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This project aims to improve traffic safety in Western Balkan countries through curriculum innovation and development of undergraduate and master studies. Analysis of key issues, training of teaching staff, equipping labs, and developing courses are some of the activities conducted or planned. Workshops and trainings, as well as stakeholder surveys and curriculum improvements, are ongoing. The project is funded by the European Commission and involves various European and Western Balkan partners. Stay updated on the progress and future activities to enhance traffic safety in the region.
Planned and Realized TRAFSAF Activities Workshop and training Maribor 9-11 April 2019 Aleksandra Petrovic, UPKM This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Improving the Traffic Safety in the Western Balkan Countries through Curriculum Innovation and Development of Undergraduate and Master Studies Project number 598551-EPP-1-2018-1-XK-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
Activities we have done so farWP 6 Dissemination & Exploitation • 6.2. Development of project website and promotional materials; Project Web site, partner’s web sites and promotional material created and distributed
WP7 Project Management • Kick-off meeting (UPKM 15th and 16thJanuary 2019) • Grant holders meeting(Brussels 28 -29 January 2019) Brussels)
WP1 Analysis of key issues of traffic safety needed to be managed in WB region PREPARATION • 1.1. Analysis of the status of traffic safety in WB; Report on the status of traffic safety in WB • 1.2. Analysis of established practices in EU countries for traffic safety management; Report on established practices in EU countries for traffic safety
1.3 Analysis of undergraduate/master curricula best practices in EU and WB partners and Catalogue of competencies; Report on underg./master curricula best practices in EU and WB partners and Catalogue of competencies - Workshop (3 days) organized at UM in April 2019 with participation of representatives of all partners:
1.4 Identification of needed resources for harmonization of WB lab environment; EU HEIs laboratory equipment lists - Report on needed resources for harmonization of WB laboratory • 1.5 Introduction with traffic safety innovative practices in EU; Report on traffic safety innovative practices in EU
Activities in progress WP2 Improvement and development of underg./master curricula DEVELOPMENT • 2.3 Training of teaching staff; Six three-day teaching staff trainings will be performed in EU partner institutions. Six trainings with participations of 134 WB teaching staff will be done as following: April 2019 – UM (25 staff), June 2019 – LUT (25 staff), September 2019 – UPM (25 staff), December 2019 – OU (25 staff), March 2020 - AUB (17 staff), May 2020 - UNSA (17 staff). • Deadline 01/04/2019 to 14/07/2019
2.4.Improvement of teaching environment and equipping of labs • Deadline 15/03/2019 to 14/10/2019
WP3 Development of trainings for traffic safety professionals/DEVELOPMENT • 3.1 Implementation of survey of citizens’ and public sector awareness in traffic safety; Survey of citizens’ and public sector awareness in WB conducted. (LUT in cooperation with other partners will prepare questionaries and process data for 200 respondents per WB partner HEI. Surveys will be conducted by WB HEIs) • Deadline 14/05/2019
3.2 Introduction with LLL courses in EU for traffic safety professionals; Report on LLL by EU HEIs for traffic safety professionals. EU partners will prepare report regarding LLL courses that will be organized by WB HEIs after the life span of the project for traffic safety professionals and briefly describe them explaining their organization. This report will be used for preparing joint training material for education WB traffic safety professionals. • Deadline 14/05/2019
Activities in progressWP 5 Quality Control • 5.1 Development of Quality Assurance plan • 5.2 Regular Quality Assurance Committee meetings; Six Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) meetings
Activities in progressWP6 Dissemination & Exploitation • 6.1 Creation of the Dissemination & Exploitation Plan • 6.6Creation of sustainability plan
Activities in progressWP7 project management • 7.3Development of the Guidelines on the project management and reporting • 7.4 Consortium SC and PMC meetings; Six Steering Committee (SC) and six Project Management Committee (PMC) meetings • 7.5Project coordination; Project correspondence
Activities planned in next few months • 2.1 Definition of aims, specific competencies and learning outcomes of undergraduate/master curriculum per HEI in WB; Courses for undergraduate/master curriculum in the field of traffic safety will be defined. • 2.2 Development of courses content and syllabi; Catalogue of TRAFSAF courses for each newly developed undergraduate/master curriculum in WB HEIs
Activities planned in next few months • 2.4 Improvement of teaching environment and equipping of labs; The project equipment procured, commissioned and installed at all WB partner HEIs. establishment of the laboratories • 3.3 Preparation of trainings’ materials and selection of teachers; Trainings’ material prepared. Teachers for implementation of trainings will be selected among WB partners’ teachers trained by EU partners.