Getting Cash and Making Purchases in China. By Kevin Templin. ATMs. Many ATMs accept foreign bank cards in major shopping centers and international hotels These ATMs have signage that states only foreign cards can be used
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Getting Cash and Making Purchases in China
By Kevin Templin
ATMs Many ATMs accept foreign bank cards in major shopping centers and international hotels These ATMs have signage that states only foreign cards can be used Some Chinese bank branded ATMs accept foreign cards but it can be hit or miss All ATMs give out RMB Keep the ATM or bank receipt for when you convert back to US currency or the exchange won’t be accepted
Traveler’s Checks Do not use Only the Bank of China is allowed to exchange the checks and there is a lengthy process Transactions take a few hours Don’t want to be caught in a remote part of China with only traveler’s checks
Credit Cards Widely accepted in China, but can’t always depend on being able to pay with them You can use them at international hotels, upscale restaurants, shops, and tourist offices Ask before you purchase to make sure no fee is added on, especially at tourist offices when purchasing domestic flights or tours
Bottom Line Make sure you have US dollars to exchange at the airport when you arrive in China Bring at least one ATM card and possibly a back-up Bring a credit card for major purchases and hotel stays Inform your credit card company that you will be in China from January through May so they don’t block your purchases Keep photocopies of your cards front and back and emergency numbers separate in case you lose your wallet or purse Keep your exchange or ATM receipts so you can re-exchange RMB for US dollars on the way out