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This lesson explores community service organizations, benefits of volunteering, and the impact of civic engagement. Students learn about responsibilities, teamwork, and supporting organizations. Engagement leads to personal growth, community unity, and skill-building. Developing a plan of service is emphasized, as well as documenting activities for advancement. Service projects foster positive outcomes and citizenship development, inspiring students to contribute meaningfully. Mentorship and leadership opportunities are highlighted to encourage active participation in community improvement.

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  1. Problem Area Participating in Community and Government Organizations

  2. Next Generation Science/Common Core Standards Addressed! CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.SL.1Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.SL.4 Present information, findings, and supporting evidence such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience

  3. Agriculture, Food and Natural Resource Standards Addressed! • CRP.01.03. Identify and act upon opportunities for professional and civic service at work and in the community. • Sample Measurement: The following sample measurement strands are provided to guide the development of measurable activities (at different levels of proficiency) to assess students’ attainment of knowledge and skills related to the above performance indicator. The topics represented by each strand are not all-encompassing. • CRP.01.03.01.a. Define and categorize opportunities for professional service at work and in the community (e.g., serve on committees, attend meetings, etc.).

  4. Bell Work! • Describe the meaning and importance of community service. • List and identify community service organizations. • Explain how FFA members can be involved with community improvement and development.

  5. Lesson 2 Developing an Awareness for Your Community

  6. Interest Approach • What are the duties and responsibilities of an elected community official? • What influence do they have on the community?

  7. Terms • Citizen • Civic clubs • Community service • Community service campaign • Plan of service • Religion-based organizations

  8. What is community Service? • Community service is performing activities that improve the quality of life in a community.

  9. Service • Service is helping others or providing for others through helpful acts.

  10. Community Service Campaign • A community service campaign is an organized and intense effort to carry out anactivity.

  11. Service Projects May Include • Charitable activities • community improvement • and fund raising campaigns.

  12. Benefits of community service • Give People a new outlook on life. • Provide Learning experiences. • Pull a community together.

  13. Responsible citizenship is an asset that is respected by others.

  14. Many service projects require volunteerism. • A volunteer is an individual who willingly performs a service without monetaryrewards.

  15. Volunteering in time of Need • Sometimes people are called to provide volunteer service during periods of disaster.

  16. Team Work • Service projects teach people to work together for a common cause.

  17. Benefits Develops self-confidence Promotes teamwork Strengthens the individual emotionally, physically and spiritually. Builds healthy people, environments, and communities.organizations include the following:

  18. Organizations: • American Red Cross • American Cancer Society • Salvation Army • Christian Children’s Fund • March of Dimes

  19. Civic clubs-groups formed to improve life in the local • Lion’s Club • Kiwanis • Rotary Club • Optimists Club

  20. Youth organizations • 4-H • Girl Scouts of America • Boy Scouts of America • Campfire Boys and Girls

  21. Student organizations • FFA • FHA • FBLA • VICA • NHS • DECA • Student Council

  22. A plan of service • Written statement of the group’s skills and talents and the waysof providing service.

  23. Through community service projects, positive attitudes create positive results

  24. It is important to “plan your work and work your plan.”

  25. Remember FFA Degree advancement requires community service. Record your activities in the AET system that your advisor has provided for you!

  26. Review/Summary • Describe the meaning and importance of community service. • List and identify community service organizations. • Explain how FFA members can be involved with community improvement and development.

  27. The End!

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