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Difference between Cultures 文化对比. By 陈烽. beliefs. customs. institutions. others. objects. techniques. Culture and language. Culture refers to the total pattern of beliefs, customs, institutions, objects, and techniques that characterize the life of a human community.
beliefs customs institutions others objects techniques Culture and language Culture refers to the total pattern of beliefs, customs, institutions, objects, and techniques that characterize the life of a human community. 文化是一种复杂体,它包括知识、信仰、艺术、道德、法律、风俗, 以及其余社会上习得的能力与习惯。
Difference between Cultures • 1. 词汇中的文化差异 • 1.1 概念意义与文化意义完全对应 • 1.2 概念意义对应,文化意义空缺 • 1.3 概念意义对应,语用意义不同 • 2. 成语习语中的文化差异 • 3. 语用方面的文化差异
地域文化特色 • 黔驴技穷 • 人心齐,泰山移 • 不到黄河心不死 • 不到长城非好汉 • 福如东海,寿比南山 • 中国是个大陆国家,幅员辽阔,地大物博 • 英国是一个岛国,历史上航海业比较发达,反映在语言中就出现了许多与海洋、船和水有关的短语。 • all at sea(不知所措) • burn one’s boats(破釜沉舟) • sail before the wind(顺风航行) • keep one’s head above water(奋力图存)
宗教文化特色 • 周瑞家的听了笑道:”阿弥陀佛,真坑死人的事儿!等十年都未必这样巧的呢。” (曹雪芹《红楼梦》) • 杨译:“Gracious Buddha!” Mrs. Zhou chuckled. “How terrible chancy! You might wait for ten years without such a run of luck.” • 霍译:“God bless my soul!” Zhou Rui’s wife exclaimed. “You would certainly need some patience! Why, you might wait ten years before getting all those things at the proper times.” • 世人都晓神仙好,惟有功名忘不了!(曹雪芹《红楼梦》) • 杨译:All men long to be immortals, yet to riches and rank each aspires; • 霍译:Men all know that salvation should be won, but with ambition won’t have done, have done.
刘姥姥说“这倒不然,谋事在人,成事在天。咱们谋到了,看菩萨的保佑,有些机会也可知……”刘姥姥说“这倒不然,谋事在人,成事在天。咱们谋到了,看菩萨的保佑,有些机会也可知……” • 杨译:“Don’t be so sure,” said Granny Liu. “Man proposes, Heaven disposes. Work out a plan, trust to Buddha, and something may come of it for all you know~~~” • 霍译:“I wouldn’t say that,” said Grannie Liu, “Man proposes, God disposes. It’s up to the good lord to decide whether he’ll help us or not. Who knows, he might give us the opportunity we are looking for~~~”
文化特色在语言中的体现 • 文化因素的处理是翻译中十分重要的任务,文化的载体改变了,文化的读者环境也不复存在了,这时就会出现两种情形: • 译入语没有相应的词语来承载源语种的文化因素,形成词语空缺。 • 译文受众缺乏理解原文所需要的汉文化背景知识,或者以自己的文化背景去理解译文,造成误解。 • 把握原文文字的文化含义 • 补充原文蕴含的文化背景 • 澄清异族文化中容易误解的概念 • 帮助译文读者跨越文化障碍
真是 ‘天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福’。 • 杨译:“Truly, ‘storm gathers without warning in nature, and bad luck befalls men overnight.’... ” • 霍译:“I know ‘the weather and human life are both unpredictable’” • 这也难说,但凡家庭之事,不是东风压了西风,就是西风压了东风。 • 杨译:“Well, it’s hard to say,” she answered. “In every family, if the east wind doesn’t prevail over the west wind, then the west wind is bound to prevail over the east wind.” • 霍译:‘It’s hard to tell,’ she said. ‘In every family affair, one side or the other has to win. If it’s not the East Wind it’s the West.’
他素昔眼空心大,是个头等刁钻古怪的丫头,今儿我听了他的短儿,“人急造反,狗急跳墙”,不但生事,而且我还没趣。(曹雪芹《红楼梦》)他素昔眼空心大,是个头等刁钻古怪的丫头,今儿我听了他的短儿,“人急造反,狗急跳墙”,不但生事,而且我还没趣。(曹雪芹《红楼梦》) • 杨译:She is a strange crafty creature if ever I saw one. “Desperation drives men to rebel and a dog to jump over a wall.” If she thinks I know her secret there may be trouble, and that would be awkward for me. • 霍译:If a girl like that knows that I have overheard her doing something she shouldn’t be doing, it will be a case of “the desperate dog will jump a wall, the desperate man will hazard all”; there’ll be a great deal of trouble and I shall be involved in it.
