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Safety & Common Sense in the Throws VHSL & USATF Rules Clinics Updated Winter 2009

Safety & Common Sense in the Throws VHSL & USATF Rules Clinics Updated Winter 2009. Joe Showker, Virginia USATF Special thanks for oversight and contributions to: Bill Boyd, Virginia USATF Safety George Kleenan, USATF National Rules Chair Mark Heckel, National Throws Coaches Assoc.

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Safety & Common Sense in the Throws VHSL & USATF Rules Clinics Updated Winter 2009

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  1. Safety & Common Sense in the ThrowsVHSL & USATFRules ClinicsUpdated Winter 2009 Joe Showker, Virginia USATF Special thanks for oversight and contributions to: Bill Boyd, Virginia USATF Safety George Kleenan, USATF National Rules Chair Mark Heckel, National Throws Coaches Assoc.

  2. Just anotherMeet? We cannot be too careful! read story

  3. A SuccessfulCompetition Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance ..that goes for the officials No one gets hurt Performances are accurately measured Athletes compete under the rules

  4. Pre-competition When possible, use VHSL or USATF certified officials. We NEED MORE Certified OFFICIALS as it frees up the coach to do their job. OFFICIALS control the competition areas The event official will dictate when warm-ups begin, when they end, and when the area will be cleared.

  5. Pre-competition Arrive at event 90 minutes prior to published time with open circle warmups at 30 minutes. Designate a coach to supervise if the judge is not present. Follow pre-meet table. INSPECT THE AREA FOR SAFETY Get the “Lay of the land” How do you get to the throwing areas? Is there a coaches box? Create the athletes restricted area if not marked. What conditions or ground rules may be in effect that will effect the event? Know where the warm-up area is, if any If you see a potential hazard that has not been addressed, SAY SOMETHING! Pre-meet Timetable: 1-Safety Check - Sector Zones 2-Inventory/Calibrate 3-Organize Crew 4-Warm-up Requirements 5-Competitor Briefing

  6. Pre-competition Illegal equipment can show up in any high school event INSPECT THE IMPLEMENTS to the proper specs and the age group level prior to competition, then again if the implement comes in contact with a hard surface (cage, building, rocks) or breaks a record. Check implements for loose or damaged pieces, “burrs” non-smooth edges, loose core plugs or plates, wires/handles/straps on hammer and weight implements. Rubber discus have a unique set of conditions that render them illegal. Impoundand store implements that do not comply with certification standards. Be prepared to defend your decisions with a rule or case book, and accurate measurements.

  7. Pre-competition A painted ring should be CLEARLY visible If the cage, netting, sector, or landing area is unsafe, you must make it safe for competition or the event should NOT be run. Landing zones must be made safe if spectators or athletes are present. Short Front Cages Are Dangerous And Liability Magnets In a court of law. Long jumpers at high risk!

  8. Zones of Safety Safest Cautionary Potential Danger Danger Pre-competition Danger Potential Danger Huge Potential Danger area with high school cages where there are no panels or shortened fronts Warrant Extra care and extra warning markers during competition Cautionary Cage with short face panels

  9. Pre-competition Throw Sector 4-5 ft. from Cage to Sector Line Athletic administrators May need to upgrade Or Purchase New Cages To Avoid Injury & Litigation Injury Sector Reduced With Deeper Front Panels

  10. Zones of Safety Safest Cautionary Potential Danger Danger Pre-competition Potential Danger Danger Potential Danger Is drastically reduced With deep, extended cage panels. If the cage is short paneled or short in height, the Cautionary area becomes a Potential Danger area And MUST be streamered and protected Cautionary Safest Cage with deep, extended panels

  11. Drooping Net Pre-competition Short front cage Broken Support The condition of the cage, netting and supports is vital to the safety of the gallery and nearby athletes. Check for holes and poorly anchored connections.

  12. Poorly kept netting Pre-competition Worst Case Scenario… Injury was to thrower sitting on a bench… Located about where the crowd is. Keep athletes in safe areas!

  13. Keep the gallery separated from the athletes Pre-competition Restricted area for competitors with NO electronics. Yellow police tape helps designate competition area. Check-in for ALL flights must occur prior to the beginning of the event, NOT by flights. The event has started with the first throw. No check-ins in high school after the event has begun.

