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Welcome. The Bronze checklist is the first in a series of three checklists that offices can complete to earn Green Office Certification.Use this presentation to learn about the impacts of the individual action items in the Bronze checklist and to learn about the tools available throughout the Univ
1. Green Office ProgramBronze Checklist University of Richmond
2. Welcome The Bronze checklist is the first in a series of three checklists that offices can complete to earn Green Office Certification.
Use this presentation to learn about the impacts of the individual action items in the Bronze checklist and to learn about the tools available throughout the University to help your office achieve these goals.
Complete nine of the checklist items to earn Bronze recognition.
3. Bronze Spider Checklist View Green Office Presentation (Required)
Create Green Team (Required)
Turn off personal computers, monitors, printers, and other office equipment at night
The small amount of energy used when a computer powers on is less than the energy used when a computer is running for long periods of time. Most PCs reach the end of their ‘useful’ life due to advances in technology long before the effects of being switched on and off multiple times have a negative impact on their service life. The less time a PC is on, the longer it will ‘last.’ PCs also produce heat, so turning them off reduces building cooling loads.” (U.S. Dept of Energy)
Turn off common area office lights at night
Lighting an empty office overnight is enough energy to heat water for 1,000 cups of coffee. (EKON Group, 2010)
Replace incandescent bulbs with compact florescent bulbs
If every American home replaced just one incandescent bulb with a compact florescent or LED bulb the reduction in greenhouse gases per year would be equivalent to removing 800,000 cars from the road. (Energy Star)
4. Bronze Spider Checklist Turn off common printers, copiers, scanners at night
A photocopier left on overnight wastes enough energy to print 1500 copies (EKON Group, 2010)
Make it a policy that the last person out at night will turn off the lights and common area electronic equipment.
Use low energy use settings for computers
Decrease wasted energy by changing your computers power use settings with the EnergyStar recommended settings.
Purchase paper with at least 30% post-consumer recycled content
Producing recycled paper uses 60% less energy than manufacturing virgin timber paper. In addition, buying recycled paper cuts down on the paper waste sitting in our landfills. (Environmental Defense Fund)
Paper with 30% recycled content is available through Printing Services.
5. Bronze Spider Checklist Use double sided printing and copying where applicable and available
The University buys more than 56,000 pounds of paper each year. Help reduce this number by using double-sided printing and by printing only when necessary.
Recycle ink and toner cartridges
Recycling these cartridges will prevent plastic and ink (which can release VOCs) from entering the landfill.
The Office Max Ink and Toner Reuse and Recycling Program can help your office achieve this goal. You can print labels and reuse boxes to send cartridges in.
Have office scrap paper bins
Approximately 1 billion trees worth of paper are thrown away each year in the United States. Creating a bin for scrap paper to help reduce this number.
Insert your own idea ______________
Insert your own idea ______________