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Double tight JLIP tagged tt candidate. -. JLIP (JES 5.3) Status : On the road to certification. Benoit Clément, Daniel Bloch – IReS Strasbourg. Overview : JLIP algorithm reminder What’s new for pass2 data ? Efficiencies Mistag rates TRF Errors.
Double tight JLIP tagged tt candidate - JLIP (JES 5.3) Status : On the road to certification Benoit Clément, Daniel Bloch – IReS Strasbourg Overview : JLIP algorithm reminder What’s new for pass2 data ? Efficiencies Mistag rates TRF Errors DØ Collaboration Week – B-id meeting March 3rd, 2005
Jet axis Track q I.P Primary vertex Jet LifeTime Probability (JLIP) Use the signedimpact parameter significance of tracks associated to a jet (dR<0.5 cone matching) to identify jets with long lived particles (mostly b-jets). Impact parameter (IP) sign : - positive for θ < π/2 - negative for θ > π /2
JLIP : Resolution functions Split tracks in 29 categories (considering track pT, η, #SMT hits, #CFT hits and χ2) For each category use negative IP distribution in jet trigger data / Qcd MC to extract resolution functions
JLIP : Track probability For each track : - Determine its category. - Compute track probability. Track probabilities for tracks withpositiveandnegativeIP significance
JLIP : Jet Probability Combine track probabilities for tracks with positive (P+Jet) or negative (P-Jet) significance. P+Jetis the jet probability. Tagging a jet is done by cutting on this value. P-Jetis used to determine mistg rate on QCD data $$
Changes for pass2/JES 5.3 New set of resolution functions. Define 6 official working point (instead of 3) UltraTight (P+Jet < 0.001) Tight (P+Jet < 0.003) Medium (P+Jet < 0.005) Loose (P+Jet < 0.01) SuperLoose (P+Jet < 0.02) ExtraLoose (P+Jet < 0.04) Mistag rate is on average close to the cut value. For each working point, we provide full 2D (pT,η) efficency parametrizations (Tag Rate Functions)
Heavy flavour efficiency Efficiencies estimated on B-id skim data (SystemD) corrected from MC to inclusive decay.
Mistag rate Negative tag rate, corrected from MC for heavy flavour content in QCD data and long lived particles in light jets
Performance curves Loose TRFs b-jets c-jets Light jets
Errors • Statistical errors : • - SystemD. • - MC and Data sample statistics. • Taken into account in TRF ±1σ fits. Systematics : - SystemD. (varying correlation) - MC HF fraction. (mistag scale factor) • Added in TRF reading interface.
Where to find the code • JLIP code available in CVS, to be used within d0root environment : • d0root_jlip v00-00-15 • Contains code and resolution functions for pass1 (March 04 certification) and pass2 (certification in progress) data. • Contains old and new TRFs with reading interface for MC. Pass2/JES 5.3 certification webpage with lots of plots and instruction to run JLIP available : http://www-d0.fnal.gov/phys_id/bid/d0_private/certification/ p14Pass2/JLIP/Index.html Certification note ready for group review/EB review : http://www-d0.fnal.gov/phys_id/bid/d0_private/certification/ p14Pass2/JLIP/JLIP_pass2.ps
Conclusion Pass2 resolution functions and final TRFs are ready and in CVS. Full studies for efficiencies and mistag have been conducted has well as treatment of statistical and systematics errors. Certification note should be sent for group review TODAY. Thanks to everybody who started sent comments on the preliminary note or started to use TRFs and tagger for their feedback. Ready for certification !