  14. Pre-competition • The Head Judge is in charge. He/she has a duty to inform the athletes of ALL the basics including: • When warm-ups begin and end. • Implement retrieval- use the “Salvo”method for long throws if short handed • Shot – “SSR” – Same Side Return • Discus/hammer – “check’em at the door” • Javelin – the “box method” when warming up with short throws “Most injuries in the throw occur during warm-ups and between flights.”

  15. Pre-competition Inform the athletes in a pre-throw briefing: Safety considerations Uniforms (check during warm-ups) Fouls How to enter and leave the circle Prelim & Finals details Check-out/Excusal procedures Electronics - not allowed in competition area Sportsmanship The first and last thing you tell the competitors is: “Never turn your back on the circle”

  16. Make sure all netting anchor points are secure and properly connected. Pre-competition Do not anchor netting too tight nor tied directly to poles. Allow the loose net to absorb the throw energy. Officials, tape pullers, and athletes should stand CLEAR of netting as implements thrown into the net will extend past the posts.

  17. Be Readyfor Surprises! New techniques, short cuts, and situations outside the rules will test your knowledge of the rules. Watching warm-ups is called “preventative officiating”.

  18. During Competition •NEVER turn your back to the circle or the runway! •NEVER FORGET RULE #1 •KEEP your eyes on the circle, even when separated by a cage. “Cages are designed to dissipate the energy of the implement – they may not be able to stop it!” Mark Heckel-NTCA http://www.mach2k.net/ntca/safety

  19. Is this cage & netting safe? During competition Develop an Eye for Trouble. How safe are those in the gallery should a spinner lose the implement out to the side during a throw?

  20. Indoor events can be more dangerous than outdoors! During competition& between flights How could streamers or physical barriers improve these situations? How could common sense improve these situations? Trouble indoors follows athletes and spectators

  21. Accurate Measurements A tape puller pulls the tape across the circle. Do NOT step in the circle if there is any debris, grass or grit on your feet. Measure throws properly by Nat’l Federation or USATF/NCAA rules: Discus - lesser inch, lesser centimeter Shot - lesser 1/4 inch, lesser centimeter Measure throws accurately on inner edge of the circle or toe board...bisecting the circle across a center point in the circle. Incorrect Correct A tape puller pulls the tape across the circle

  22. MeasurementAccuracy con’t Have ADULT markers in sector stand in to view the implement landing perpendicular to flight (off to the side). Teach them how to track the landing and mark the implement. Use two markers in sector (one with tape and sticker, the other with a pin or stake). Coaches of competitors should not be judges nor markers, especially in championship meets. Measure the mark correctly. Throw Direction Outer ring is the splash mark Inner ring is the actual measured mark

  23. MeasurementAccuracy con’t Foul Or No Call? Don’t call what you Think you saw. Call what you know You saw. Or Make No Call A good official knows where the foul spots are and watches closely

  24. Have 2 recorders if possible in scored or championship meets. “Redundancy” Measurements and Recording No students in sector marking or holding tape. Throw marks should be recorded by an official OTHER than the person reading the tape. VERIFY ALL meet records with the head field referee or meet referee.

  25. MeasurementSafety! Use a back saver device to insure accuracy, and control of the tape. Retrievers stand to side of sector, and run the implement back in. Competitors should NOT retrieve implements at any time. During warm-ups, allow several throws, close the circle, then retrieve while no throws are being made. Allow the tape puller at the circle to roll out enough slack so as not to jerk the marker backwards (losing sight of the mark) or get hit by a discus. A second marker with pin or peg marks the spot until tape marker arrives at spot.

  26. Sector Safety & Accuracy 10 ft. Minimum From Banner To Sector Line Areas must be well protected, & well marked, 3-5-3 Triangle = 34.92 degrees 3 5 5 Spectators Competitors The safest place for spectators and competitors is behind the circle.

  27. Safety common sense and proper implementation of the rules affects all events Sharp jagged edged bases Standards - worn non-compliant foam No reference mark for standards Standards aligned with the front of the mat Non-padded unyielding wooden pallets

  28. A SuccessfulCompetition Track and Field encourages life skills development. Meet officials - transparent & forgotten. Athletes are watchful and remain safe ALL grow through competition Patrons enjoy the thrill of victory/agony of defeat

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