1. 词汇中的文化差异 • 反映中国文化特有的事物和现象的词语,如“盘古”、“女娲”、“秀才”、“八股文”、“太极拳”、“个体户”等,虽然在英语里找不到意义完全对等的词语,却不是语义转换的主要障碍,通过阐释或注解总有办法把它们的意思解释清楚并传达出去,所以上述词语只能属于概念意义的空缺,而不列入本章所讲的文化意义。 • 文化意义是指词语意义之外的、能产生联想的内涵意义。具有这类双重意义的词语往往构成翻译的主要障碍,因为它们常常兼指多意,甚至以内涵意义为主。这样的词语,虽然在英语里能找到概念相同的词语,却可能出现文化含义的不对应或假对应。
狗(鄙视) 龙(高贵) 红(喜庆) 白(丧服) 蓝(纯净) 黄(王权) 牧童(悠闲) 农民(忠厚朴实) 月亮(团圆) 宣传(中性词) dog(同情) dragon(凶恶) red(暴力) white(婚妙) blue(忧郁、淫秽) yellow(怯懦) cowboy(冒险) peasant(心胸狭窄) moon(虚幻) propaganda(贬义词)
1.1 概念意义与文化意义完全对应 • 直译 • 原文的概念意义和文化意义、形象与寓意同时传达到译文当中
丢脸 露面 老手 笑柄 碰壁 好心 祸不单行 趁热打铁 混水摸鱼 花钱如流水 一只耳朵听,一只耳朵冒 to lose face , face -losing to show one 's face , to show up an old hand a laughing stock run one 's head against a wall kind –hearted misfortunes never come singly Strike while the iron is hot. to fish in troubled waters to spend money like waters to go in at one ear and out at the other
姥姥既是这么说,况且当日你也见过这姑太太一次,为什么不你老人家明儿就去走一趟,先试试风头儿去?(曹雪芹《红楼梦》)姥姥既是这么说,况且当日你也见过这姑太太一次,为什么不你老人家明儿就去走一趟,先试试风头儿去?(曹雪芹《红楼梦》) • Since this is your idea, mother, and you‘ve called on the lady before, why not go there tomorrow and see how the wind blows? (杨宪益、戴乃迭译) • 三月里刘熏宇来信,说互生病了,而且是没有希望的病,医生说只好等日子了。四月底在《时事新报》上见到立达学校的通告,想不到这么快互生就殁了!(朱自清《哀互生》) • In March I heard from Mr . Liu Xunyu that Husheng was sick and hopelessly sick at that. The doctor said there was nothing he could do but wait for the day to arrive . Toward the end of April , I came across an obituary issued by Lida School …
1.2 概念意义对应,文化意义空缺 • 常见于比喻性词语: • 原文的词语在译入语里有概念意义的对应词,但没有原文的文化意义 • 词语的概念意义是手段,比喻意义是目的 • 意译,或借用英语的喻体 • 胸有成竹 • He has long had fully-grown bamboo in his bosom. • He has long had a well-thought-out plan in his mind.
接着他们用绳子五花大绑,把节振国捆得象个粽子似的,又是一阵拳打脚踢。节振国的嘴里鼻孔里鲜血直冒。(王义《赤胆忠心》)接着他们用绳子五花大绑,把节振国捆得象个粽子似的,又是一阵拳打脚踢。节振国的嘴里鼻孔里鲜血直冒。(王义《赤胆忠心》) • They gave him a good cuff and kick, trussed him up like a fowl and then went on walloping and kicking him till his nose and mouth were a bloody pulp. • 老王和我算是柳家大院最“文明”的人了。“文明”是三孙子。(老舍《柳家大院》) • Old Wang and I are considered the genteel folk in the compound. Gentility be hanged! (Gentility be blowed! Gentility, the deuce take it !)
“哦,交杯盏还没吃,倒上头了!” • 霍译:“Fancy! Doing her hair already---before you’ve even drunk the marriage-cup!” • 杨译:“Fancy! You haven’t yet drunk the bridal cup but already you’re doing her hair.”
心较比干多一窍,病如西子胜三分。(《红楼梦》)心较比干多一窍,病如西子胜三分。(《红楼梦》) • 霍译:She had more chambers in her heart than the martyred Bi Gan; And suffered a tithe more pain in it than the beautiful Xi Shi. • 杨译:She looked more sensitive than Pikan , more delicate than Hsi Shih. • (赵辛楣)一肚皮的酒,几乎全化成酸醋......(钱钟书《围城》) • The wine in Hsin-mei's stomach turned to sour vinegar in his jealousy. • The considerable amount of wine Hsin-mei had consumed earlier was burning inside and made him sick with jealously.
