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Early Church: Leaders and Issues

Learn about the post-apostolic church with key figures like Ignatius, Clement, Polycarp, and Papias. Explore their teachings, influence, and roles in shaping early Christianity. Uncover the historic evidence and issues faced during this critical period.

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Early Church: Leaders and Issues

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Early Church: Leaders and Issues

  2. The Post-Apostolic Church

  3. Historic Evidence of the Issue for the Early Church: Correspondence between Pliny the Younger and Emperor Trajan 111-113 CE

  4. Leaders and Writers of the Post-Apostolic Church

  5. (About 35 to 108)

  6. 1. Ignatius is known to have taught the diety of Christ

  7. 1. Ignatius is known to have taught the diety of Christ • Favored Sunday of Sabbath Worship

  8. 1. Ignatius is known to have taught the diety of Christ • Favored Sunday of Sabbath Worship • Emphasized loyalty to regional bishops

  9. 1. Ignatius is known to have taught the diety of Christ • Favored Sunday of Sabbath Worship • Emphasized loyalty to regional bishops • First to use “katholikos” to describe the church

  10. 1. Ignatius is known to have taught the diety of Christ • Favored Sunday of Sabbath Worship • Emphasized loyalty to regional bishops • First to use “katholikos” to describe the church • Stressed the value of the Eucharist

  11. (about 40-99)

  12. Clement may have been mentioned in Philippians 4:3: • Yes, and I ask you, loyal yokefellow, help these women who have contended at my side in the cause of the gospel, along with Clement and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the book of life.

  13. 1. Clement may have been mentioned in Philippians 4:3 • 2. First to affirm the apostolic authority of clergy

  14. 1. Clement may have been mentioned in Philippians 4:3 • 2. First to affirm the apostolic authority of clergy • 3. First to establish Roman primacy

  15. 1. Clement may have been mentioned in Philippians 4:3 • 2. First to affirm the apostolic authority of clergy • 3. First to establish Roman primacy • 4. Used the terms ‘Bishop’ and ‘Presbyter’ interchangeably

  16. 1. Clement may have been mentioned in Philippians 4:3 • 2. First to affirm the apostolic authority of clergy • 3. First to establish Roman primacy • 4. Used the terms ‘Bishop’ and ‘Presbyter’ interchangeably • 5. Because of martyrdom became patron saint of mariners

  17. 1. Polycarp third of the chief Apostolic Fathers

  18. 1. Polycarp third of the chief Apostolic Fathers 2. A disciple of John the Apostle

  19. 1. Polycarp third of the chief Apostolic Fathers 2. A disciple of John the Apostle 3. Did primary research

  20. 1. Polycarp third of the chief Apostolic Fathers 2. A disciple of John the Apostle 3. Did primary research 4. Lived in an age when a variety of interpretations of the sayings of Jesus were being preached. His role was to authenticate orthodox teachings through his reputed connection with the Apostle John.

  21. 1. Polycarp third of the chief Apostolic Fathers 2. A disciple of John the Apostle 3. Did primary research 4. Lived in an age when a variety of interpretations of the sayings of Jesus were being preached. His role was to authenticate orthodox teachings through his reputed connection with the Apostle John. 5. May have been the one to compile, edit, and publish the New Testament. David Trobisch

  22. About 70-163

  23. 1. Papias described his information gathering method

  24. 1. Papias described his information gathering method 2. Gave the earliest extant account of who wrote the Gospels

  25. 1. Papias described his information gathering method 2. Gave the earliest extant account of who wrote the Gospels 3. Gave us some of the unknown (and questionable) sayings of Jesus

  26. The Didache “The Teaching of the Lord to the Gentiles by the Twelve Apostles” End of the First Century

  27. The Didache: Four Parts The Two Ways Three Christian Rituals Church Organization Eschatology

  28. Issues the Early Church Faced

  29. Montanus of Carthage

  30. Gnosticism

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