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Study in the Acts of the Apostles. Presentation 01. The On-going Work of Christ Chapter 1:1-18. Presentation 01. Introduction.
Study in the Acts of the Apostles Presentation 01
The On-going Work of Christ Chapter 1:1-18 Presentation 01
Introduction Some time ago a Hindu convert to Christianity, who had just finished reading the gospels and the book of Acts said, ‘I belong to the church that carries on the life of Christ’. He had grasped something of profound importance – Jesus’ work on earth did not end with his ascension into heaven. It was continued through his apostles. Indeed, ‘The Acts of the Apostles’, could more accurately be called, “The Acts of Christ through his Apostles”. If Luke’s first volume, the gospel describes what ‘Jesus began to do and teach’, then his second volume, the book of Acts, indicates the continuing activity of Christ through his church who are his mouthpiece, his hands and feet. Presentation 01
Jesus’ Work Prior To His Ascension Jesus did not return to the Father immediately after his resurrection in order to take part in the victory celebrations awaiting him in heaven. Instead, he deemed it necessary to spend a further 40 days with his disciples. Why? In order to prepare them for their life’s work. We read in v3 that ‘he gave them many convincing proofs that he was alive from the dead’. His resurrection was not a mass hallucination or, a piece of wishful thinking on their part but a literal, historical, verifiable fact! Presentation 01
Jesus’ Work Prior To His Ascension There would have been no ‘good news’ to preach if there had been no resurrection from the dead. Their witness to the resurrection, which was something hitherto completely alien to human experience, would be the startling testimony that would cause others to sit up and listen to their message. Therefore, it was absolutely imperative that the disciples should be convinced that they were witnessing to a real historical event. Presentation 01
Jesus’ Work Prior To His Ascension Of course, it was not enough that the disciples knew that Jesus had risen. Secondly, they had to understand the significance of his death and resurrection. News of a resurrection would undoubtedly arouse much interest but as a stand alone fact it would have left the hearers unchanged. And so Jesus used these 40 days to unpack the message of the cross. It was imperative that his disciples understood and proclaimed that it was only through Christ’s sacrificial death, that others could experience forgiveness and deliverance from sin’s penalty, tyranny and power. Presentation 01
Jesus’ Work Prior To His Ascension Thirdly, it was necessary for Jesus to prepare his disciples for a life of faith. The language of v3 indicates that Jesus appeared and vanished continually over the 40 day period. His disciples were to learn that his presence with them did not depend upon their being able to see him. It is a poor faith that says; “I must always be able to place my finger in his nail-pierced hand”. The disciples were being taught to live on the verge of the unseen world, to walk by faith and not by sight. Presentation 01
Jesus’ Work Prior To His Ascension This is an important lesson to learn. We can so easily be shackled to our feelings and think, ‘Because I do not feel the presence of Jesus in my heart, he cannot be with me’. It is not uncommon for a young Christian, who has for some time been overjoyed by a sense of God’s presence, to wake up one morning to discover that the sense of God’s presence has been withdrawn. Panic can often ensue until they discover that God is teaching them to live a life by faith and so become less dependant upon feeling! Presentation 01
The Necessity Of The Ascension Some ask, “Would the church not have got off to a better start if Jesus has stayed on earth, a few more months, or years? Would the church not be healthier if the risen Jesus had never ascended and was still on earth today?” These questions appear reasonable but the reverse is the case! It is because of his ascension that Jesus is the better placed to advance the work of his kingdom. From the vantage point of glory he surveys the field of battle and directs his troops. A wise general often positions himself on the high ground, not only to keep in touch with the various companies under his command but in order to see and respond to the needs on the field. Presentation 01
The Necessity Of The Ascension Paul writes : “And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church”, Eph1v22. Jesus authoritative control has ever been a comfort to the church in days or hardship and persecution. Diocletian the last persecuting Roman Emperor said, “The more I sought to blot out the name of Christ, the more it became legible; and block up the way of Christ, the more it became passable; and whatever of Christ I sought, to root out it only rooted deeper and rose higher in the lives of his followers”. As he lay dying on the battlefield he realised that he had been out-manoeuvred by the King of Kings. Presentation 01