1.3 概念意义对应,语用意义不同 • 一见面是寒暄,寒暄之后说我“胖了”,说我“胖了”之后大骂其新党。(鲁迅《祝福》) • When we met ,after exchanging a few polite remarks he said I was fatter, and after saying that immediately started a violent attack on the revolutionaries. (Foreign Languages Press) • After exchanging a few polite remarks when we met , he observed that I looked "fat", and having made that complimentary remark he launched a violent attack on the revolutionaries.
毛主席问陈妻:“你们俩感情好不好?”陈妻答:“好。”主席听了感到非常高兴。毛主席问陈妻:“你们俩感情好不好?”陈妻答:“好。”主席听了感到非常高兴。 • Then Chairman Mao talked with Chen's wife. He was pleased to know that they had a happy home life. • (凤姐:)“这通身的气派竟不像老祖宗的外孙女儿,竟是嫡新的孙女儿似的。”(《红楼梦》) • 霍译: "And everything about her so distingue! She doesn't take after your side of the family, Grannie, she's more like a Jia.“ • 杨译: "Her whole air is so distinguished! She doesn't take after her father, son-in-law of our Old Ancestress, but more like a Jia."
2. 成语习语中的文化差异 • 成语、习语的结构、语义和用法在很大程度受到所处具体文化环境的制约,能够比较突出地反映文化的差异。 • 成语、习语的理解超出了文字的本意,其交际价值在于语用意义,具有强烈的文化特征。
打草惊蛇——to beat about the bush • 打草惊蛇——to alert enemy by rash or accidental events before carrying out the planned attack • to beat about the bush——to approach a subject without coming to the point, try to say something indirectly • 亡羊补牢——to lock the stable door after the horse has been stolen • 亡羊补牢——to repair the stable after a sheep is gone, still in time to avoid further losses • to lock the stable door after the horse has been stolen——take precautions when it is too late
骨鲠在喉——to have a bone in one‘s throat • 骨鲠在喉——have an opinion that one cannot suppress • to have a bone in one’s throat——to avoid making one‘s opinion known • 同舟共济——to be in the same boat • 同舟共济——to cooperate and help each other in order to ride out a difficulty • to be in the same boat——to be in the same difficult situation or dangers • 怒发冲冠——to make one's hair stand on end • 怒发冲冠——bristle with anger, to fly into a rage, to be in violent anger • to make one's hair stand on end——fill one with fear or horror
翻天覆地——to move heaven and earth • 翻天覆地——epoch-making, earth-shaking • to move heaven and earth——to do one‘s utmost • 蜀犬吠日——to bark at the moon • 蜀犬吠日——to make a fuss about something that one alone finds strange, un-called for alarm or excitement out of sheer ignorance • to bark at the moon——to make fruitless efforts • 洗手不干——to wash one's hands of • 洗手不干——to stop doing wrong and reform oneself • to wash one's hands of sb. or sth.——to refuse to take any more responsibility for sb. or sth.
食言——to eat one's words • 食言——to go back on one's word, to break one's word • to eat one's words——to take back what one has said • 扯后腿——to pull somebody's leg • 扯后腿——to hinder, to be a hindrance to sb. • to pull someone's leg——to tell someone something untrue as a joke, try to make somebody believe something that is untrue as a joke
只因薛蟠是天性“得陇望蜀”的,如今娶了金桂,又见金桂的丫头宝蟾有三分姿色,举止轻浮可爱,便时常要茶要水的,故意撩逗她。(《红楼梦》)只因薛蟠是天性“得陇望蜀”的,如今娶了金桂,又见金桂的丫头宝蟾有三分姿色,举止轻浮可爱,便时常要茶要水的,故意撩逗她。(《红楼梦》) • 杨译:Now Hsuch Pan was a living example of the saying “To covet the land of Shu after getting the region of Lung.” After marrying Chin-kuei, he was struck by her maid Pao-chan’s charms. As she seemed approachable as well as alluring, he often flirted with her when asking her to fetch him tea or water. • 霍译:Xue Pan was in some respects like the general of old idiom ‘conquest breeds appetite for further conquest’, for when, after his marriage to Jin-gui, he discovered that she had an attractive, rather coquettish maid called Moon¬beam, he was continually calling to her to bring him things -cups of tea and the like - so as to have an opportunity of flirting with her.
