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RAISING HEALTHY KIDS NOTES FOR PARENTS ISSUE 2 February 2012 RUNNING HEALTHY UIS-ZC TUCK SHOPS From the Nutritional Support Area at Utahloy International School Zengcheng, we are working this school year (2011-2012) under the premise “HEALTHY, BALANCED AND TASTY”. This frame covers our work in the school’s canteen, with a safety regulations kit, good food practices and the implementation of new western recipes and new items for lunch, but the canteen is only our first step. With the first semester over we considered it is time to take the second step, healthy school shops. As usual, based on international standards (Australia, Canada, the UK) we are gradually changing the stock to have healthier options and less food and beverages with minimum nutritional value. SHOP AT SCHOOL SHOP AT BOARDING HOUSE MAKING THE CASE FOR HEALTHY TUCK SHOPS Certainly, students like to buy food at school, and tuck shops give them easy access to food and beverages as an addition to their main meals. Of course, the most popular choices are those that offer little or no nutritional value, such as potato chips, candy, soft drinks and chocolate bars. Selling nutritionally poor foods and drinks in the school’s tuck shop can be friendly but has some implications. It does not support the healthy eating lessons students learn in the classroom; this sends a contradictory message to students (the school does not practise what it teaches and it does not let students apply what they have learned). Additionally, items with minimum nutritional value provide an excessive amount of fat and sugar that might result in skipping important mealtimes such as lunch or dinner. A HEALTHY TUCK SHOP ALLOWS STUDENTS TO BUY A RANGE OF FOODS AND BEVERAGES THAT THEY ENJOY AND AT THE SAME TIME, ENCOURAGES HEALTHY CHOICES!
WHY A HEALTHY TUCK SHOP? • To reinforce the classroom healthy • eating education. • To promote healthy eating and • drinking habits. • To provide students a healthy • source of energy and nutrients • during the school day. • To create a nutritionally healthy • school environment. • NUTRITIONALLY HEALTHY SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT, IT CONCERNS YOU, TOO! • A nutritionally healthy school environment exists when a school promotes healthy eating through words and actions. Students get the same message about food, nutrition and healthy eating wherever food is served –in the classroom, at school and at home. • In the community each member has an important role: • SCHOOL: • Providing food and beverages with maximum nutritional value in the canteen and school’s shops • Providing healthy, reasonably priced and culturally appropriate food choices at tuck shops • Encouraging healthy classroom celebrations • Providing students and parents education about healthy eating • PARENTS: • Receiving and practising the healthy eating information provided by the school • Making sure that your children bring healthy snacks to school and limiting the access to the food • and beverages with minimum nutritional value at home • Encouraging your children to make healthy choices when shopping at school shops • STUDENTS: • Having an active role making the decisions through the Student’s Council or Boarding • House Council and making proposals about healthy food and beverages to include in the tuck • shops • Supporting the school guidelines to limit the availability of food and beverages with minimum • nutritional value to one per student per day only • Accepting the changes of food and beverages in the school shops, and not insisting on keeping • the items with minimum nutritional value in stock Elaborated by the nutritional support area at Utahloy International School Zeng-Cheng (some information from the websites below was used) http://chd.region.waterloo.on.ca/en/healthyLivingHealthProtection/resources/TuckShops http://www.aith.shetland.sch.uk/links/documents/HealthyTuckShop
家长小贴士:让您的孩子健康成长! 2012年2月 第二期 UISZC健康食品商店的开办 2011-2012年度,在饮食方面,我们本着“健康,均衡和美味”的原则,在学校营养部门的支持下,对学校餐厅工作做出了全面的调整:其中包括食品健康安全、健康饮食习惯和午餐西式新配餐的实施。但餐厅的工作只是我们的第一步,随着第一学期的结束,我们是时候进行我们的第二步工作了:像往常一样,基于国际标准(澳大利亚,加拿大,英国),我们正逐渐把低营养食品的销售转向更多健康食品的选择。 学校商店 宿舍商店 商店开办的理由 毋庸置疑,学生喜欢在学校商店购买零食,这也是他们正餐之外食品和饮料补充的简单手段, 当然,最受欢迎的也是那些提供少量或者根本没有营养价值的食品:例如, 薯片、糖果、饮料和巧克力棒。这类食品固然很受欢迎,但它们对学生有很多负面影响:学生在课堂上学习健康饮食的课程,但是实际情况却与之相反(学校并没有让学生所学到的东西得到实际运用)。另外,这类低营养食物含有过多的糖类和脂类, 会导致学生们忽视午餐或晚餐这些重要的用餐时间。 健康食品商店的开办能够让学生们买到大量他们喜爱的食物,同时也可以培养他们健康的饮食习惯。
为什么要开办健康食品商店? • 巩固课堂健康饮食教育知识 • 培养健康饮食习惯 • 补充课间所需营养能量 • 营造健康饮食的校园氛围 • 健康饮食的校园氛围, • 需要您的参与! • 我们通过文字和行动来提高健康饮食习惯,营造健康饮食的校园氛围。同时学生在教室、学校和家里所获得的食物健康知识也必须要一致。 • 在这个组成部分中每个成员都扮演着重要的角色: • 学校: • 餐厅和商店会提供最健康的食品和饮料 • 小卖部会提供健康、价格合理和多样的零食选择 • 庆祝活动鼓励支持健康食品的提供 • 为学生和家长提供健康饮食方面的知识 • 家长: • 接收并实践学校提供的健康饮食方面的知识 • 确保孩子携带健康食品到学校并且尽量让孩子在家少吃低营养食物和饮料 • 引导孩子在学校商店购买健康食品 • 学生: • 通过学生会和宿舍委员会集思广益,并为学校健康食品店出售的食品提出宝贵意见和建议 • 支持学校规范,把不健康食物的摄取限制在每人每天一份的数量内 • 接受学校食品店的改变,不要坚持要求出售低营养食物 Elaborated by the nutritional support area at Utahloy International School Zeng-Cheng (some information from the websites below was used) http://chd.region.waterloo.on.ca/en/healthyLivingHealthProtection/resources/TuckShops http://www.aith.shetland.sch.uk/links/documents/HealthyTuckShop