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FLICKS. MOVIES. SLANG. AmE. Cinema. PICTURES. VY_32_INOVACE_AJ3r0103 Topic : Culture and lifestyle Jaroslava Dlabajová. BrE. How do you decide which film to see at your local cinema ? . We usually choose films according to the following criteria : .
FLICKS MOVIES SLANG AmE Cinema PICTURES VY_32_INOVACE_AJ3r0103 Topic: Culture and lifestyle Jaroslava Dlabajová BrE
Weusuallychoosefilmsaccording to thefollowingcriteria: • Genre - do you preferactionmoviesorcomedies? • Story line /plot – how doesitmatchyourpreferences? • Who are the actors/directorsinvolved? • What moodare you in? - romanticorserious?
How do you decidewhich film to see at yourlocalcinema? Complete the text with missingwords: • You can read a P- - - - - advertising the film, which is usually displayed outside the cinema. • You may have seen a T - - - - - - for a new movie which hits cinemas at the beginning of next month.
…….OR …… • You canreadnumerous R- - - - - - S in a magazineor on the internet, wherecritics express their opinion of the film. MerylStreepwon rave (=enthusiastic) reviews as Margaret Thatcher in the Iron Lady.
Moreover, • There are plenty movie rating S - - - S on the internet thatyoucancheckout.
Last but not the least ….. • Yougetpersonal • R - - - - - - - - - - - - - S fromyourfriendswhoprobablyhavethesametastes and interests • „ „Youshouldcheckthis film out, I heardit´sawsome.“
Checkyouranswers: • Youcanread a POSTERadvertisingthe film, whichisusuallydisplayedoutsidethecinema. • Youmayhaveseen a TRAILER for a newmoviewhichhitscinemasatthebeginningofnextmonth. • YoucanreadnumerousREVIEWS in a magazineor on the internet, wherecritics express theiropinionofthe film. There are plenty MOVIE RATING SITES on the internet thatyoucancheckout. • YougetpersonalRECOMMENDATIONSfromyourfriendswhoprobablyhavethesametastes and interests
Checkyouranswers: • FEATURE FILM= full-length film with a story lastingaboutone and halfanhour • DOCUMENTARY = givesfactsorinformationabout a particularsubject • CARTOON = a film usingmovingdrawingsinsteadofrealpeople and places
Foreignfilms are eitherDUBBEDorshownwithSUBTITLES. • Thefirst public performance of a film isPREMIERE.
Thetickets are sold in theBOX OFFICE. A film whichis very successful and draws in largeaudiencesiscalled a BOX-OFFICE HIT or a BLOCKBUSTER.
CINEMA-GOERS/AUDIENCE • AUDIENCE = all the people who are watching a film in the cinema.(used with sgorpl verb) • The cinemaAUDIENCEsit/ sits in rows.
The audience sit in ROWS. • Would you rather sit at the back or near the SCREEN?
Actors and actresses • CAST= alltheactors and actresseswho play thecharacters in a film • STAR = (n) anactor who plays the LEADING PART in a film • STAR = (v) to beone of the mainactors in a film MerylStreep is to star in a newromanticcomedy. • OR to have somebody as a star: The film stars Kate Winslet. • CO-STAR (v) is usedifthere are twomaincharacters.
At the end ofthe film I like to readtheCREDITS = peoplewhoparticipated in making a film includingtheSCRIPTWRITER( theauthoroftheSCREENPLAY), DIRECTOR, PRODUCER, CAMERAMAN, COSTUME DESIGNER, MAKE-UP ARTIST etc.
Complete the sentences with missingwords: • Youdon´thave to readthe ………. ifthe film isdubbed. • At thecinema I don´tlikesittingtooclose to the ……… • Allthepeoplewhoparticipated in makingthe film are listed in the ………………
Checkyouranswers: • Youdon´thave to readtheSUBTITLES ifthe film isdubbed. • At thecinema I don´tlikesittingtooclose to theSCREEN. • Allthepeoplewhoparticipated in makingthe film are listed in theCREDITS.
Answer the questions: • If a film gets rave reviewsdoesitget a positive or negative evaluation? • What do we call a very successful film withwidespread popularity? • Explainthedifferencebetween a cartoon and a feature film. • List peopleresponsiblefortheproductionof a film.
Sources: • www.office.microsoft.com • Oxfordský studijní slovník, OUP, 2010