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DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency (DORF). 1. DORF During the Testing.
DORF During the Testing Do not read the title to the student. If the student chooses to read the title, do not start the stopwatch until he or she reads the first word of the passage. If the student asks you to tell him or her a word in the title or struggles with a word in the title for 3 seconds, say the word. Do not correct any errors the student makes while reading the title. Start the stopwatch after the student says the first word of the passage. If the student is silent or struggles for 3 seconds with the first word of the passage, mark the word as incorrect, say the word, and start the stopwatch. 2
DOF During the Testing, cont’d Follow along in the scoring booklet. Leave blank any word read correctly, put a slash(/) through errors (including skipped words). At the end of 1 minute, place a bracket (]) in the text after the last word provided by the student. 3
DORF Scoring Rule 1: Words Read Correctly Leave blank any words the student reads correctly. Inserted words are not counted. To be counted as correct, words must be read as whole words and pronounced correctly for the context of the sentence. 4
DORF Scoring Rule 1: Words Read Correctly If the student reads a proper noun with correct pronunciation or with any reasonable phonetic pronunciation, it is counted as correct. Abbreviations must be read the way they would be pronounced in conversation. Numerals must be read correctly within the context of the sentence. Hyphenated words count as two words if both parts can stand alone. A word is scored as correct if it is initially misread but the student self-corrects within 3 seconds. Mark ‘sc’ above the word and score as correct. 5
DORF Scoring Rule 2:Slash Errors Put a slash (/) through any errors. • Errors include words read incorrectly, substitutions, skipped words, hesitations of more than 3 seconds, words read out of order, and words that are sounded out but not read as a whole word. • If a student reads the same word incorrectly multiple times in the story, it counts as an error each time. • Students should read contractions as they are printed on the page. • If a student skips a row, draw a line through the entire row and count the omitted words as errors. 6
Wait Rule for DORF: 3 Seconds Maximum time for each word is 3 seconds. If the student does not read a word within 3 seconds, say the word and mark the word as incorrect. If necessary, indicate for the student to continue with the next word. 7
DORF Retell Administration Directions Look at the bottom of the DORF passage to see how Retell is marked. • Remove the passage and say: “Now tell me as much as you can about the story you just read. Ready, begin.” • Start the stopwatch and allow a maximum of 1 minute for the retell. • Mark through numbers in the scoring book for words in the student’s response that are related to the story. 8
DORF Retell During the Test Move your pen through the numbers as the student is responding to count the number of words he or she said that are related to the passage he or she just read. Stop moving your pen through the numbers if the student stops retelling the story or if his or her retell is not relevant to the story he or she just read. If the student’s response goes on for more than 1 minute, say “Thank you”, discontinue the task, and circle the total number of words in the student’s retell. When the student has finished responding or has met the discontinue criteria, circle the total number of words in the student’s retell. 9
Retell Scoring Rule 1: Correct Words Count as correct any words in the response that area about the passage. The judgment is based on whether the student is generally accurately retelling what was just read or has gotten off track. Move your pen through the number in the scoring booklet for each word the student says about the passage. 10
DORF Retell Wait Rule/Reminder • If the student stops or hesitates for 3 seconds, select one of the following: ~If the student has not said anything at all, provides a very limited response, or provides an off-track response, say, “Tell me as much as you can about the story.” ~Otherwise, say, “Can you tell me anything more about the story?” These reminders may be used only once. 11
Daze Administration Steps • Assessor asks students to read a passage and circle the word that makes the most sense in the story. • Group or individually administered measure. • Score: Number of correct responses, adjusted for guessing.
Daze Assessor asks students to read a passage and circle the word that makes the most sense in the story. Group or individually administered measure. Score: Number of correct responses, adjusted for guessing.
Score and Scoring Rules • The students receive 1 point for each correct word. • A response is correct if the student circled or otherwise marked the correct word. • Put a slash (/) through any incorrect responses. Incorrect responses include errors, boxes with more than one answer marked, and items left blank (if they occur before the last item the student attempted within the 3-minute time limit). Items left blank because the student could not get to them before time ran out do not need to be slashed and do not count as incorrect responses. • If there are erasure marks, scratched out words, or any other extraneous markings, but the student’s final response is obvious, score the item based in that response.
Reminders • If a student starts reading the passage out loud, say, Remember to read the story silently. • If a student in not working on the task say, Remember to circle the word in each box that makes the most sense in the story. • If a student asks you to provide a word for them or for help with the task, say, Just do your best. • These reminders may be given as often as needed.
Final Score: Cover Sheet Adjusted Score = Correct minus (Incorrect divided by 2) 24 • Correct = 24 • 2. Incorrect = 1 • 3. 1 divided by 2 = 0.5 • 4. Subtract 0.5 from 24 to get 23.5 • Round up to 24 • 6. Write 24 at the top of the cover sheet and circle it. 24 1 24