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Caffeine. Dagmar Smětalová Tamara Franková. Caffeine. The "Discovery" of Coffee. Legend has it that coffee was "discovered" around 850 AD in upper Egypt by a goat herded named Khaldi. One night, Khaldi's goats did not return home. When he found his goats, Khaldi saw them

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  1. Caffeine Dagmar Smětalová Tamara Franková

  2. Caffeine

  3. The "Discovery" of Coffee • Legend has it that coffee was "discovered" around • 850 AD in upper Egypt by a goat herded named • Khaldi. One night, Khaldi's goats did not return • home. When he found his goats, Khaldi saw them • dancing around a shrub with red berries (coffee • beans). After Khaldi tried some of the berries, he • started to dance too. Khaldi spoke with some monks • who used the berries to make a drink and....coffee • was born!

  4. Other names • - trimethylxanthine • - coffeine • - theine • - mateine • - guaranine • - Methyltheobromine • - 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine

  5. Occurrence • Coffee Tee Guarana berries

  6. Occurrence • Kola nut Yerba mate Cacao beans

  7. Chemical properties • Alkaloid of the methylxanthine family • Pure is bitter, odorless white powder • Chemical formula - C8H10N4O2 • systematic name: • 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine • or 3,7-dihydro-1,3,7-trimethyl-1H-purine-2,6-dione

  8. Metabolism • the first metabolic products: • theophylline (4%) – relaxes muscles of the bronchii • theobromine (12%) - the principal alkaloid in cocoa • paraxanthine (84%) - increases lipolysis → has been used as a treatment of asthma elevated glycerol and free fatty acid levels in the blood plasma treatment = léčba principal = hlavní elevated = zvýšení fatty acid = mastná kyselina

  9. Metabolism • Adenosine - naturally occurring xanthine, neurotransmitter • - slows down the nerve cell activity • Caffeine -similar molecule to adenosine → binds to the • same receptors → blocks it →increased nerve • activity → release of the hormone adrenaline • Effects: higher heart rate • increased blood pressure • increased blood flow to muscles • decreased blood flow to the skin and inner organs • release of glucose by the liver bind = vázat se increased = zvýšený release = uvolnění heart rate = srdeční tep liver = játra

  10. Symptoms • Other caffeine effects: • increase alertness • reduce fine motor coordination • cause insomnia • cause headaches, nervousness and dizziness • cause mild diuretic effect • increase the excretion of calcium from the body • increase alertness = zvyšuje bdělost • insomnila = nespavost • headaches = bolesti hlavy • nervousness = nervozita • dizziness = závratě • diuretic = močopudný

  11. Symptoms • Masive doses → intoxication • A) 250 mg per day: • nervousness • excitement • insomnia • flushed face • diuresis • gastrointestinal complaints • hallucinations • B) More than 1000 mg per day • muscle twitching • cardiac arrhythmia doses = dávky = nervozita = podráždění = nespavost = zrudlý obličej = diuréza (vylučování moči) = škubání svalů

  12. Symptoms • Lethal dose - 3 200 mg intravenously • - LD50 = 150 - 200 mg/kg of body mass 170 • mg/kg body weight • -> the same as drinking 140 to 180 cups of coffee in rapid succession -> not an easy thing to do! lethal = smrtelný in rapid succession = rychle za sebou Half life = generaly around 5 hours

  13. Physical dependence = závislost • Some studies show that caffeine causes physical dependence • Withdrawal symptoms: • headache • fatigue • muscle pain • - can occur within 24 hours after the last dose of caffeine • Two studies: • minimum consumption of caffeine for physical dependence is 4 cups of coffee per day • a few more cups of coffee are needed to develop dependence. = abstinenční příznaky = únava consumption = spotřeba dependence = objevit se

  14. The effect of caffeine on spider web construction web of a spider on LSD web of a drug-native spider web of a spider on hashish web of a spider on caffeine

  15. Products

  16. Sources • http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/caff.html • http://en.wikipedia.org • http://www.chm.bris.ac.uk/webprojects2001/tillingwhycaffeine.htm

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