黛玉道:“跌了灯值钱,跌了人值钱?你又穿不惯木屐子。那灯笼命他们前头照着。这个又轻巧又亮,原是雨里自己拿着的,你自己手里拿着这个,岂不好?明儿再送来,就失了手也有限的,怎么忽然又变出这‘剖腹藏珠’的脾气来!” (《红楼梦》) • 杨译:‘Which is more valuable, lamp or man? You’re not used to wearing pattens, so get them to carry the horn lantern in front and take this one yourself, since it’s handy and bright and meant to be used in the rain. Wouldn’t that be better? You can send it back later. And even if you drop it, it won’t matter. What’s come over you suddenly that you want to ‘cut open your stomach to hide a pearl’.’ • 霍译:‘Which is worse,’ said Dai-yu,‘a broken lamp or a broken leg? You’re not used to wearing pattens, so it’s important to see where you’re going. The others can carry the horn lantern in front of you, and you can carry this glass lamp, which is handier and brighter and specially made for going out in the rain with, yourself. There. You can send it back to me tomorrow. And if you should break it well, it won’t be the end of the world. What has made you of all people so parsimonious about things all of a sudden? You’re as bad as the Persian with his pearl!’
那个宝玉是个‘丈八的灯台——照见人家,瞧不见自己的’的,只知嫌人家脏。这是他的房子,由着你们糟蹋,越不成体统了。(《红楼梦》)那个宝玉是个‘丈八的灯台——照见人家,瞧不见自己的’的,只知嫌人家脏。这是他的房子,由着你们糟蹋,越不成体统了。(《红楼梦》) • 杨译:As for Baoyu, he’s like a ten-foot lamp stand that sheds light on others but none on itself. He complains that other people are dirty, yet leaves you to turn his own rooms topsy-turvy. Disgraceful, I call it.” • 霍译:And as for Bao-yu: he’s like a six-foot lamp stand that lights up others but stays dark itself; for he’s always on about how dirty other people are, but look at the mess he allows you to make of his own room! It’s a disgrace!’
3. 语用方面的文化差异 • 语用意义与文化环境关系密切,以特定的社会文化背景为前提的;失去这个大背景,原有的语用意义就无从体现,或在不同文化背景中被赋予始料不及的其他意义。 • 涉及社会应酬与人际关系的词语有独特的民族文化 • 中国文化的“自贬”与“客气” • “寒舍”、“菲酌”、“薄酒”、“敝人”、“窃以为”、“愚见”…… • “您”、“令尊”、“令堂”、“贵舍”、“鸿论”…… • 中国文化的以老为尊 • “老李”表示亲热, “李老”表示恭敬 • 中国文化的含蓄内敛 • “不敢当”、“有愧”、“过奖”、“哪里哪里”
欢迎,欢迎(幸会;久仰) 惭愧(不敢当,哪里) Glad to meet you. I'm pleased to see you. It's such a pleasure to see you. I'm pleased that you think so. I'm pleased to hear that. You flatter me. Thank you for your compliment.
您太客气(让你破费,不好意思) 请笑纳(别嫌弃,一点意思) 多谢(有劳您呢,累您了) 别客气(别见外,没什么) It's so lovely! Thank you for the gift. I hope you will like it. Please accept it. Thanks. Many, many thanks. I'm much obliged. Don't mention it. It's a pleasure. Not at all. You're welcome. Never mind.
劳驾(请问,有劳您) 没错。 完全同意 该死! 没门儿! Excuse me... Could you be so kind as to ... Would you please...? May I trouble you... Would you mind...? You bet. No mistake. Certainly. I couldn't agree more. How right you are! Damn it. No way.
慢走(再会;保重;有空来玩儿) 一路顺风! 不见不散啊! 恭喜发财! Good-bye. Take care. See you. Do come again. Plain sailing. Have a good journey. May the favorable wind accompany you. Please be there on time. Till then. See you. Good luck!
“白象‘ “芳草” “金三角” “金鸡‘ “White Elephant” White elephant" means a costly or troublesome possession useless to its owner. Baixiang" or "Silver Elephant” "Fang Cao'" The transliteration "fang" is a homonym of English word "fang", meaning snake's poison-tooth. “Fragrant Grass” " a Golden Triangle” The phrase "Golden Triangle' is customarily used to refer to an area in Southeast Asia, famous for drug. “Golden Delta” “Gold Cock” The English "cock" has acquired a jesting, pejorative sense. Golden Rooster” Compare
长干行李白 • 妾发初覆额,折花门前剧; • 郎骑竹马来,绕床弄青梅。 • 同居长干里,两小无嫌猜。 • 十四为君妇,羞颜未尝开; • 低头向暗壁,千唤不一回, • 十五始展眉,愿同尘与灰; • 常存抱柱信,岂上望夫台? • 十六君远行,瞿塘滟滪堆; • 五月不可触,猿鸣天上哀。 • 门前迟行迹,一一生绿苔; • 苔深不能扫,落叶秋风早。 • 八月蝴蝶来,双飞西园草。 • 感此伤妾心,坐愁红颜老。 • 早晚下三巴,预将书报家; • 相迎不道远,直至长风沙。