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How to Create an Intel ISEF Display

How to Create an Intel ISEF Display. Created by Deri Bash – revised by Shelley Shott. General Disclaimer. The information in this presentation does not substitute for and is not meant to replace the role of Society for Science and the Public and its publications. 

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How to Create an Intel ISEF Display

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  1. How to Create an Intel ISEF Display Created by Deri Bash – revised by Shelley Shott

  2. General Disclaimer The information in this presentation does not substitute for and is not meant to replace the role of Society for Science and the Public and its publications.  Participants must read, be familiar with, and follow all the rules which can be found on the Rules and Guidelines website published by the Society for Science and the Public:http://www.societyforscience.org/isef/about/rules_regulations.asp tp://www.sciserv.org/isef

  3. The Intel ISEF Display and What Should it Accomplish?

  4. What is The Intel ISEF Display?? Intel ISEF Display, Science Display, Display, Poster, Exhibit, and Poster Presentation all refer the to same thing. It is a backdrop to your presentation It supports your research It speaks of your project when you are not present It catches the attention of your audience

  5. What Should it Accomplish? • Provides judges and the public with an overview of your project when you are not there to explain • Emphasizes succinctly the scope of the project, the nature of the research, and the results • Demonstrates your authority as a researcher by the neatness and correctness of the information presented

  6. Why is the Display so Important to Intel ISEF?

  7. Reason #1:Who is going to explain your project when you are not there?

  8. When You Are Not There……. For a portion of the judging, you will not be present with your project materials. When you are not present, your poster is the only communication with the judges. Most judges will not have time to read your entire research paper. You must catch the eye of the judge.

  9. When You Are Not There……. Judges will be drawn to projects that appear: • Interesting • Challenging • On-the-cutting edge • Revolutionary • Original You need to summarize your project so that the important information can be gleaned quickly and easily.

  10. Reason #2:When You Are There…… • Your display gives you support as you are explaining your project. • The display gives you an opportunity to refer to… • sample data • pictures of your research • important concepts you have posted • key descriptions • valuable explanations and • summaries of your conclusions. • When you are asked a question, you can refer to the display to support your answer. • They say that a “Picture is worth a thousand words.”

  11. Requirements for Your Display Remember: The information in this presentation does not substitute for and is not meant to replace the role of Society for Science and the Public and its publications.  Participants must read, be familiar with, and follow all the rules which can be found on the Rules and Guidelines website published by the Society for Science and the Public:http://www.societyforscience.org/isef/about/rules_regulations.asp tp://www.sciserv.org/isef

  12. Considerations for Your Display • Type of Display: • Tabletop (Note: If a table is used, the height, width, and depth of the table must be considered part of the project and figured in with the total dimensions of the project. • Freestanding • Final weight • You will be traveling and you need to have something that is light in weight and portable in size so that it can be carried easily on the plane or shipped quickly and inexpensively • Your display must follow Intel ISEF Rules. • Use caution to avoid “common mistakes”

  13. Examples Tabletop Free-standing

  14. Maximum Size of Display Depth (from front to back) = 30 in or 76 cms Width (from side to side) = 48 in or 122 cms Height (from floor to top) = 108 in or 274 cms Fair provided tables will not exceed 36 in or 91 cms Maximum project size includes all project materials and supports. If you are using a table, it becomes part of the project Tri-fold board cannot extend over the end of the table

  15. Position of Your Project The table or free-standing display must be positioned parallel to, and positioned at the back curtain of the booth Any demonstrations must take place within the confines of the booth

  16. What Required Paperwork must be on your display OR in your presentation booth? Required to be Visible and Vertically displayed: • Original of official abstract and certification as approved and stamped/embossed by the Intel ISEF Scientific Review Committee • Completed Intel ISEF Project Set-up Approval Form SRC/DS2 (Received on-site at the Fair) • Regulated Research Institutional/Industrial Setting Form (1C) — if applicable • Continuation Project Form (7) — if applicable • Photograph/image credits • There are other forms that are not required to be on display but must be in the booth in case the judges ask

  17. What can not go on the display or be in your presentation booth? Know what you can’t put on the poster (or have in the booth) – there are many things such as: Living organisms, including plants Human or animal food Sharp items (syringes, needles, pipettes, etc) Flammable items Chemicals Batteries with open-top cells Awards, metals, business cards, etc And other items listed in the rules For a COMPLETE listing of all items not allowed please visit: http://www.societyforscience.org/isef/rules/safdisp.pdf

  18. Examples of Typical Violations Unofficial abstractsdisplayed Inappropriate pictures of animals No Photo Credits

  19. Other Points to Consider Photographs • Any photos, images, and graphs used in the display must be credited. If the finalist created all photos/images, a single credit is sufficient. • Any photograph featuring a person other than the researcher(s) requires that you have a photo release from that person in your notebook. An “after the fact” solution to this problem is to put a sticker over the person’s face if you have photo but don’t have a photo release. Make backup copies of all paperwork in case any is lost or misplaced • Develop a way to secure a laptop or any permitted piece of equipment to prevent theft • Make certain any lights or electrical equipment is UL-approved • Provide your own UL power strip if you need more than one outlet

  20. What the Board Should Display

  21. Display Layout What catches your attention when you see a “cool” display? Why do you continue reading some displays while ignoring others? Most people will look at a display and want to find order • Their eyes want to follow a sequential, organized, eye-catching path that leads the viewer through the research • Viewers who can’t find order or follow a sequence will most likely move onto another display

  22. Start Here 1 Project Title 2 Abstract 6 Results 4 Procedure Pictures Pictures Pictures Graphs 3 Introduction 7 Conclusion 5 Data Display Layout

  23. Organizing the Material Make sure the display is organized! Make sure your research is complete BEFORE starting your poster There is no substitute for content!! The introduction comes before the procedure and the conclusion comes after the results – therefore you display should be organized in a similar fashion Pictures, graphs, and data can prevent the observer from being bored by your display Place them between sections and nearest the appropriate section. Example: A picture of you conducting you experiment would be best if it were near your procedure.

