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HS305 Research Methods for Health Sciences

HS305 Research Methods for Health Sciences. Audio Seminar! Please be sure your speakers are on!. Agenda. Review of unit project Key Terms Critique of an interview. Personal Goal for Seminars. Create community of shared learners Provide a summary of material from the week

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HS305 Research Methods for Health Sciences

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  1. HS305 Research Methods for Health Sciences Audio Seminar! Please be sure your speakers are on!

  2. Agenda • Review of unit project • Key Terms • Critique of an interview

  3. Personal Goal for Seminars • Create community of shared learners • Provide a summary of material from the week • Answer questions; clarify information as needed HAVE FUN!

  4. Key Terms • Qualitative Research Designs • Case Study • Ethnography • Phenomenological Study • Grounded Theory Study • Content Analysis

  5. Key Terms • Research Methods for Qualitative Designs • Observation • Interviews • Questionnaires • Open-ended questions • Fixed alternative questions

  6. Unit 6 Project: Questionnaire • Two Parts • Cover letter and questionnaire • Discussion of data collection method • You might want to try Survey Monkey: http://www.surveymonkey.com/?cmpid=us:ps:yahoo • Free and fun to use!

  7. Organization of Questionnaires • Create introductory material to increase response rate • Cover letter • Introductory statement • Thank respondents for participating • Use descriptive title • Ensure question order does not influence responses • Use instructions throughout questionnaire to minimize respondent confusion • Craft questions so they are easy to complete • Include open space • Use numbers to designate response choices

  8. Unit 6 Questionnaire Cover letter • Write for expected participants • Be clear and to the point • Identify purpose of questionnaire to • Enhance likelihood of completion • Add to the credibility of the project • Be concise. You want them to move on to complete the questionnaire!

  9. Unit 6 QuestionnaireSurvey section • Appropriate for ethnology research What is ethnography research?

  10. Unit 6 QuestionnaireSurvey section • Appropriate for ethnology research • Qualitative research • Studies an intact cultural group • Conducted in a natural setting • Focuses on a period of time How could an ethnography study affect the development of a questionnaire?

  11. Unit 6 QuestionnaireSurvey section • How an ethnography study affect the development of a questionnaire • Cultural sensitivity needed • Potential language barriers • Reluctance to be truthful • Because of cultural mores may feel they cannot refuse

  12. Unit 6 QuestionnaireSurvey section • Appropriate for ethnology research • 10-15 questions (no more) including: • 2 fixed alternative questions with only 2 potential answers • 5 fixed alternative questions with 4-5 potential answers • 1 open-ended question • Other questions for a minimum of 10 questions; maximum of 15 questions

  13. Basic Principles of Writing Survey Questions • Avoid confusing phrasing & jargon • Use correct grammar and spelling • Be concise, but clear. Use shorter rather than longer words & sentences • Relate questions to the purpose of the questionnaire See Research Process PowerPoint Step 4c Research Methods – Questionnaires for many hints!

  14. Types of Questions Open-Ended Fixed Alternative

  15. Types of Questions Open-Ended Fixed Alternative Allow respondent to fill in own answer • May ask for specific information or • May ask for narrative response • Respondent says/writes whatever he/she wants

  16. Types of Questions Open-Ended Fixed Alternative Allow respondent to fill in own answer • May ask for specific information or • May ask for narrative response • Respondent says/writes whatever he/she wants • Respondent chooses from list of possible responses • May also be called • Fixed choice questions • Forced choice questions

  17. Examples of Types of Questions Open-Ended Fixed Alternative What is your annual income? Check appropriate box: • no income • Less than $5000 • $5001 - $20,000 • More than $20,000

  18. Must have mutually exclusive and exhaustive response categories Exhaustive=all possible choices included Exclusive=only one possible response Fixed Alternative Questions

  19. Exhaustive=all possible choices included Which example is exhaustive? How many times have you visited a doctor in the last year? 0 1-2 3-5 6-10 11 or more Fixed Alternative Questions • 1-2 • 2-3 • 3-4 • 5 • 6

