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EEMAN 101. `Aqeedah . Definition Linguistic Technical Its Critical Role. Dispelling Misconceptions . “ Discussing `Aqeedah is debilitating, for it divides the Muslims. ” “ There is no practical benefit in studying and focusing on Eeman. ”. Dispelling Misconceptions .
`Aqeedah • Definition • Linguistic • Technical • Its Critical Role
Dispelling Misconceptions “Discussing `Aqeedah is debilitating, for it divides the Muslims.” “There is no practical benefit in studying and focusing on Eeman.”
Dispelling Misconceptions `Aqeedah in Islam plays the role of the soul in the body. It is in fact practical, for the heart has actions. “But He will call you to account with what your hearts have earned.” Suratul Baqarah, ayah 225 The first obligation of Islam is the heart testifying to the truth of this deen. “Those who believe in the Unseen.” Suratul Baqarah, ayah 3
Dispelling Misconceptions `Aqeedah was revealed as an examination. “And We did not make the vision which we showed you except as a trial for mankind, and likewise the accursed tree (Zaqqum, mentioned) in the Qur’an.” Suratul Israa’, ayah 60 “Over it (i.e. Jahannam) are 19 (angels). And We have not set as guardians of the fire except angels, and we have not fixed their number (as 19) except as a trial for disbelievers; so that the People of the Book may become certain (of the authenticity of the Qur’an since it agrees with their books) and the believers may increase in faith.” Suratul Muddathir, ayah 30
Dispelling Misconceptions This `Aqeedah armors the hearts of the youth. The greatest Qur’anic ayah contains nothing except `Aqeedah: Ayyatul Kursiyy Surat Al-Ikhlaas equals 1/3 of the Qur’an.
Eemaan • Defined • Linguistic • Technical • The Pillars of Eeman (6) “Eeman is to believe in Allah, His Angels, His Books, His Messengers, The Last Day, and Fate, the good of it and the evil.”
Belief in Allah Existence Lordship Divinity Names and Attributes
Existence Instinct (Fitrah) Logic/Reason Experience Design Revelation
Instinct So set your face towards the pure Religion (Monotheism, Islam), Allaah’s Fitrah, with which He has disposed humankind upon. There is no altering of Allaah’s creation (ie. The people and the religion they were set upon). Surat Ar-Room, ayah 30 There is no newborn except that they are born upon the Fitrah. Then their parents make them Jews, or Christians, or Fire-Worshippers. [Al Bukhari and Muslim]
Logic “Were they created out of nothing, or were they themselves the creators?” Surah At-Toor, ayah 35
Logic Four Possibilities: I wasn’t created to begin with, I always was and always will be. I was created out of nothing. I created myself I have a Creator.
Experience Personal Experience Prophetic Experience
Design Exalt the name of your Lord, Most High Who created and proportioned And Who destined and [then] guided Surah Al A`laa, ayaat 1-3
Revelation Don’t they ponder over the Qur’an? Had it been from other than Allah, they would surely have found many discrepancies in it. Surah An Nisaa, ayah 82
Revelation Congruencies between the Qur’an and the Universe The productive, enlightening that the application of revelation brings into one’s life and society. Note: “Scientific Observations” of the Qur’an
Lordship Ruboobiyyah Creation Ownership Planning
Creation So blessed be Allah, the best of creators. Surah Al Mu’minoon, ayah 14 Humankind! An example has been struck, so listen to it (carefully). Indeed! Those you call upon besides Allah will never create (even) a fly, even though they all unite (in cooperation) for it. Surah Al Hajj, ayah 73
Ownership Ownership of Allah swt and the ownership of humans Don’t you know that belonging to Allah is the dominion of the heavens and the Earth? Surah Al Baqarah, ayah 107
Planning And you do not will except that Allah wills, Lord of the `Alamin. Surah Adh-Dhaariyaat, ayah 56
Divinity Uloohiyyah Singling Allah out, in theory and practice, as the only God worthy of worship. O Mu’adh, do you know what is Allah’s right over the slaves?... [Al Bukhari and Muslim]
Divinity • The mission of all the prophets. • The distinguishing factor between a Muslim and other claimants to Monotheism. • The purpose of creation. And I did not create the Jinn and human except to worship Me. Surat Adh-Dhaariyaat, ayah 56
Divinity And it has been revealed to you ( O Muhammad), and to those before you: If you join others in worship with Allah, (Then) surely (all) your deeds will be in vain, and you will certainly be among the losers. Surat Az-Zumar, ayah 65
The Names and Attributes And belonging to Allah are (all) the beautiful names, so call upon Him by them. Suratul A`raaf, ayah 180 “Belonging to Allah are 99 names, one less than a hundred, whoever comes across them enters Paradise.” [Al Bukhari and Muslim]
Benefits of Learning Allah’s Names and Attributes Properly identify the only One worship can be devoted to One of the greatest doors towards increasing one’s Eeman and taming one’s own distasteful qualities (e.g. arrogance, miserliness, etc.). One will not worship Allah properly until he loves Him, and will not love Him until he knows him.
