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Philosophical Chairs. The Theory Behind It. For effective learning to occur, students must become explicitly aware of their own (mis) conceptions about a particular topic. Student "errors" should be illuminated rather than avoided and "contradictions" explored rather than ignored.
The Theory Behind It • For effective learning to occur, students must become explicitly aware of their own (mis) conceptions about a particular topic. • Student "errors" should be illuminated rather than avoided and "contradictions" explored rather than ignored. • Students can resolvecognitive dissonance brought about by exposure to alternative perspectives or errors in thinking.
How It Works • Upon entering class, students will receive an article to read on a controversial topic.
How It Works • The topic should elicit a mixed response. • Some people agree whole-heartedly while others vehementlydisagree with the premise for many reasons. • Still others will reserve judgment until or unless they hear something to persuade them one way or the other.
How It Works • Students will have a chance to argue the merits of the topic and will be seated according to their views. • Sitting on one side of two rows of facing chairs indicates one's total support of the topic. • Sitting at the other side signals a student’s total disagreement. • Students who have undecided views or have questions to ask sit behind or at the end of the two rows
How It Works The Moderator • Job is to insure everyonegets a chance to speak. • May be the teacher or a student. • They should allow participants to address a statement made by a particular person • Be careful that the "pros," "cons," and "questions" are equally represented • Make sure the discussion is not dominated by a few eager students.
How It Works • Students are able to move about the room during the discussion, similar to a game of musical chairs. • Participants can symbolize their willingness to adopt a different point of view — even if temporarily — by moving in the direction of that view and assuming a new location. • To insure that movement takes place, students can receive "credit” for participation or taking multiple viewpoints.
Suggested Rules 1. Be open-minded. Listen to all statements made and consider both sides. 2. Move to the other side if a particular statement or argument seems to sway your thinking. Experience the "other side." 3. No one acknowledges any move. This is not a team game. 4. Do not raise hands or speak while another person is speaking Rules
Tips • Statement should be written on the board • The mediator must be neutral • When necessary, mediator paraphrases or restates statements for clarification (in an unbiased manner) • Modify the statement or switch topics when discussion becomes stagnant • For closure, allow each student thirty seconds to express an opinion • Assign a writing activity for follow-up
Sample Topics • Movies should not be rated. • All schools should require uniforms. • Couples should not be allowed to have more than two children. • Drug & alcohol treament should be free. • Abortion should/should not be legal. • There is more bad than good in the world. • Women who damage their babies (before birth) should go to prison. • No marriage until you’re both 21.
Tips • Smoking should be illegal. • People should wait until the age of 21 to get married. • Most people on welfare are lazy. • Parents should have to pay a fine when their kids skip school. • Everyone would be better off without TV. • Minors should always be tried as adults. • Parents who do not put seatbelts on their children should go to jail.
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