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Your digital echo

Your digital echo. It’s a brand you world. Digital echo. Whatever you post online is heard somewhere by someone Are you sure it’s the right image you want people/potential employers to have of you?. Recruitment efforts . Companies going online

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Your digital echo

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  1. Your digital echo It’s a brand you world

  2. Digital echo Whatever you post online is heard somewhere by someone Are you sure it’s the right image you want people/potential employers to have of you?

  3. Recruitment efforts • Companies going online • 87 % of recruitment processes have a social media presence • jobbank.gc.ca • Careerbeacon • LinkedIn • More and more you’re brand becomes important

  4. Associated Press-Viacom poll • Four out of 5 high school and college students say websites are an excellent or good way to interact with fellow students • Just over half say the Internet is useful to look up ratings on teachers • 62 percent say social networking is helpful in interactions with co-workers

  5. Today’s market • University students are facing the biggest unemployment issue in the last 50 years • Use social media and networking • Started as a way to stay connected • Powerful tool to connect with others with a click of a button • Get your name and interests our there • Need a brand –not just who you are, but who you want to be

  6. Who would you hire?

  7. Set yourself apart from other job seekers • Write a simple paragraph highlighting qualities and career highlights • Use social media platforms to differentiate yourself • Let audience experience who you are – your brand • Stay in touch with network to stay top of mind • Put yourself in potential employers’ shoes

  8. What is a brand? • Product • Experience • Person • Match image with brand • Experience people feel towards something • Getting connected is great • Perception is just as important

  9. ‘Your’ brand • Take control of your online persona • Use tools at your fingertips • ‘Your’ brand

  10.  Be aware of photos you post and what other people post on their pages in conjunction to you • Be aware of not only what you post but also how it can be misinterpreted • Why is this important? The Digital Echo

  11. Setting up profiles • Make it easy to find you • Use an email you check regularly • Use an easily recognizable username • Use an image that clearly identifies you on a small scale • Add a one line bio • Include where you live • Find people to follow – ‘Find People’ tab

  12. Setting up profiles • Attend ‘tweetups’ • Let your network know you are looking • Keep followers up to date on your search • Let them know qualifications

  13. Rules of engagement • Don’t push • Be personal • Listen • Don’t swear – even with asteriks • Everything is public

  14. Brand • Not a logo • A collection of perceptions in the mind of the consumer

  15. Brand you world

  16. Brand you world • Personal brands allow individuals to differentiate themselves • We are all brands • If you’re not branding yourself, you can be sure others are • It’s a brand you world • To be in business today, your most important job is to be head marketer for a brand called you

  17. Content • We’re all in the content business • Need strong personal brands • Questions to ask yourself: • What are your goals? • What are you passionate about? • What makes you remarkable?

  18. Brand you • Building effective personal brand takes time • No one-size fits all approach • Develop a brand plan • Craft your identity • Choose the right tools and channels • Create a hub – technical savvy to stand out • LinkedIn badge, Flickr, Twitter feed, SlideShare • 21st C resume • Measure

  19. Online communities of like minded people • Purpose: • Social: stay in touch • Professional: network, build clientele, find jobs

  20. LinkedIn • Over 36 million members • In 200 countries • A new member joins every second • Executives of corporation • Add content by linking blog, Twitter

  21. Work it • Check profile regularly • Post • Join a group/groups • Check out places you want to work and see if you have any connections • Recommendations

  22. Twitter • Use for file sharing • Gathering information • Professional topics

  23. Facebook • Nothing is private • More informal • Easier to go ‘off brand’

  24. Not just for personal videos • Used for job interviews • Self-promotion • Showcase talent and initiative • Use good judgement

  25. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eGHZvhWDLU • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtBD-SnwwiU

  26. Mistakes • Starting without a plan • Thinking what you say is private • Spelling/grammar errors • Don’t limit yourself to one social media site - but don’t create too many • 21st resume • Not completing your profile

  27. Don’t forget to: • Make yourself findable • Connect everything • Cultivate relationships • Start and join conversations

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