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Unit 12 A Poem for the Young at Heart

Unit 12 A Poem for the Young at Heart. Paragraph 1:  either…or… 不是 … 就是 …  readers of all ages 各年齡層的讀者  the best-loved poets = the poets who are loved (the) best  best­loved 是「 Adv. + V­en 」的 複合形容詞 , well­educated ( 受過良好教育的 ) 、 well­behaved ( 規矩的 ) 、

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Unit 12 A Poem for the Young at Heart

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  1. Unit 12 A Poem for the Young at Heart

  2. Paragraph 1: either…or…不是…就是…  readers of all ages 各年齡層的讀者 the best-loved poets = the poets who are loved (the) best  best­loved是「Adv. + V­en」的 複合形容詞, well­educated (受過良好教育的)、well­behaved (規矩的)、 much­praised (深受讚美的)等等。

  3. Paragraph 2: • bring laughter and joy to readers. bring sth to sb為某人帶來,致使某人… sense of humor幽默感 neither…nor… 既不…也不…

  4. Please finish the work in this way. find + N + Adj Children find these ways funny. • Silverstein likes to tease adults in waysthat children find funny.

  5. A mean V-ing ( A = V-ing ) A mean to V ( A 故意 要 V ) I am sorry . But I didn’t mean to hurt you. …and is never used as a way to criticize others. 物+ be used to + V某物被用來做某事 ►In modern medicine, garlic is used to lower blood pressure and cure heart disease.

  6. 與「used to」相關的常見用法 • 1 人 + used to + V (以前習慣做某事) • 2 人 + be/get used to N (V-ing) • (現在習慣(做)某事) • ► I am/get used to cold weather. • 3.物 + be used to + V (某物被用來做某事)

  7. Paragraph 3: imaginary 想像的 The unicorn is an imaginary beast. imaginative 具有想像力的 He is a very imaginative child. (creative) imaginable 可能想到的 We have had every imaginable difficulty. (difficulty imaginable)

  8.  such as用於舉例說明,可以like代換。 • …such asa bear living in a refrigerator, or a girl eating a whale. such + N like + N ► I like to eat fast food such as/like hamburgers and French fries.

  9. 課文所列舉的兩個例子分別是選自 Light in the Attic的“Bear in There”, 以 及 Where the Sidewalk Ends的“Melinda Mae”。

  10. mix A with B …the serious with the funny and the common with the strange.. 「the + adj. = N」的用 法, 此類名詞當主詞時,後面的動詞要用複數動詞,例: the rich = the rich people the poor = the poor people ► The young are generally energetic.

  11. remind + sb + of + sg These pictures remind me of my classmates.

  12. Paragraph 4: live on持續存在,繼續活著►Although Rose’s husband passed away last year, his love for her lives on. live on另有「以…為主食」的意思, = feed on。►People in Taiwan live on rice.

  13. teach school教書►Ann has taught school for twenty years. She loves her career as a teacher.

  14.  hang…up 把…吊起來,將…掛起來►Ian took off his coat and hung it up behind the door. hang當「把…掛起來」的意思時  hang | hung | hung hang 另有「絞死」的意思, hang | hanged | hanged

  15. 誇飾法(exaggeration) 寫作技巧: 誇飾法是透過作者的思想情感,把人、事、物描述得偏離客觀事實。通常作者會用過分誇張的詞句,製造不同於平時的氣氛,藉此引起讀者的注意及共鳴。本詩作者用誇飾法顯示詩裡說話者 (即學生) 的不滿與憤怒,也滿足了讀者對老師 (即詩中被處罰對象) 的報復想像。而詩中過度誇張造成喜劇效果,也化解了文字的尖銳。 本詩韻腳是abcb,也就是每節第二行和第四行押韻,十分工整。 韻腳(rhyme)

  16. 意象(imagery) 全詩的意象都跟學習活動相關,大致可分為:a 作業:摸黑倒立著背誦百冊歷史書籍;到蒙 古邊界連夜趕種二十呎長的紫色木 蘭花。b 體罰:讀書時不准開燈、要求學生倒立、 揪學生耳朵、捏學生。c 情境:教室、師生、成績、答問、上課講話 嘻笑、「學生」哭叫,以及「老師」 滿意。

  17. 縮短字(contraction) 例如 teachin’ (= teaching)和 ‘em (= them)是比較口語且非正式的講法,適合青少年的口吻。hist’ry (= history)和 ‘til (= until) 則各省掉一個音節,以配合詩行的節奏。

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