The Necessity Of The Ascension It was also necessary for Jesus to ascend to heaven in order to represent his people before his Father. Jesus is our mediator, intercessor, and faithful high priest who, ‘entered heaven itself now to appear for us in God’s presence’. Heb. 9v24. He is the only successful advocate who has never lost a case! Alex Whyte describes the intercession of the Lord Jesus: “This intercession is perpetual, unconditional and all-prevailing. It is not carried on by words and pleadings; Christ's simple presence in our nature at God's right hand secures for us the fruit of his death”. His presence at the Father's side is saying, ‘These are my people for whom I have died”. Presentation 01
The Necessity Of The Ascension A final reason for the necessity of the ascension was in order to receive his ascension gift or, his coronation gift from the Father cf. v4... The Holy Spirit was to be given was to be given in all his fullness to aid the expansion of the church and the growth of its individual members. These men and women were standing on the threshold of something wonderfully new that was about to take place as God poured out His Spirit upon them. Presentation 01
The Ascended Christ’s Strategy Why was the Holy Spirit to be given in this way? In v8 we read that the Spirit was to be given to Jesus’ followers, to equip them to be his ‘witnesses’. Today Christians often ask the wrong question; ‘Am I a good communicator?’ when we should be asking is, ‘Am I channel for the Spirit’s power?’ God has given a remarkable resource to the church which, in the early days of the church, transformed frightened men into bold witnesses. Presentation 01
The Ascended Christ’s Strategy This is not to suggest that all became preachers. Powerful witness can be achieved in other ways. A historic meeting took place between the missionary David Livingstone and Dr. Stanley in Africa. After that meeting Stanley wrote in his diary: ‘If I had been with him any longer, I would have been compelled to be a Christian and he never spoke to me about it at all.’ The Spirit witnessed powerfully through the distinctiveness of Livingstone’s life. Do you know of anyone whom your witness has won for Christ? If not is that a concern to you? Can you think of anything more satisfying than to have someone thank God for seeing the life of Christ reflected in your life? Presentation 01
The Ascended Christ’s Strategy In v8 Jesus provides his followers with a program for witness. “Beginning in Jerusalem...” Why do we need to begin at home? Because that is where we are known best and where the evidence of Christ’s transforming power will be most apparent to others. Many young Christians after reading gripping missionary biographies are eager to serve God overseas. But the biblical pattern is first to begin to witness for God in your own locality. The difficulties that we may encounter doing that at home will not reduced but multiplied in foreign lands. Presentation 01
The Ascended Christ’s Strategy At the same time, we need to guard against parochialism , of being unable to see the need beyond our own immediate locality. We can close our eyes to the need of the gospel further afield. True Christian witness will always have a world vision. It will share Jesus’ passion to reach to the ‘uttermost parts of the earth’ with the gospel. Whenever a church loses her missionary interest and concern then very soon she begins to decline spiritually. Conversely, the church that maintains its passion for world mission is more likely to experience spiritual growth. Presentation 01
The Ascended Christ’s Strategy Now look at the question addressed to the gaping disciples in v11… AsJesus ascends into heaven his disciples are asked, ‘Why do you stand here looking into the sky?’ There was a world to be won and they stood transfixed to the spot! Jesus had vanished from sight. The past was beyond recall. Precious time is lost to the mission of the church as we gaze back wistfully on pictures of past experience! The door on the past is closed and God’s future lies ahead of us. God’s future is often fuller, richer and better than the past if only we are prepared to pursue it. Presentation 01
Conclusion Because he has risen, Jesus has not stopped addressing the minds and hearts of men and women. He continues to instruct us and give us confidence in a message that is truly unique. His death and resurrection mean that we have a message of forgiveness and reconciliation to proclaim. Jesus bears his people on his heart and prays for them continuously. He exercises supreme authority for their good and has already gifted his Spirit to empower them. If we are his people do we share his vision or are we distracted by what lies in the past? Do you believe that today could mark a major turning point in the direction of your Christian service? Then ask God to make it so! Jesus wants to continue his work through you! Presentation 01