  20. Exclusive=only one possible response Which example is exclusive? How many times have you visited a doctor in the last year? 0 1-2 3-5 6-10 11 or more Fixed Alternative Questions • 1-2 • 2-3 • 3-4 • 5 • 6

  21. Likert “Questions” • Usually framed as declarative statements – not questions • Describe intensity of feeling/belief/opinion • With or without an explicitly measured neutral point in the center 1 2 3 4 Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Agree No Disagree Strongly Agree Opinion Disagree

  22. Ethical Issues Related to Questionnaires

  23. Ethical Issues Related to Questionnaires • Dealing with Sensitive Subjects • Self-report • No identifying information • Web-based studies • Researcher cannot guarantee absolute anonymity of web survey • Harm • Most harm in survey research arises from breach of confidentiality • Some surveys may cause psychological harm

  24. Unit 6 Questionnaire Part 2 • Analyze how you would conduct your survey • Approximately 1 page + title page and reference page • Use Standard English • Use APA format with citations and references

  25. Methods to conduct a Questionnaire

  26. Methods to conduct a Questionnaire • Telephone • Internet • Mail • Self administered question given in a group of people • Face to face Interview More information in Research Process Step 4c Research Methods – Questionnaires!

  27. Interviews v. Questionnaires • Interviews • Structured • Unstructured • Semi-Structured • Questionnaires • Written questions with response area • No opportunity to clarify meaning of questions

  28. Face to Face Interviews Pros Cons

  29. Face to Face Interviews Pros Cons • Rapport - increases completion rates • Meaning explained that is not clear • Interviewer can go into unplanned areas to get the most complete info from respondents; tailor questions

  30. Face to Face Interviews Pros Cons • Rapport - increases completion rates • Meaning explained that is not clear • Interviewer can go into unplanned areas to get the most complete info from respondents; tailor questions • Time consuming • Expensive • Respondent might give answer that she/he expects will please interviewer

  31. Let’s have Some Fun!Web Field Trip • Use two windows • DO NOT CLOSE the seminar!!! • Go to http://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play?p=health+interview&ei=UTF-8&fr=att-portal&vid=0001147179657 What type of interview is this? Structured? Unstructured? Semi-structured? Explain your answer!

  32. Web Field Trip • Did the interviewer establish rapport? What are some of the specific steps used to develop rapport?

  33. Web Field Trip • Did the interviewer establish rapport? What are some of the specific steps used to develop rapport? • Were questions focused rather than abstract?

  34. Web Field Trip • Did the interviewer establish rapport? What are some of the specific steps used to develop rapport? • Were questions focused rather than abstract? • Did the interviewer lead the discussion to get specific desired answers?

  35. Web Field Trip • Did the interviewer establish rapport? What are some of the specific steps used to develop rapport? • Were questions focused rather than abstract? • Did the interviewer lead the discussion to get specific desired answers? • Do you think the interview was effective?

  36. Web Field Trip • Did the interviewer establish rapport? What are some of the specific steps used to develop rapport? • Were questions focused rather than abstract? • Did the interviewer lead the discussion to get specific desired answers? • Do you think the interview was effective? • Would the interview prompt you to learn more about the person interviewed? About what?

  37. Your Experience • How are questionnaires used in your area of health science? • How are interviews used? • Have you ever created a questionnaire? Please share your experience! • With what type do you think you would be most comfortable: creating a questionnaire or conducting an interview? Explain your answer!

  38. Why are Surveys used in Health Science? • Easy to complete • Many people find them enjoyable and readily participate • Standardized answers are easier to analyze

  39. Scientific Research Process Step 4c. Research Methods • Data Collection tools, such as • Experiments • Surveys & Interviews • Naturalistic Observation • Correlation • Case studies • Other methods • More than one method can be used in a single study

  40. Questions? • Unit Questions link • AOL instant message: proflpburch • Email: lburch2@kaplan.edu • Phone if an emergency: 757-339-7494

  41. Coming Attractions: Unit 7 • Seminar: Helping Dr. Iwant T. Know develop a a sampling plan • Discussion: Analysis of various Descriptive designs

  42. HS305 Research Methods for Health Sciences Thanks for Participating!

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