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Objective-focused language sequence using Notting Hill film & tabloids to teach vocabulary, grammar, phonetics, pragmatics, and writing. Explore contrasting cultural worlds.
SEQUENCE EN COLLABORATION AVEC L' ASSISTANT DE LANGUE: La presse anglaise populaire: classe de première 2013/2014
2 Présentation des objectifs de la séquence: Support:Film: Notting Hill + tabloids: The Daily Mail and the Sun Activités langagières:CO+EO+CE+EE+EEI Objectifs conceptuels: Lexique:vocabulaire relatif au monde la presse populaire vocabulaire relatif aux stars, cinéma, à la célébrité Grammaire:notions: contraste + regret + probabilité verbes de perception + pronoms relatifs + both + should (have +EN) Phonologie:travail sur l'intonation des questions ouvertes et fermées + intonation des "tags" Pragmatique:cohésion: travail sur les mots de liaison cohérence: travail sur l'agencement des idées: logique des arguments/ idées dans l'agencement de l'article de presse Culturel:deux mondes en contraste: a) monde populaire de Notting hill b) monde hollywoodien de strass et paillettes Objectif méthodologique:pre-writing - writing first draft - revising – proofreading - editing Problématique:Notion: Forms of Power: The power of the language Tâche finale:écriture d'un article de presse à scandale racontant la rencontre de Anna Scott et des photographes après une nuit passée chez son petit ami William.
3 Travail en parallèle entre le professeur (A) et l'assistant (B) A: travail sur les deux extraits de films: Notting Hill: a) the opening scene b) at William's: tha paparrazzi • B: Brainstorming lexical: newspapers and magasines Travail de l'assistant a commencé en léger décalage avec celui du professeur Activity n°1: Activity n°3: Activity n°5: Activity n°2: Activity n°4: Activity n°6:
4 B -Identify the different parts of a newspaper story * the Headline * a good Quote * the Byline * the Body * the Lead * the Ending - Identify the different sections * Advice/ Comment sections * Joke sections * Advertising * Clothes section B: Workshop with the language assistant: reading and take notes from your observationReading of a couple of tabloids bought at the newsagent in Briançon. From this reading activity, pick out what characterizes a tabloid and a tabloid article: • news featuring sex escapades, crime, violence, scandals of all sorts; focus is on celebrities, scandals are focused on rich and famous people's lives, stories cover problems of lives of celebrities • interesting, shocking and appealing paragraphs • sentences of 16 -30 short words + small paragraphs • columns are narrow and easy to read: small amount of writing • phrases do not repeat themselves • stories are personal
does not present a lot of facts 5 B -Identify the different parts of a newspaper story * the Headline * a good Quote * the Byline * the Body * the Lead * the Ending - Identify the different sections * Advice/ Comment sections * Joke sections * Advertising * Clothes section B: Workshop with the language assistant: reading and take notes from your observationReading of a couple of tabloids bought at the newsagent in Briançon. From this reading activity, pick out what characterizes a tabloid and a tabloid article: • words used: colourful adjectives and extreme adjectives Pick out extreme words with the help of the assistant and find the equivalents in a more neutral register. fury (anger) boost (encourage) quit (resign) controversy (turmoil) bar, ban (exclude) soar (rise) clash (disagreement) threat (possibility) hate (dislike) dumped (dismissed) quiz (question) broke down into tears (eyes watered) split (division) oust (replace)
6 B -Identify the different parts of a newspaper story * the Headline * a good Quote * the Byline * the Body * the Lead * the Ending - Identify the different sections * Advice/ Comment sections * Joke sections * Advertising * Clothes section B: Workshop with the language assistant: reading and take notes from your observationReading of a couple of tabloids bought at the newsagent in Briançon. From this reading activity, pick out what characterizes a tabloid and a tabloid article: • many pictures: huge amount of pictures • does not present a lot of facts • weird stories based on true stories, however most of the time it is fake, made up and really exaggerated • printed on small papers and folded
7 A: Travail abordé par le professeur: Methodology: writing a news story 1 -Pre-writing: planning your writing a) Select your subject:write about a news worthy subject, something important interesting or unusual that your readers will want to read about. b) Collect details(here from the two short movie extracts). A good starting point is to ask the 5 W's and H -: Who? What? where? When? Why? How? (observations are important) 2 -Writing the first draft a) Write the lead or 1st paragraph:begin with the most important or interesting detail. If at all possible, put a person in the lead paragraph. b) Write the main part of your story:remember that the most important information is usually stated early in basic news stories. try to leave your readers with something to think about in the ending. 3 - Revising:improving your writing: review your work: make sure you have included all of the important facts and details in your story. make sure your information is in the best possible order. 4 - Proofreading and editing:check for careless errors: pay careful attention to the spelling of names. have your classmate review your work. Write the final copy of your story.
8 A + B: Séance commune avec l'assistant et le professeur Travaux d'élèves: atelier d'écriture avec l'assistant et le professeur * élèves sont divisés en groupes de travail * travail collaboratif sur plusieurs tables dans la classe * affichage des productions au CDI (semaine de la presse) et dans la classe. Renvoi aux productions d'élèves.