Names and Attributes And there is no one comparable to Him. Surah Al-Ikhlas, ayah 4 There is nothing similar to Him, and He is the All-Hearer, the All-Seer. Surah Ash-Shura, ayah 11
Names and Attributes We only affirm what Allah affirms about Himself, without: Ta’teel Tamtheel Ta’weel Difference between and Name and an Attribute
Belief in Angels Definition All praise be to Allah, the (only) Originator of the heavens and the earth, who made the angels messengers with wings, - two and three and four. Surah Faatir, ayah 1
Belief in Angels Created from light Great in multitude Gigantic in size Carry-out various tasks Ever-protective of believers Incapable of sinning Worship Allah restlessly
Benefit of Belief in Angels A manifestation of Allah’s Power An honoring of the believers A humbling reality A manifestation of Allah’s Mercy and Grace
Belief in Books What does it entail? Every book has been tampered with; the sole exception being the Qur’an.
Belief in Books And indeed, among them is a party who distort the Book with their tongues (as they read), so that You may think it is from the Book, but it is not from the Book, and they say: “This is from Allah,” but it is not from Allah; and they speak a lie against Allah while they know. Surah Ale Imran, ayah 78 Indeed, it was We wo sent down the Remembrance (i.e. the Qur’an), and surely, We will guard it (from corruption). Surah Al Hijr, ayah 9
Stance of the Believer What is the stance of the believer in regard to the remnants of these books? 1. That which is confirmed by revelation. 2. That which is denied by revelation 3. That which is neither confirmed/denied by revelation.
Belief in the Qur’an Those We have given the Book to, recite it as it deserves to be recited; they are those that believe in it. Surah al Baqarah, ayah 121 This is contingent upon accepting it wholeheartedly as the constitution of our lives (theoretically and in practice), reciting it properly (i.e. Tajweed), and not making an unqualified interpretation of its meanings.
Belief in the Messengers Constitutes belief in them all, those who have been named and those who have not. “We make no distinction between any one of His Messengers.” Surah Al Baqarah, ayah 285
Belief in the Messengers And We have indeed sent messengers before you (O Muhammad); some of which we have related to you their story and some we have not related to you their story. Surah Ghafir, ayah 78 The people of Nuh belied the messengers. Surah Ash Shu`araa, ayah 105
Belief in Muhammad (s.a.s.) Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) is not the father of any man among you, but he is the messenger of Allah and the Seal of the prophets. Surah al Ahzab, ayah 40 “By He is whose hand is my soul, none hears of me from this nation (i.e. that I was sent to), be they (even) a Jew or a Christian, and dies while not believing in what I was sent with, except that they will be of the people of the Fire.” [Muslim]
Belief in Muhammad (s.a.s.) Do not raise your voice over his No believer seeks nearness to Allah by way of an action or ritual untaught by Muhammad, sallAllaahu `alayhi wasallam.
Belief in the Last Day Occurs on two levels Holistically and by willingly accepting whatever details of it one comes across in the Qur’an and Sunnah Many different names: Al-Qiyaamah, Al Waaqi`ah, Al Hashr, Al-Haaqah, Al-Ba`ath
Belief in the Last Day Allah, the Most High said: The son of Adam belied me and he had no right to do so, and he cursed me and he had no right to do so. As for his belying me, he claimed that I am unable to return him as he was (i.e. resurrection). As for his cursing me, it is his saying that I have a son. Glorified I am above taking a wife or a son.
Belief in Allah demands Belief in the Last Day Wisdom Knowledge Ability Justice
When will it commence? • Matter of the unseen They ask you (O Muhammad) about the Hour: “When will its appointed time be?” Say: “Its knowledge is only with my Lord, none can reveal its time but He…” Surah Al A`raaf, ayah 187 • Signs before the Last Day • Major • Minor
Descriptions of the Last Day Every soul shall taste death, then to Us you shall all be returned. Surah al `Ankaboot, ayah 57 The ayaat and authentic ahadith take us on a graphic journey through this unseen world that begins with the pulling of the soul, its journey through the heavens, and its return to the body upon burial for questioning.
Belief in Fate Knowledge Writing Will Creation
Knowledge “And with Him are the keys of the unseen (i.e. all that is hidden), none knows them but He, and He knows whatever there is on Earth and in the sea. Not a leaf falls, except that He knows it.” Surah Al An`aam, ayah 59
Writing The Preserved Tabled (Al-Lawh al-Mahfoodh) The Lifetime Records The Annual The Daily
Will Misnomer: All things being by Allah’s will means that we don’t have free will. Refutation: ? Remember: No one knows Allah’s will until it comes to pass.
Creation And Allah has created you and that which you do. Surah As-Saaffaat, ayah 96 Question: Did Allah create evil?
Benefits of Belief in Fate Ensuring the correctness of one’s eeman Grants one a better understanding about Allah Grants one calmness and security in their life