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RENAISSANCE LYON State of progress on Political recommendation issues preparation Final Report

RENAISSANCE LYON State of progress on Political recommendation issues preparation Final Report 24/25 April 08- Saragossa. Béatrice COUTURIER becouturier@grandlyon.org Grand Lyon- Leader WP1.1. Activity report with a view to preparing the final report. WP 1.1 energy and town planning.

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RENAISSANCE LYON State of progress on Political recommendation issues preparation Final Report

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  1. RENAISSANCE LYON State of progress on Political recommendation issues preparation Final Report 24/25 April 08- Saragossa Béatrice COUTURIER becouturier@grandlyon.org Grand Lyon- Leader WP1.1

  2. Activity report with a view to preparing the final report WP 1.1 energy and town planning

  3. WP 1.1 energy and town planning Reminder of objectives fixed in WP 1.1 “energy and town planning”: • take advantage of the possibilities for innovation in the area of energy policy made possible by the scale of this operation • integrate the results of this exemplary operation into local and national policies so that results can be immediately replicated • share the experience gained with other developers / promoters State of progress of WP 1.1: 95%

  4. WP 1.1 energy and town planning Taking advantage of the possibilities for innovation provided by Concerto in the field of energy policy • Experimental approach involving the ecological rehabilitation of a neighbourhood: • experimental site validated (Sainte Blandine area) • partners identified • definition of the level of requirement • exchange of experiences with co-owner associations in France • To be done by late September 2008: • Finding innovative tax and financial solutions (2nd and 3rd quarters 2008) • Developing a programme of work to be carried out on a test sample of apartment blocks (2nd and 3rd quarters 2008) • Exchanges with the Saragossa partners on legal and financial arrangements likely to be duplicated in Lyon.

  5. WP 1.1 energy and town planning Taking advantage of the possibilities for innovation provided by Concerto in the field of energy policy • Wood-burning heating systems: changes in the perception of using wood-burning heating systems in urban environments Was used to look at wood as a source of energy for other urban projects in the Lyon area • Example: Bron Terraillon ORU: diagnosis of the existing system and hypotheses proposed for reworking the energy system, particularly using wood as a source of energy • Example: feasibility study with a view to installing a wood-burning heating system in Sathonay Camp Decision: 2010/2011

  6. WP 1.1 energy and town planning Integrating the results of this exemplary approach into local and national policy Concerning local policy: • Draw up a sustainable housing data repository based on experience feedback from the Restart programme and on the levels of requirement of the Concerto programme • Draw up an “office” data repository based on the levels of objectives determined in the Concerto programme for offices • Collaboration with the Rhône-Alpes region with a view to enriching policy direction in favour of the environmental quality of buildings

  7. WP 1.1 energy and town planning The Grand Lyon sustainable housing data repository Conditions of application: • Future development zones, via property developers Set up a system for monitoring the application of the data repository at all stages of the project (design and implementation) + thinking on the idea of issuing a Grand Lyon “eco-passport” to promoters who subscribe to the system • Sale of community land • Ditto above • Social housing  To be generalized as of 01/01/2009 + and common approach implemented with the Rhône-Alpes region

  8. WP 1.1 energy and town planning Summary of requirements determined

  9. WP 1.1 energy and town planning Operational progress Or a total of approximately 3 225 dwellings concerned by the approach

  10. WP 1.1 energy and town planning Experience feedback: • Economic feedback from some operations: - Zac Norenchal, block 1 (OPAC 69) : 52 € HT /m2 net floor area - Décines operation (OPAC Grand Lyon) : 107 € HT / m2 net floor area • Operational feedback: • Clearer view of extra costs linked to applying an environmental quality approach • Environmental management approach being constantly improved, both for clients / builders and future development zone developers

  11. WP 1.1 energy and town planning The office data repository Environmental performance objectives • Energy: limiting consumption and use of renewable energies • Summer comfort: priority given to passive treatment • Water, visual comfort, acoustics, health, materials, waste, etc. Set up experimentally in 2007

  12. WP 1.1 energy and town planning Performance requirements

  13. WP 1.1 energy and town planning Summary of the experimentation phase: • 98 000 m2 currently being programmed or designed • no negative feedback from the design department or contractors in charge of applying it • only complementary requests (such as weather forecast files) have been made. • Amongst the changes to be made to the office data repository: • be able to increase the power of the photovoltaic cells to be installed • one or two corrections of units used to calculate consumption need making,  document will be validated in its present form • In the future, harmonisation will be possible with the sustainable housing data repository of the Grand Lyon/Rhône-Alpes region

  14. WP 1.1 energy and town planning Collaboration with the Rhône-Alpes region with a view to enriching policy direction in favour of the environmental quality of buildings • The region to draw up a data repository in favour of environment quality in social housing inspired by the Grand Lyon data repository • Aim: • Promote building environmental quality in social housing via appropriate subsidies • Input from the Concerto/Renaissance project: • technical input (enriching technical systems, the choice of building techniques, equipment)

  15. WP 1.1 energy and town planning Collaboration with the Rhône-Alpes region with a view to enriching policy direction in favour of the environmental quality of buildings • Work in common to bring the two tools together in order to help to make these approaches easier to understand for builders • Setting up appropriate financing for social housing, helping to limit the financial impact involved in applying environmental quality approaches: • Measures taken at regional level: grants • Measures taken at Grand Lyon level: removal of ceilings on local margins and reduction in the social housing grant if the data repository is not respected

  16. WP 1.1 energy and town planning • Concerning national policies: • Programme monitored by ADEME (national agency responsible for helping create and set up government policies in the field of energy control and the use of sustainable energy) Aim: learn from the Concerto programmes carried out by different French towns in order to guide future national policy in terms of energy efficiency and the use of sustainable energy • Request for “prébat” proposals by the PUCA: 4 French Concerto projects involved proposal for action called “Concert’action” dealing with the socio-economic aspect of the various Concerto project: understanding the stakes and accepting changes in practice by all professionals of the building industry.

  17. WP 1.1 energy and town planning PUCA: a state body which associates the relevant administrations of the ministry for ecology, development and sustainable development, the ministry of employment, social cohesion and housing, the ministry of higher education and research, and the ministry of culture and communication. • Enertech, a partner in the Concerto programme, and a consultant for the “isolons la terre” collective for the promotion of a national policy aiming to bring heating energy consumption down below 50 KWh/m2/year for old housing being renovated

  18. WP 1.1 energy and town planning • Grenelle of environment What is Grenelle? Large brainstorming session to move thinking forward on sustainable development in national policies It involves most of specialists on energy in housing: voluntary sector, building trade, state department … • Workshop N°1 (summer 2007)  Concerto project was quoted as an example as an eco district and for its high level of energetic efficiency • MEDAD (Ministry of environment and sustainable development) created a website on eco district Two of the examples cited were Concerto projects (Grenoble and Lyon) Concerto project contribution toward futur energetic policy in housing is mainly based on working method. National policy is adopting working method by performance level , which follows from the Concerto program

  19. WP 1.1 energy and town planning Sharing experiences acquired by other developers / promoters • High environmental quality specifications to be distributed to the operators of the Confluence who are not committed to the Concerto programme: • For the new operator consultations (Block E 1, E 2, E3, E4 of the Confluence future development zone), Concerto level of requirement for consumptions reached or exceeded • Widespread communication on the project to the federation of building promoters • Objectives of the specifications about to be used on other development projects outside the conurbation

  20. Partners ENERTECH

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