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English Programme 2013. G14 – Europe Trip Academic Work. Objectives.
EnglishProgramme 2013 G14 – EuropeTrip AcademicWork
Objectives – Toknow and understand a variety of text-typefeatures– Tounderstandthe use of language, structure, and style– Toselectanadequatetexttypewith a specificpurpose in mind.– Todevelop ideas coherently – Toexpress ideas clearly and fluently in oral and writtencommunication. – To use oral and writtenexpression in a variety of styles, registers and situations. – To use technologicaldevices and managetheirfunctionsappropriately. – Todevelopcriticalthinkingskills and gainknowledgeonthehistory of people and places in Europe.
Instructions • Individually, G14 studentswillhavetowritetwotexts (minimum LA 800 words – LB 600 wordseach) about a selection of topicsdealingwithpeople, places, landmarks and theirhistoryduringyourtriptoEurope. • Aditionally, studentswillhavetorecord in groups (max 4 students) at leasttwo clips of minimum 3 minutes each, giving a tour and describing a place of yourchoosing, in any of the places youvisitwhileonyourtrip.
PossibleText-Types 1. A news report of any event that may be going on in Europe these days.2. An interview with someone of their interest that may help develop ideas to discuss an issue.3. An opinion column to express a point of view on any of the topics from the list.4. A first person account (diary entry or blog entry) to tell their experience in relation to what they could observe during the trip and beyond. NOTE: If you’d like to use any other text type that is not on this list, present your proposal to your English teacher in advance and wait for his/her approval.
SUGGESTED TOPICS • London: A Cosmopolitan City • Europe: A Cosmopolitan Continent • Edinburgh in the Medieval World • Heritage: the Value of Museums • The European Citizen • Christianity in Medieval Europe: Churches and Cathedrals. • British English • A Clash of Cultures • Queens and Kings of Europe • European Art • Entertainment for tourists and locals • The Historic Value of York • Sports through the Eyes of Europe
NOTE: Ifyouhaveanyotherinteresting idea onwhichyouwantto base yourwritingtasks, presentyourproposaltoyourEnglishteacher in advance, and waitforhis/herapproval.
Back fromEurope • Westronglysuggestthatyoutake notes duringthetripto use themlaterwhenyouwrite. Wewillgiveyou time afterwe come back towriteyourtasks, butyoumustbringyour notes fromthetrip. • Regardingthe video clips, OF COURSE, youmust record them IN-SITU.