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Study in the Acts of the Apostles. Presentation 30. The Apostles’ Burden Chapter 14v21-28. Presentation 30. Introduction.
Study in the Acts of the Apostles Presentation 30
The Apostles’ Burden Chapter 14v21-28 Presentation 30
Introduction Paul and Barnabas had enjoyed remarkable success on their first missionary journey. They had pointed to the cross of Christ, expounded the meaning of his death and had offered to men and women forgiveness and reconciliation with God. Many had responded in faith and entered into the family of God. The apostles’ success came in the context of persecution. They were hounded from one preaching station to another. Derbe was the last city on their itinerary. Instead of taking the shortest route home to Antioch they retrace their footsteps. They go back into those situations of danger where they were known and where their lives would be at risk! Why? Presentation 30
Disciples Not Decisions In the first place this decision to hazard danger and retrace their steps, reveals the deep seated bonds that existed between the apostles and those who came to faith through their ministry. Paul speaks elsewhere of agonising in prayer to bring them to spiritual birth. Paul also describes his relationship with those who came to faith through him as as that of a father to child. Newspaper reports describe parents who have run into burning buildings to rescue their children when others had given up hope of rescue. A unique bond of love exists between a parent and child. Such was the apostles’ love for their children in the faith. Presentation 30
Disciples Not Decisions Paul's route home also provides valuable insight into his evangelistic method. It reveals one of his principal concerns namely, the growth and nurture of new believers. His goal had never been merely to extract decisions but to build strong disciples. He did not want simply to bring men and women to a place of spiritual birth and awakening! He wanted to see his converts become spiritually mature. His goal stands in sharp contrast with the hit and run method of evangelism used by some today. Presentation 30
Disciples Not Decisions Paul recognised the importance of further biblical instruction if these young converts were to mature. He did not want them to remain as spiritual babies. It is natural to see a baby in a romper suit but heads would turn if a young man in his 20s walked down the street dressed like that! We would think, “Poor fellow he has never grown up.” And yet some Christians are just like that: “By this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God's word all over again. You need milk not solid food! Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant is not aquatinted with the teaching about righteousness. But solid food is for the mature.” Heb.5v12 Presentation 30
Disciples Not Decisions Failure to grasp that which is fundamental to the faith means that when we are caught in the vice-grip of life's disappointments and trials we are more likely to buckle under pressure. Paul knew that trials can throw young Christian converts into confusion and so in v22 he presents a necessary realism , “We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of heaven”. There is a spurious evangelism which says, "Are you feeling blue, is life full of problems, are you finding it difficult to make ends meet? Then come to Jesus and all your problems will be over. You will be constantly happy. Try the Jesus fix and life will be one perpetual high." What nonsense! Nothing's more guaranteed to create disillusionment than that sort of teaching. Presentation 30
Disciples Not Decisions Jesus does not offer escapism from the harsh realities of life but the strength and grace to endure, "We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom". Paul spoke these words when the scarring and bruising of his own recent stoning were still there for all to see. Jesus never promised an easy road to heaven but he did provide one that was secure. He promised, “In the world you will have tribulation” Jn.16v33. You don't have to go looking for it, it will soon track you down. The grace of Christ in your life will enrage those whose values you so quietly contradict. That's the sort of realism we must provide young converts with. Presentation 30
Community Not Individualism A further reason Paul retraced his steps on his way back home was this he was engaged in the establishment of a healthy Christian community not in promoting an unhealthy Christian individualism, where the believer did as he liked and had no responsibility for the welfare of others. Paul’s aim was not simply to see individuals converted but to plant churches. The teaching of scripture is clear, to be a Christian is to be a part of Christ's church. The Bible doesn't recognise the solitary saint. The call of God is to be a part of a redeemed community, and into fellowship with all who share a common faith in Christ. Presentation 30
Community Not Individualism It is for this reason that collective metaphors are used in the N.T. to describe Christians, e.g. we are described as parts of a body...or stones in a building ..or sheep in a flock. The gospel does not secure a personal salvation that holds everyone else at a distance, rather it builds up a community of believers. How committed are we to the idea of church family? Some people say, ‘I don't need to be part of a church fellowship to be a Christian.’ But they have clearly failed to grasp the apostolic priority of establishing church fellowships. Augustine one of the greatest theologians of the early church put the matter starkly: "No man can have God as father, unless he has the church for his mother." Presentation 30
Community Not Individualism Such is the commitment of the apostles to the fellowship of God’s people that we find them taking very practical steps to ensure the protection and stability of the fellowship? Elders were appointed v23. Their function was to provide instruction, order, discipline and direction in church life. The role of the elder is tremendously important. Some say they don't like organised church structures. But without some organisation the church would be at the mercy of false teachers, there would be no acknowledged responsibility for caring for the weak and comforting the distressed. Presentation 30
Community Not Individualism What should our attitude be towards those who have the oversight of the church of Christ. The N.T. tells us, “The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honour, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching” 1Tim.5v17. We should seek to encourage and support and pray for our eldership in all they seek to do. God has given the church the eldership for its good. They are under-shepherds whose responsibility is to care for God’s flock. Presentation 30
God Not Man Even the apostles with all their travelling were conscious of being part of a local church fellowship. When they returned to the church that had sent them out they reported on all that had been accomplished v27. They did so, not simply because they were answerable to their home church, but because the work of evangelism was a team effort. The powerhouse of their evangelism had been their praying church back home. Prayer might not seem glamorous or exciting but its the fuel God uses to feed the fire of evangelism. And if prayer is the fuel God uses to advance evangelism, how much have you and I contributed to its advance? Presentation 30
God Not Man When Paul reported to his home church, he was not looking for applause, he knew the danger of that. He sees himself as a labourer on the building site of mission on which God as the master builder. Paul had no converts, they belonged to God. Paul was thrilled to be a part of God's work but knew where the credit for all that was accomplished belonged. This was surely the secret of Paul's continued usefulness to God. I remember seeing a Christian speaker who had travelled the world and written many books reduced to tears because his ministry was no longer fruitful. And the reason he gave was that he had basked in the glory that rightly belonged to God. Look again at v27‘The apostles reported all that GOD had done through them.’ Presentation 30
God Not Man The humanity of the apostles is further underlined in v28 they stayed in Antioch ‘a long time with the disciples’. It was a time for rest and reflection. They needed time to recharge their batteries. There were no conferences on stress and ministerial burnout in those days! Yet clearly the apostles knew how to pace themselves and did not feel guilty about this rest period. There is a dangerous activism in some parts of the church today and workers take no time to assess the effectiveness and quality of their work. God is not glorified when his people beat themselves into the ground. R. M. McCheyne one of the godliest Scottish preachers of the C19th, who died at the age of 27, bemoaned the fact that he had not taken better care of his body. Presentation 30
Conclusion There is a great deal to challenge and encourage us in these verses as we ask what impact we are having upon the unbelieving world. The love and commitment of the apostles for their converts, a desire not just for decisions but for disciples, a commitment to Christian community and the conviction that evangelism is team work involving the whole church. And all of this was undergirded by a powerhouse of prayer. Only in this way can we advance the effectiveness of front-line ministries in the world. As we give ourselves to this work we will share in the joy of the congregation at Antioch as we hear all that God is accomplishing! Presentation 30