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Maintaining the Household Size-Income Record (HSIR). Mike Ryan Dept. of Public Instruction Nutrition Program Consultant. Household Size-Income Record. The HSIR is good for one year only. A new HSIR must be done each fiscal year (which starts October 1 st ).
Maintaining the Household Size-Income Record (HSIR) Mike Ryan Dept. of Public Instruction Nutrition Program Consultant
Household Size-Income Record • The HSIR is good for one year only. A new HSIR must be done each fiscal year (which starts October 1st). • The HSIR captures all enrollment data for an entire fiscal year. DO NOT create a new copy each month. • If you use the Excel spreadsheet version of the HSIR, be sure to print out or save each month as documentation for that months’ claim.
Household Size-Income Record • The HSIR must be completed for each month to determine the total numbers of free, reduced, and non-needy categories that will be reported on the respective month’s claim. • It is recommended to file income statements in the same order as they appear on the HSIR for the current year. • The HSIR lists eligibility categories of children; therefore, it must be kept confidential.
Enrollment Policy • All agencies are required to provide a narrative description of each center’s enrollment policy that will define what children will be included within the enrollment data for the monthly claim. • This narrative description is collected as part of the annual CACFP Application. • Refer to Guidance Memorandum #6 for examples of enrollment policies.
Enrollment Policy Three examples of reasonable and measurable enrollment criteria are: • A child is considered enrolled for a given month if he or she has a completed and approved current enrollment form on file and is in attendance at least one time with in the given month regardless whether the child has been served a meal or claimed for a meal. • A child is considered enrolled if he or she has a completed and approved current enrollment form on file and has attended at least once in the past 3 months. After an attendance lapse of 3 months, the child is dropped from the enrollment list. • A child is considered enrolled for a given month if he or she has a completed and approved current enrollment form on file and the center maintains a vacant opening in anticipation of the child’s future attendance at the center.
Household Size-Income Record • Every enrolled child must be listed on the Household Size-Income Record (HSIR) if they have been in attendance at least one time within the calendar month and according to your center’s enrollment policy. • This includes infants, school-age children attending before and after-school programs, and any child attending your center as part of a 4K collaboration. • Careful review of each day’s child care attendance records is required to ensure that all enrolled children are recorded on the HSIR
Household Size-Income Record • It is recommended that children be listed in alphabetical order on the HSIR, last name first. • Be sure to use the children’s FULL names, not initials or nicknames. • Names on the HSIR should match the names on the enrollment forms, income statements and attendance records
Household Size-Income Record • All enrolled children must be included for every month the child is enrolled. • Indicate the need category of each enrolled child by marking the need classification using either the appropriate “N", “R", or “F" or an "x". • The columns of N, R, and F under each month refer to the eligibility category.
What To Do When a Child Leaves the Center • When a child is no longer considered enrolled in the center, he/she should not be marked in any need category for the first month after the child has terminated from the center. • Drawing a line through the categories for the month(s) will indicate this. • Never remove or discard an income statement if a child leaves your center. • Never erase a name from the HSIR.
Adding Newly Enrolled Children to the Household Size-Income Record • If completing a paper copy of the HSIR, new children’s names can be added to the bottom of the form. • If completing the HSIR in the Excel spreadsheet, you may add new children alphabetically by inserting rows.
Press on the row number (on the left hand side) and select Insert and then Rows from the top menu. • This will add a row above the row you have clicked on.
HSIR Edit Checks • Check the list of children on the HSIR against the daily child care attendance records to ensure all children in attendance are included and excluded if they have terminated. • Check the approved need category and its approval date within the “For Center Use Only" box on each child's HSIS to the need category marked for each child listed as enrolled for the month on the HSIR. • Check the marked category on the HSIR for each child to assure that the mark is in the correct column for that category.
HSIR Edit Checks 4. Double check the tallies recorded within the "Totals" row for each column of need category if completing the HSIR by hand. 5. Before submitting the claim, double check the totals written for each need category on the monthly claim form to assure that they have been recorded from the correct column for the month of that claim. 6. If using the Excel version of the HSIR, print off a copy of the HSIR after completing it for each month.
Questions??? • Feel free to contact DPI at 608-267-9129 OR • Contact your assigned Consultant • A Directory is posted at: http://dpi.wi.gov/fns/directory.html Scroll down to view the Community Nutrition Team • Community Nutrition Team Home Page: http://dpi.wi.gov/fns/index.html • Answer Poll Question (% Polls)
Training Opportunities • New to your role in the CACFP? • Desire a refresher as regulations change? • Consider participating in a CACFP training session: www.dpi.wi.gov/fns • Click on “Training” to review and register for a CACFP class • If one is not available at this time, keep an eye out for future training opportunities • We also mail out training brochures throughout the year and include upcoming training reminders in the CACFP quarterly Newsletter