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Eucharist The Catholic Faith in plain English. December 22, 2013 Rev. Scott J. Garrett. The most august sacrament is the Most Holy Eucharist in which Christ the Lord himself is contained, offered, and received and by which the Church continually lives and grows.
EucharistThe Catholic Faith in plain English December 22, 2013 Rev. Scott J. Garrett
The most august sacrament is the Most Holy Eucharist in which Christ the Lord himself is contained, offered, and received and by which the Church continually lives and grows. The Eucharistic sacrifice, the memorial of the death and resurrection of the Lord, in which the sacrifice of the cross is perpetuated through the ages, is the summit and source of all worship and Christian life. The Eucharistic sacrifice signifies and effects the unity of the people of God and brings about the building up of the body of Christ. Indeed the other sacraments and all the ecclesiastical works of the apostolate are closely connected with the Most Holy Eucharist and ordered to it/ Eucharist Defined: Canon 897
Alb:Alb gets its name form the Greek word alba, which means white and refers to the white garments of the newly baptized. Prayer: Purify me, O Lord, and cleanse my heart that, being washed in the Blood of the Lamb, I may enjoy everlasting happiness Cincture: Symbol of chastity. Prayer: Gird me, O Lord, with the cincture of purity and extinguish in my body the passion of lust, so that the virtues of chastity and continence ever remain within me. Stole: Symbol of the office of priesthood and symbolizes a yoke. Prayer: Restore to me, O Lord, the stole of immortality, which I lost in the fall of my first parent; and as I approach Your sacred mysteries, although unworthy, may I merit eternal joys. Chasuble: The Chasuble is only worn during Mass, i.e. not for baptism. A priest should never eat or drink with a Chasuble on outside of Mass. Colors of the vestments worn by the clergy vary according to the season or day it is in the Church’s calendar. Prayer: O Lord, You once said, “My yoke is easy and My burden, light.” Make me strong enough, I pray, to bear it in such a manner that I may obtain Your grace. Vesting Prayers
Bowing Genuflecting Kneeling Standing POSTURE
1. Introductory Rites 2. Liturgy of the Word 3. Liturgy of the Eucharist 4. Concluding Rites Our Mass has Four Parts
General Overview Entrance Processions Entrance Song Veneration of the Altar Sign of the Cross Greeting and Introduction Act of Penitence Lord Have Mercy Glory to God The Collect FIRST PARTIntroductory Rites
First Reading Responsorial Psalm Second Reading Alleluia Gospel Acclamation Incensation Gospel Homily Profession of Faith Prayer of the Faithful SECOND PARTLiturgy of the Word
PREPARATION OF GIFTS • Preparation of Altar • Presentation of Gifts • Preparation Hymn • Incense: Gifts, Altar, Cross • Prayers over the gifts • Mixing water and wine • Priest Private Prayer • Incensation of People • Washing of Hands • Prayer and Invitation THIRD PARTLiturgy of the Eucharist
EUCHARISTIC PRAYER • Preface • Holy, Holy, Holy • Epiclesis • Narrative of Institution • Memorial Acclamation • Anamnesis • Offering • Intercessions • Final Doxology THIRD PARTLiturgy of the Eucharist
COMMUNION RITE • Lord’s Prayer • Rite of Peace • Breaking of Bread • Commingling • Lamb of God • Private Prep: Priest/People • Invitation to Communion • Communion Hymn • Purification of Vessels • Silent Prayer • Prayer After Communion THIRD PARTLiturgy of the Eucharist
Announcements Greeting and Blessing Dismissal Veneration of the Altar Recessional/Song FOURTH PARTConcluding Rites
What is the most important part of the Mass? FINAL TEST QUESTION