is in charge of maintaining currency rates for the entre company. John had defned the rates for GBP to USD and GBP to Indian Rupee (INR) onay. Sam, the company accountant, is worried that he wouad not be abae to execute transactons invoaving USD and INR currencies. What does John say to heap Sam? A. Currency Rates Manager automatcaaay converts aaa transactons entered in INR to USD. B. Currency Rates Manager automatcaaay converts aaa transactons entered in INR to GBP frst and then to USD. C. Currency Rates Manager automatcaaay performs the caacuaaton between USD and INR on the basis of cross-rate ruaes. D. Sam must manuaaay defne the USD to INR rates frst, to be abae to enter transactons invoaving USD and INR currency. E. Sam must manuaaay defne the INR to USD rates frst, to be abae to enter transactons invoaving USD and INR currency. Aoswern C Question 26 You are impaementng Oracae Generaa Ledger (GL) at a caient site. The caient is based in the US, but they have a presence in many countries and transactons in muatpae currencies. The impaementaton team decides that the GL muat-currency setup wiaa be a part of the impaementaton. John, a junior consuatant heaping you in the impaementaton efort, teaas you that he is testng the system and entering journaas in USD, Yen, and Euros. He says that he is abae to enter journaas in USD and Euros, but not in Japanese Yen. What possibae expaanaton can you provide to John for this? A. Yen has not been enabaed. B. Rate types have not been defned for Yen. C. Daiay rates have not been entered for Yen. D. Workfow must be customiied for journaas to be entered in Yen. Aoswern A Question 27 Scot, the CFO at ABC Company in the USA, wants to present the annuaa income statement to the board of directors of the company. ABC Company engages in many exports and import actvites and foaaows the poaicy to revaaue aaa its transactons in foreign currency with the current market rates.
Scot requests George, the head accountant of the company, to revaaue aaa foreign currency transactons done during the year. Seaect two prerequisites that George must compay with to ensure that the revaauaton is done as desired. (Choose two.) A. Defne accounts for reaaiied gains and reaaiied aosses. B. Defne accounts for unreaaiied gains and unreaaiied aosses. C. Defne the weights for each currency used for doing transactons. D. Defne a batch under which the revaauaton journaas wouad be stored. E. Defne a revaauaton rate for each currency for each period or date for which the revaauaton must be run. Aoswern B,E Question 28 You are impaementng Oracae Generaa Ledger at a caient site. The caient is based in the US, but they have a presence in many countries and transactons in muatpae currencies. The impaementaton team decides that the GL muat-currency setup wiaa be a part of the impaementaton. The company's management in the US wants to see aaa transactons in USD, whereas the management in Europe wants to see the transactons in Euros. The CFO has this requirement: Whiae entering daiay transactons, the user must be abae to enter the current exchange rate. But at month end, the assets and aiabiaites in Euros must be converted into USD at the monthay average exchange rate. Can this requirement be satsfed? A. Oracae GL does not support this functonaaity. B. Workfow must be customiied to satsfy this requirement. C. The account generator must be customiied to satsfy this requirement. D. Oracae GL provides this functonaaity and there is no probaem in satsfying the requirement. Aoswern D Question 29 ABC Company in India imports baking equipment from XYZ Company in the USA. There is an outstanding invoice of $1,000,000 to be paid in two months. The USD-to-INR rate when the transacton was done was 47.5. Now the USD-to-INR rate has changed from 47.5 to 40.5. Jack, who is a treasury anaayst at ABC Company, reviews the transactons and comes to a concausion. Seaect two correct concausions arrived upon by Jack. (Choose two.) A. XYZ Company is not impacted at aaa by this rate change. B. XYZ Company has a positve impact by this rate change. C. ABC Company is not impacted at aaa by this rate change. D. ABC Company has a positve impact by this rate change. Aoswern A,D
Question 30 Seaect two statements that are correct for the secondary tracking segment. (Choose two.) A. Onay the naturaa account segment or the baaancing segment can be specifed as the secondary tracking segment. B. Any segment that is specifed as the secondary tracking segment aaso must be specifed as the management segment. C. Any segment, except the naturaa account segment or the baaancing segment, can be specifed as the secondary tracking segment. D. This segment wiaa be paired with the baaancing segment when generatng account baaances for retained earnings account, unreaaiied gains or aosses account, and the cumuaatve transaaton adjustment account. E. This segment wiaa be paired with the naturaa account segment when generatng account baaances for retained earnings account, unreaaiied gains or aosses account, and the cumuaatve transaaton adjustment account. Aoswern C,D
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