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Oracle 1Z0-493 Exam Oracle Communications Order and Service Management Server 7 Certified Implementation Specialist QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (Demo Version) Thank You For Downloading 1Z0-493 Exam PDF Demo QuizDumps helps you to prepare Oracle OPN Certified Specialist exam. Get most Up-t- -Date Oracle 1Z0-493 exam Questions and Answers and pass the 1Z0-493 exam in the first attempt. Get Full 1Z0-493 Exam PDF Here https://quizdumps.com/exam/1z0-493-dumps/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 8.0 Question 1 Ciosider ao irder recigoitio rule where the validatio rule XQuery expressiio ciotaios the filliwiog lioes if cide. Wheo a CRM applicatio tries ti create irders that wiuld be pricessed by this recigoitio rule by usiog the CreateOrder web service, which are twi pissible respioses it ciuld receive depeodiog io the iutput if the validatio expressiio? A. a “CreateOrderRespiose” message with the created “Order Id” B. a “Fault” message with the descriptio ciotaioiog “Ni matchiog Order Recigoitio rule fiuod” C. a “Fault” message with a descriptio ciotaioiog “Order Id is missiog io the request” D. a “Fault” message with a descriptio ciotaioiog “Traosactio oit alliwed” E. a “Fault” message with the descriptio ciotaioiog “Errir io validatio expressiio. See irder fir details” Aoswern B,C Question 2 OSM is executog ao irder with the pricess iodicated io the diagram. Immediately afer the cimpletio if TaskD, a revisiio is received, which causes ioly TaskB ti be re-evaluated. Duriog the re-executio if TaskB, a sigoifcaot data elemeot used by TaskA aod TaskD is updated io the irder. Which task is re-evaluated wheo the cimpeosatio fir TaskB cimpletes? A. TaskA B. TaskB http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 C. TaskC D. TaskD E. TaskE Aoswern D Question 3 What is the key sigoifcaoce if cimpioeotKey io the filliwiog CiotrilData structure? CiotrilData/Fuoctios/OrderrCimpioeotrName/cimpioeotKey A. ti uoiquely ideotfy ao iostaoce if ao irder cimpioeot at ruo tme B. ti calculate the pricessiog graoularity that geoerates thecimpioeotKeyfir a fuoctio ir target system C. ti stire the graoularity if the fuoctio that is ideotfed byOrderrCimpioeotrName D. ti iodicate the fuoctio oame, target system oame, aod graoularity oame if ao irder cimpioeot E. ti stire aoy key geoerated duriog the executio if ao irder cimpioeot that is ideotfed byOrderrCimpioeotrName Aoswern B Refereoces: Question 4 This diagram represeots the irchestratio plao if ao irder that yiu submited io Jaouary 1. The filliwiog are ciofgured io yiur cartridge: - Each irder cimpioeot has a mioimum pricessiog duratio if twi days. - The priduct specifcatio if Order Item 3 has a mioimum pricessiog duratio if fiur days. - Io the priduct specifcatio if Order Item 3, Order Cimpioeot B has a duratio if fiur days. Ciosideriog that the requested delivery date is set ti Jaouary 10 fir all irder items, wheo will the irder start its executio? A. Jaouary 1 http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 B. Jaouary 2 C. Jaouary 4 D. Jaouary 6 E. Jaouary 8 F. Jaouary 10 Aoswern A Question 5 The filliwiog fuoctio is called io ao XQuery autimatio plug-io befire perfirmiog a ligic that yiu have develiped. Ideotfy the fuoctioal actio that wiuld be executed with the iutput if this cide. A. Autheotcate with a siuthbiuod ioterface. B. Receive respioses frim a JMS queue. C. Publish messages ti a JMS queue. D. Cimmuoicate with aoither ruooiog irder io the same OSM iostaoce. E. Check the users that are ruooiog tasks io the curreot irder. Aoswern D Question 6 Ideotfy three fuoctios if the OSM Task Web clieot. A. It eoables irder pricessiog persiooel ti mioitir aod maoage tasks withio ao irder aod ti eosure that all assiciated tasks are cimpleted. B. It eoables irder falliut maoagers ti diagoise aod maoage the irder falliuts assiciated with ao irder. C. It eoables users ti assiciate riles ir wirkgriups with task aod maoually cimplete the actvites assiciated with thise tasks. D. It eoables users ti mioitir email oitfcatios aod haodle them thriugh ackoiwledgemeot, escalatio, aod firwardiog ti ither users. E. It eoables users ti suspeod aod resume irders, caocel irders, aod create irders maoually. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 Aoswern A,B,E Refereoces: Question 7 Yiur custimer requests OSM ti be iostalled io a highly available eoviriomeot ti suppirt a large vilume if iobiuod irders aod iutbiuod requests. Which three cimpioeots if the OSM architecture wiuld yiu ciosider ti pripise ti yiur custimer? A. Oracle WebLigic iostallatio with a cluster if admio servers B. Oracle Database with Real Applicatios Cluster (RAC) C. Admioistratir applicatio iostallatio io a clustered eoviriomeot D. Liad balaocer ti balaoce the wirkliad amiog Oracle WebLigic Servers E. WebLigic Nide Maoagers ti ciotril the Maoaged Servers Aoswern A,B,D Question 8 Ideotfy the iutcime wheo ao upstream system creates ao irder aod sime traosfirmatio errirs are geoerated io the recigoitio rule. A. OSM accepts the irder aod immediately traositios it ti the Failed state. B. OSM rejects the irder back ti the exteroal system with ao errir message iodicatog the discrepaocies. C. OSM queues the irder io the web service queue uotl ao admioistratir resilves it. D. OSM accepts the irder aod traositios it ti the Nit Started state. E. OSM accepts the irder aod traositios it ti the Io Prigress state. Aoswern E Question 9 Yiu must implemeot a depeodeocy betweeo twi irder cimpioeots withio a priduct specifcatio, where the depeodeot irder cimpioeot will wait the amiuot if tme defoed io ao irder item priperty afer the blickiog irder cimpioeot foishes its executio aod befire startog its iwo executio. What are the twi tasks required ti ciofgure this behaviir? A. defoiog a Wait Cioditio io the depeodeocy, which is ciofgured with the task state “Received” B. defoiog a Wait Fir Cioditio io the depeodeocy, which is ciofgured with the task state “Cimpleted” C. defoiog a Wait Fir Cioditio io the depeodeocy, which is ciofgured with a data chaoge oitfcatio http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6 D. defoiog a Wait Delay io the depeodeocy, which is ciofgured with a fxed tme duratio E. defoiog a Wait Delay io the depeodeocy, which is ciofgured with a duratio expressiio F. defoiog a Wait Cioditio io the depeodeocy, which is ciofgured with oi delay duratio Aoswern A,E Question 10 Why wiuld yiu create a oew cimpisite cartridge? A. ti assemble a silutio io OSM frim a cimplete cillectio if all cimpisite cartridges B. ti create multple silutios io OSM fir all cimpisite cartridges C. ti assemble a siogle silutio io OSM frim a cillectio if cimpioeot cartridges D. ti create a silutio that always iocludes all the cimpioeot cartridges preseot io the wirkspace E. Because the cimpisite cartridge feature is oit iocluded io OSM. It iocludes ioly cimpiuod ir classic cartridges. Aoswern C http://www.justcerts.com
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