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P o e t r y. Originally poetry was meant to be sung, accompanied by a lyre or lute. Now the term lyric refers to a category of poetry that is short, concentrated in expression, personal in its subject matter, and songlike in quality. Index. Terminology Repetition Figurative Language
Poetry Originally poetry was meant to be sung, accompanied by a lyre or lute. Now the term lyric refers to a category of poetry that is short, concentrated in expression, personal in its subject matter, and songlike in quality.
Index • Terminology • Repetition • Figurative Language • Diamante • Limerick • Haiku • Cinquain • Couplet • Riddle
Understanding the Basics Analysis- Walking through a poem line by line Prose- The ordinary language people use in speaking and writing Syllables- Counted beats per line Rhythm/Meter- Sound pattern created by stressed and unstressed syllables Meter Poetry- Classical languages based on the length of time taken to pronounce each syllable Verse- A single line in poetry FreeVerse- No fixed pattern, meter, or rhyme Index Next
Poetic Repetition Alliteration- The repetition of the beginning consonants Peter Piperpicked a peck of pickled peppers Consonance- The repetition of a consonant sound; not always at the beginning of the word Hunches in bunches Assonance- The repetition of a vowel The East Beast sits upon his beach Rhyme- The use of words with matching sounds, usually at the end of each line Little Miss Muffet Sat on her tuffet Index Next
Figurative Language Figurative Language- a name given to a class of literary conventions that are not meant to be interpreted literally. Idiom- an expression that means something other than what it says (It is raining cats and dogs) Simile- Comparing two unlike things using the words like or as (The children ran around like a pack of wild animals) Metaphor- Comparing two unlike things without using like or as (The children are animals) Index Next
Figurative Language (cont.) Personification- Giving nonhumans human characteristics The trees were begging for water Hyperbole- a statement of extreme exaggeration to show emphasis I’ve told you a million times Onomatopeia- a word that sounds like the sound or action they describe Snap! Crackle! Pop! Index Next
Diamante • Line 1: One word (subject /noun) that is contrasting to line 7 • Line 2: Two words (adjectives) that describe line 1 • Line 3: Three words (action verbs) that relate to line 1 • Line 4: Four words (nouns) first two words relate to line 1 last two words relate to line 7 • Line 5: Three words (action verbs) that relate to line 7 • Line 6: Two words (adjectives) that describe line 7 • Line 7: One word (subject/noun) that is contrasting to line 1 Index Next
What is a Diamante Poem? A diamante poem is a poem that often resembles the shape of a diamond. Each line uses specific types of words like adjectives and action verbs. It does not have to rhyme. squaresymmetrical, conventionalshaping, measuring, balancingboxes, rooms,clocks, halosencircling, orbiting, enclosinground, continuouscircle Index Next
Limericks A nonsense poem with a strict rhyme and rhythm pattern. They have five lines and follow the AABBA rhythm pattern. The A’s: Lines 1, 2, and 5 have seven to ten syllables and rhyme with each other. The B’s: Lines 3 and 4 have five to seven syllables and rhyme with each other AThere once was a girl from Ohio AWho borrowed her brother’s GI Joe BShe hitched him to Barbie BThen shipped them to Darby ANow brother’s best friend is a crow. Index Next
How is a Haiku like a hike??? Haiku poetry is a very short, centuries-old form of Japanese poetry. Haikus are written to describe something in nature or the changing seasons. They have three verses that follow a syllabic pattern: (5 syllables) Colors fall from trees (7 syllables) Cold wind rushes through branches (5 syllables) Snow is almost here Index Next
Cinquain A cinquain poem is a short five lined poem that does not have to rhyme. The poem is composed of a title then four lines that describe the title. Index Next
Couplet Couplets generally rhyme and have the same meter. The two lines often belong together, and share some sort of similar idea. Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall Humpty Dumpty had a great fall All the king's horses and all the king's men Couldn't put Humpty together again! Index Next
Riddle me this A riddle is a mystifying, misleading, or puzzling question posed as a problem to be solved. I am the beginning of the end, and the end of time and space. I am essential to creation, and I surround every place. What am I? The letter e! Index