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2010 MAY (Pic of Council Hall) SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 ST. CLOUD – KISSIMMEE COUNCIL 6624 Online at: www.kofc6624.com POSTAGE PAID NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION PERMIT #40040 ORLANDO, FL USA 32862 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 407-847-8549 ST CLOUD – KISSIMMEE COUNCIL 6624 P.O. BOX 421732 KISSIMMEE, FL 34742 2 6 5 DATED MATERIAL DO NOT DELAY 3 4 8 7 Columbia Club 6 PM / General Meeting 7 PM BINGO 5:30 PM Boy Scouts 7 PM BINGO 5:30 PM MAY 2010 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 11 13 12 15 14 10 9 1996 1998 1997 Mother’s Day Luncheon, 1-4pm 7PM: 4th Degree Meeting BINGO 5:30 PM BINGO 5:30 PM Boy Scouts 7 PM COMPASS 1999 2000 2001 2004 16 22 18 20 17 21 19 Feast of the Ascension Some Thoughts for The Month of May – UP, UP, and AWAY! BINGO 5:30 PM BINGO 5:30 PM Boy Scouts 7 PM Rosary 6 PM Social 6:30 PM By Fr. John H. R. Ellis On Sunday, the 16th of May, 2010, we will be celebrating the Feast of the Ascension. Few articles of the Creed have received more criticism from modern Christians, both lay- people and scholars, than that which speaks of Christ’s ascending into heaven. The Ascension, these critics say, is FPO 26 23 24 25 29 28 27 State Convention BINGO 5:30 PM Boy Scouts 7 PM NO BINGO ! based on a view of the universe which is untenable today. We are just beginning to appreciate the size and complexity and continuing expansion of God’s creation. We no longer hold that we live in a creation which consists of an earth with a hell “below” and a heaven “above.” An appreciation of the immensity and nature of our universe, however, need not relegate the Ascension to the doctrinal scrap-heap. The point of the doctrine of the Ascension is not that Christ can be located on a throne at some precise point among the galaxies. The meaning of the Ascension has to do with the presence of Christ, not His absence. The Ascension of our Lord promises that for each of us He is here, riot just there. We can meet Film now, not just then. So, “Up, up and away!” tells only half the story. We believe that He put aside the limitations of His humanity, while keeping all of its positive characteristics. He was restored by the Father to the fullness of His glory and power, and now that glorious and powerful humanity of Jesus is immediately available to each of us. An enlarged view of an expanding creation does not cut down or limit our understanding of our Lord. Rather, such a view calls us to an enlightened recognition of the opportunity for us to expand our understanding of the Ascended Lord, who is present, here and now, in all that He has redeemed. Every place in every time is a time and a place of meeting for the living Lord and His people. It mailers not at all whether we are thinking of the limits of outer space or the interior of our own hearts, whether we are speaking of the moment of creation or a thousand years from now. He lives! 31 30 Corporate Communion Holy Redeemer Upcoming Key Dates • May 1st – State Squires Convention • May 9th – Mother’s Day Luncheon, Council Hall, 1-4 PM DO YOU LOVE YOUR WIFE? • May 28th – 30th – State Convention DO YOU LOVE YOUR MOM? • May 30th – Corporate Communion Holy Redeemer DO YOU LOVE YOUR BROTHER KNIGHTS? • June 20th - Monsignor Fabian Gimeno Golden Jubilee • June 26th – Installation of Officers S U P P O R T M O T H E R ‘ S D A Y • June 26th – Drawing for the 42” Hi-Definition Television BUY TICKETS ! • July 1st – New Fraternal Year Begins
District Deputy Report ANTHONY M. ‘TONY’ COSTANTINI DISTRICT DEPUTY, DISTRICT 24 DISTRICT DEPUTY #24 ANTHONY (TONY) – ALICE CONSTANTINI 407-247-6907 DISTRICT WARDEN STEVE YOUNG – AURORA 863-427-6249 Worthy Brothers, We as near the end of this fraternal year I would like you to put forth one last push for membership. As you know new members are the life blood of our Order. Some councils are very close to making Star Councils for this year. Let’s make that happen. Requirements other than meeting or surpassing membership and insurance quotas are qualifying for the Father McGivney, Founders’ and Columbian awards. Among the eligibility requirements for these awards are: conducting and reporting at least four major programs in each of the Service Program categories using the Columbian Award Application found in the Council Report Forms Booklet (#1436) or at www.kofc.org/forms by June 30. For information on achieving these awards, refer to the Surge….with Service program manual (#962) or the Grand Knights Handbook (#915). By now all Councils should have all of the necessary paperwork for the State Convention turned in and any associated monies. Delegates, remember you must be present at all roll calls to receive your per diem. I will be meeting with you one more time before the Convention. If there are any last minute changes, we will do our best to get them worked out. I want to thank all the councils that submitted their reports in a timely manner. In some cases, we went right down to the wire, but we made it. Thanks again. VIVAT JESUS! CHAPLAIN MONSIGNOR FABIAN GIMENO FR. CHRISTOPHER HOFFMANN FR. ALFEDO ORTIZ Council Officers Grand Knight……….......................John Hardin (Cindy)………………… 407-908-3913…………….