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Broadband Services Anywhere in Eindhoven

Broadband Services Anywhere in Eindhoven. ir. Robert Elbrink Municipality of Eindhoven r.elbrink@eindhoven.nl +31 40 - 238 2493. Eindhoven Broadband Vision as stated by the Eindhoven City Council on September 22th, 2003.

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Broadband Services Anywhere in Eindhoven

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  1. Broadband Services Anywhere in Eindhoven ir. Robert Elbrink Municipality of Eindhoven r.elbrink@eindhoven.nl +31 40 - 238 2493

  2. Eindhoven Broadband Visionas stated by the Eindhoven City Council on September 22th, 2003 The municipality of Eindhoven will actively endorse that, in principle, all inhabitants, companies and institutions within the city boundaries will have access to an open, high-grade, fibre-optic local access network, by 2010. • Major impulse for urban and regional knowledge economy • Improves attractiveness of the city as a residence for companies, a place to live for citizens and a place to study • Substantially contributes to the enlargement and improvement of social cohesion, participation and liveability • Contributes to the high-tech image of the region

  3. Broadband Services - Obstacles • Plenty of broadband services for the “young and ICT-savvy” • But, most people don’t fit that profile

  4. Broadband Services • It must be simple • Standardise • Low-tech appearance / ICT is invisible • Recognisable • Benefits must be clear • Pricing must be right

  5. Broadband Services • Repackaging and marketing • TV, mobile, “ATM”, etc. in addition to computer • Local services • Examples www.onsnet.tvBestuurOnline

  6. Fiber vs Wireless • Complementary: fiber and wireless • Anywhere = wireless access • Heavy bandwidht requirements = fiber • Application defines needs • Example CityTV.nl

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