  24. Color Having too much color or the wrong color combinations on your poster can be just as bad as having too much material on your poster.Learn which colors work well together and those that do not. Use no more than two or three colors, and choose colors appropriate to your subject. Complementary colors are colors that contrast with each other. The colors stand out against each other, they are artistically stable, and can work well for your poster.

  25. Good and Bad Contrast • You may be able to read this text but it is difficult. Judges that looks at your poster from afar would not be able to make out anything. • This text is easier to read and itimproves asthetext becomes darker. • Becareful that your text is large enoughtoread! Sometimes a simple black and white design is best

  26. Decide a color that you might like to use for your background, font, or matte. Find that color on the color wheel. The color that is opposite you choice color is the complementary color. Example: Orange Complementary color: Blue

  27. Font Choosing the right font does not have to be a difficult or time consuming task. Keep it simple and choose a font that allows the reader to easily read all of your text. Arial, Times Roman, and Verdana are the universal web fonts. Not a good idea (Monotype Corsiva) May work for just the title (Impact) Somewhat Juvenile (Comic Sans MS)

  28. Font Size You want you title to be visible from afar – It should be readable from a minimum of six feet. For your title: try to develop a phrasing that captures attention but succinctly represents your research. Your section title needs to be larger than your general text to set them apart You need the text on your display to be visible. The general text of each section needs to be the same size throughout and large enough that it can be read from a distance of nothing closer than one meter.

  29. Spend Some Time Researching Displays • Looking at other boards can give you an idea of what works and what doesn’t • Look for, and identify, the good and the bad from a variety of samples • Sites with examples of boards: • http://www.sciencebuddies.org/science-fair-projects/project_display_board.shtml • http://www.cpet.ufl.edu/sciproj/sci500.htm • http://www.sciencebuddies.org/science-fair-projects/project_display_board_advanced_design.shtml • http://www.scifair.org/articles/display.shtml • http://www.vinehill.santacruz.k12.ca.us/PDFs/ScienceFairTips.pdf

  30. Bring to Intel ISEF The material that you used to build your display may be useful at Intel ISEF. tape scissors paper cutter glue…...... etc You may need to repair a section that no longer sticks or you may need to help your display be “free standing” by taping it to the table. “Be Prepared for the worse case scenario”

  31. Review: What to avoid • Cardboard • Handwritten components • Too many colors • Too few colors • Not enough contrast • Too small of a font • Too much text • Too many photos • Missing sections

  32. (but not on the Display) Important to Your Presentation

  33. Props – some required, some not Your research journal Your research paper Your invention or experimental set-up If you can not bring your invention or experimental set-up it is recommended that you bring additional photos. Approved samples

  34. Dress This is a formal event and you need to dress appropriately – no jeans! Gentlemen – Collared dress shirt with a tie Ladies – Business suit (skirt or pants – both are fine)

  35. Presenting to the Judges

  36. Tips for Talking • Prepare well in advance what you will say • Summarize your project – do NOT read your abstract • How did you get the idea? • Show understanding of the theory behind your work • Make sure you have studied, and truly understand your background research • Discuss how you did the experiment • Explain results and conclusions • Talk about why your project is important in today’s society • Practice, Practice, Practice • Practice in front of the mirror, in front of your parents, in front of your siblings, in front of anyone! • Practice explaining it for the judges but also in simple terms so anyone can understand it • There will be people visiting your booth who are NOT experts in your topic • Make sure it fits within the given time requirements • Video-tape yourself – watch it – identify things to improve • Are you talking too quickly? • Are you facing your audience?

  37. More Talking Tips • This is your work • Be confident - you should be able to explain your project comfortably and in a relaxed way • Pay attention to the listener – are they silent because they are really impressed or because you lost them? • Have a list of questions you think the judges may ask you • Examples may include: “what does your data tell you”, “Why is this research important”, “what problems did you run into when doing your experiment” • Prepare answers to those questions • Be confident of your answers • BUT if you are asked a question you don’t know the answer to, be honest – say “I don’t know” - it’s okay to say so. Remember, scientists don’t know all the answers either (if they did, there would be no need for research and projects)

  38. More Talking Tips • Make use of your display board • Use it to support what you are saying • Point to your graphs or your diagrams • Maintain eye contact with the group • Speak with a clear, loud voice • Do not mumble and don’t use “ummm” • Avoid turning your back to the audience • Stand up straight – make sure you have good posture • Ask if anyone has any questions • Thank the judges for coming • Show enthusiasm • Pretend like your having fun.....smile!!!

  39. Assertiveness • Invite people to your display • “Do you want to hear about my research project?” • “Come over, and I will show you what I did in my research?” • Ask questions of the Judges • “What do you do?” • “Why are you a judge for Intel ISEF?” • Enjoy yourself and share what you have learned!

  40. Additional Resources • http://www.sciencebuddies.org/ • http://www.ctsciencefair.org/student_guide/display_help.html • http://school.discoveryeducation.com/sciencefaircentral/Science-Fair-Presentations/How-to-Create-a-Winning-Science-Fair-Display-Board.html • http://chemistry.about.com/od/sciencefairprojects/a/scienceposter.htm • http://youth.net/nsrc/webs.html

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