…….…johnhardin6624@yahoo.com Deputy Grand Knight………….…...William Waggener (Maria)……..……. 321-284-4016……………..………….bwaggener@earthlink.net Chancellor……………………………Randal Moser……………………...….407-697-1155………………………..moserrandall@yahoo.com Warden……………….…………….. Stephen “Andy” Choma……………… 407-301-3021 ……………………stephen.choma@us.army.mil Financial Secretary…………….……Robert Birchler ………..….407-301-9004……………….………….….. rab1996@aol.com Treasurer……………….…………....Ralph Knothe (Alicia)…….…..……….407-201-3021…………………………………rknothe@4-m.com Lecturer……...………….……….…..Boyd Stodolski (Elsa)………..………. 407-201-4817 …………………………. bestodolski@cfl.rr.com Advocate……………………………. John J. Early (Mary)…………………. 407-348-6589 Recorder……………………………..Richard W. Lason (Pamela)………….407-348-6850 Inside Guard…………………………Gerald J. Strohmeier…………………..507-460-5798 Outside Guard……………...……….Ken Emede (Linda)……….…………..407-931-3344 Trustee 3 yr……………...……….…Peter Staab (Betty)……………………407-892-9323………………….….……..staabstcloud@aol.com Trustee 2 yr………………………….Mark Gervia (Bea)…………………….407-460-2009……………….…………….markgervia@aol.com Trustee 1 yr……………………….…Don Brunig (Elly)…….………………..407-933-1238 …………………….debrunig@embarqmail.com JOHN D. HARDIN GRAND KNIGHT, COUNCIL 6624 Grand Knight Report Thank you to all who attended Fr. Joseph Nolan’s Golden Jubilee at the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Melbourne Beach on April 18th. Fr. Nolan is a charter member of Council 6624 and our very first Chaplain. He’s also the brother to Oliver Nolan (wife Ann) our past Deputy Grand Knight. Our council presented Fr, Nolan with a $200 gift check. Thank You to our Squires who collected over 200 baby items that were donated to the JMJ Life Center. All items received graciously, Thank You to Walt Disney World who recently donated $2500 to Boy Scout Troop 662. The First Thing purchased: New Tires for the Boat Trailer Council Chairmen and Program Leads Council Director……..… Pete Bryant ……..….407-574-3429 Family Director……..….. Mark Gervia ……….…. 407-460-2009 Youth Director…………..Willy Alvarado………..407-846-1249 Columbian Squires Chief Counselor …………………………….Charles DeCarlo…….407-892-8393 Admission Chairman……Randal Moser………..407-697-1155 Retention Chairman…….William Waggener…...321-284-4016 Membership Director: Howard Stevenson sirknighthoward@gmail.com Program Chairman…..……….William Waggener.....321-284-4016 Church Director………………..Randal Moser…....….407-697-1155 Round Table Holy Redeemer….....….Al Jones…………….... 407-552-4634 St. Thomas Aquinas......Richard DeVuyst..…..407-892-4894 St. Rose of Lima………. Joe Falco…………... 407-931-1792 Community Director…………..Charles DeCarlo….…407-892-8393 Columbia Club Directors Officers of the Fourth Degree 3 Yr Director…..JAMES SCHONEFELD, Treas.....407-460-1613 3 Yr Director…..RICHARD SIKORSKI, Sec……....407-348-6331 3 Yr Director…. RICHARD QUESNELL……..........407-891-7756 2 Yr Director…..DON BRUNIG, VP…………….….407-933-1238 2 Yr Director…..PAUL SALISBURY……...………..407-935-0377 2 Yr Director…..LARRY RABB……………………..407-892-8639 1 Yr Director…. JACK EARLEY………………...….407-348-6589 1 Yr Director…..GERRY CUSHING, Pres…..……407-931-1645 1 Yr Director…. PETE STAAB…………...…...……407-892-9323 Faithful Navigator…..…. William Waggener – Maria....321-284-4016 Faithful Captain……….. James McKnight – Charla…..863-424-7222 Faithful Admiral………....Don Brunig – Elly……………407-933-1238 Faithful Pilot…………… John Hardin – Cindy……...….407-908-3913 Faithful Comptroller……Richard Quesnell Linda….…..407-891-7756 Faithful Purser………….Raymond Claus………………407-892-9269 Faithful Scribe………….. Stephen “Andy” Choma….… 407-301-3021 Faithful Outer Sentinel… Gerald Strohmeier… ..……...407-891-7556 Faithful Inner Sentinel… Gustav Tay ………………….407-240-4438 Faithful Trustee ………. .John Nasiatka ………………407- 856-4693 Faithful Trustee ………. .Joe Falco……………………..407-931-1792 Faithful Trustee ………...Pete Staab …………………407-892-9323 Knight of the Month April, 2010 Thor Andersen Family of the Month April, 2010 Ron and Sue Munsch Council Hall Phone (407) 847-8549 Knights of Columbus Insurance Agent George Chandler Cell: (407) 435-8357 george.chandler@kofc.org Published Monthly by Knights of Columbus Council 6624 PO Box 421732 Kissimmee, FL 34744