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Comparative research - a major feature in social science activity

Lifecycle & Comparative Studies Metadata Needs of the Future CESSDA RI Uwe Jensen GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Science (Germany) 28.05.2009 E4 – CESSDA PPP. Comparative research - a major feature in social science activity

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Comparative research - a major feature in social science activity

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  1. Lifecycle & Comparative StudiesMetadata Needsof the Future CESSDA RIUwe JensenGESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Science (Germany)28.05.2009 E4 – CESSDA PPP

  2. Comparative research - a major feature in social science activity Globalisation & European integration > international collaboration & cross disciplinary networking, the growth in potential funding sources (EC FP’s, ESF; national funding) Comparative research - variety of forms and strategies High quality & ambitious research affects dynamically methodology and concepts Projects expand in no. of countries & increased complexity of the collected data of various types Variety of Subjects Political & social institutions & systems (like welfare, organisations, families …) Attitudes, values, and behaviour pattern in manifold areas (health, consumer, election …) Variety of design concepts & spatial & temporal dimension(examples) Special topics / EU Candidate countries (Eurobarometer) Modules for replications > cumulation (ISSP) Ex-post times series (EB Trend file) Longitudinal studies to observe the same items over long periods of time (ESS, EVS). National studies conceptualized to allow comparison (Household panels; GSS, Age; Health) Metadata needs of the future CESSDA RI regard Conception >Production > Repurposing of complex data Simplified Study Lifecycle

  3. Data producer (Primary investigator) provide metadata (Reports on …)

  4. New metadata needs may occur as consequence of methodological findings, e.g. on: • Mode of Data Collection (mixed mode > face-to-face, telephone, Internet and paper self-completion) • Strategies on improving response rates, • Functional equivalence of question

  5. Data collection Primary Data Analyses Publication of results (by Primary investigator / Project) Pass Study to a Data provider instance

  6. Contracting / Ingest / Long-term preservation > special topic: Preservation metadata Data Processing - Harmonisation - Integration & Metadata Documentation Lon-term preservation of processed study productPublication / dissemination

  7. Publication of Data & Metadata : Store > Discover > Explore > Access (> CESSDA data portal Role of Gov. III - 1996 IDS C26/V141/R35313 Role of Gov. I - 1985 IDS C6/V141/R7350 Role of Gov. I-IV (2008) CUM C 22 – V 114+ - R 83485 Role of Gov. IV – 2006 IDS C34/V141/R48641 Role of Gov. II - 1990 IDS C11/V142/R14897

  8. Re-Use of Data & Metadata in secondary analysis A short stop: How to manage complex collections of metadata & relationships at the Archive level? Further Standards & Models - OAIS > Preservation > Statistical data … DDI 3.1 Why?! Role of Gov. IV – 2006 IDS C34/V141/R48641 Role of Gov. I-IV (2008) Cumulation C22 - V114+… - R83485 HowTo… Role of Gov. III - 1996 IDS C26/V141/R35313 Role of Gov. II - 1990 IDS C11/V142/R14897 Role of Gov. I - 1985 IDS C6/V141/R7350

  9. Re-Use of Data & Metadata Role of Gov. I - 1985 IDS C6/V141/R7350 Role of Gov. II - 1990 IDS C11/V142/R14897 Role of Gov. III - 1996 IDS C26/V141/R35313 Role of Gov. IV – 2006 IDS C34/V141/R48641 Role of Gov. I-IV (2008) CUM C22/V114+/R83485 new Conception >Production > Repurposing …..

  10. Thank you! Contacts & information: http://www.cessda.org Metadata needs & functional specifications for the CESSDA RI WP4 Controlled vocabularies WP8 Enhancement of data and metadata infrastructures WP9 Harmonisation platform & question database WP11 Investigating the potential of grid technologies WP12 Technical support for the preparatory phase WP5 One-stop-shop Portal >

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