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KEPLER. William Borucki Principal Investigator NASA Ames Research Center December 13, 2001. SCIENCE TEAM. William J. Borucki, PI, and David Koch, Deputy PI . Theoretical Studies Jack Lissauer, NASA Ames Alan Boss, Carneige Institute Wash. Mission Operations
KEPLER William Borucki Principal Investigator NASA Ames Research Center December 13, 2001
SCIENCE TEAM William J. Borucki, PI, and David Koch, Deputy PI Theoretical Studies • Jack Lissauer, NASA Ames • Alan Boss, Carneige Institute Wash. Mission Operations • Donald Brownlee, U. of Washington • Yoji Kondo, NASA GSGC General Overview • John Caldwell, York U. • David Morrison, NASA Ames • Tobias Owen, U of Hawaii • Harold Reitsema, Ball Aerospace Co. • Jill Tarter, SETI Institute Education and Public Outreach • Edna DeVore, SETI Institute • Alan Gould, Lawrence Hall of Science Stellar Occultations & High-Precision CCD Photometry • Timothy Brown, HAO, UCAR • Edward Dunham, Lowell Obs. • John Geary, SAO • Ronald Gilliland, STScI • Steve Howell, U. Ariz • Jon M. Jenkins, SETI Institute Doppler Velocity Planet Searches • William Cochran, UTexas • David Latham, SAO • Geoff Marcy, U. Cal., Berkeley Stellar Variability • Gibor Basri, U. Cal., Berkeley • Andrea Dupree, SAO • Dmiter Sasselov, SAO
KEY QUESTIONS: • Are terrestrial planets common or rare? • How many are in the habitable zone? • What are their sizes & distances? • Dependence on stellar properties
MISSION A wide FOV telescope monitors 100,000 stars for 4 years to detect Earth-size planets Transit Photometry • 0.95 meter aperture • Observe for several years • Monitor stars continuously • Heliocentric orbit Sunshade Electronics CCD’s Schmidt Corrector Statistically valid results • 100,000 stars • Wide field of view telescope • Array of CCD detectors Thermal Radiator Primary Mirror
KEY SCIENCE Sunshade Photometer • Finds hundreds of terrestrial planets • For Earth-size and larger planets, determines: • Frequency • Size distribution • Orbital distribution • Association with stellar characteristics Radiator Solar Array Spacecraft High gain Antenna
SCIENCE DRIVER • Statistically valid result for abundance of Earth-size planets in habitable zone # of Planet Detections Orbital Semi-major Axis (AU) Expected # of planets found, assuming one planet of a given size & semi-major axis per star and random orientation of orbital planes.
SUFFICIENCY OF DATA • Hundreds of terrestrial-size planets will be found if such planets common. Null results significant. • Although 7s detection adequate, Kepler provides 8 s and larger detections • Observation for 4 orbital periods for planets in HZ to validate detections and avoid false alarms • Conduct ground-based programs to select and characterize stars and to rule out false alarms
COMPLETENESS OF THE ANSWER • Kepler provides a robust answer to the frequency of Earth-size and larger planets in and near the habitable zone. • It covers a wide range of planet sizes, orbital distances, and stellar types.
UNIQUENESS • Finds true Earth analogs • Discovers thousands of planets • Characterizes the planetary population within 1.5 AU • Finds associations between stellar types and terrestrial planets
TIMELINESS • Doppler technique has found many giant planets but cannot detect Earth-size planets • Planetary formation models need data on the distributions of rocky planets • New technology enables photometry to discover hundreds of Earth-size planets • Both public and science interest are high
BENEFITS • PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT • Answers question: “Are Earths common or rare in our galaxy?” • US SPACE PROGRAM • Kepler paves the way for TPF by identifying the most promising types of stars and by determining range needed by TPF to find enough targets • Kepler furthers NASA strategic objective: Are there other Earths?
IMPACT ON SPACE SCIENCE • Places Solar System in context with other planetary systems • Places Sun in context with other solar-like stars Q:2 Does life in any form however simpler complex, carbon-based or other, exist elsewhere than on Earth? Are there Earth-like planets beyond our solar system? • Provides new data for astrobiology beyond our Solar System
SOLAR DISK - VISIBLE SOHO/MDI Continuum 19-July-2001
“ACTIVE” SUN QUIET ENOUGH • Solar behavior at Kepler timescales and precision is known • ACRIM, DIARAD, VIRGO on SMM, SOHO • Measured throughout solar cycle • Transits can be seen despite variability • Short durations (~10 hours) • Well-defined shapes and depths • Highly periodic repetitions
MOST STARS QUIET ENOUGH • Variability noise declines with rotation • Magnetic activity declines • Spot passage period increases • Solar-type stars slowed enough by 2-3 Gyr • Rotation-activity relationship well-known • Stellar spin-down timescales well-known • 70% of solar-type stars slow and quiet enough • Galaxy >10 Gyr old and star formation ~constant • Detailed galactic population models confirm • Actual observations of stellar activity confirm
GUEST INVESTIGATOR SCIENCE • Activity levels, short-term behaviors, and cycles for huge sample highly relevant for “Sun-Earth connection” • Protoplanetary systems – disks, accretion, magnetic activity • Stellar rotation periods for a huge sample • Variables; stellar pulsation; behavior of giants and supergiants; dust formation events • Interacting binaries, accretion disks and streams, cataclysmic variables and novae • Many new eclipsing binaries • Quasar and Seyfert galaxy (AGN) variability • THE UNEXPECTED…. • (unprecedented precision and time coverage)
DATA: SOLAR SYSTEM A great deal of information, But… • Single example. • Biased example – We are here! Terrestrial Planets Meteorites Giant Planets Comets Asteroids Moons
DATA: EXTRASOLAR PLANETS • ~ 10% of sunlike stars have giant planets within 2 AU. • At least one such (probably all) is a gas giant. • > 30% of sunlike stars don’t have a true Jupiter analog (but may have a “Saturn” at 5 AU &/or a “Jupiter” at 10 AU). • Pulsars can host terrestrial mass planets.
MODELS OF PLANET FORMATION • Strive to reproduce observations. • Are not predictive: • Uncertainties in initial conditions • Fundamental processes complex and chaotic (turbulence/viscosity, sticking of grains, gap formation/planetary migration)
PLANET SYSTEM STRUCTURE Observations + Theory = Conclusions: Between 0% and 90% of sunlike stars have planetary systems like our Solar System. We have a great deal to learn!
SIGNIFICANCE OF DISCOVERIES • Finds true Earth analogs or shows they are rare • Finds close-in planets even if small and infrequent. • Sizes, frequencies, periods of terrestrial planets. • Planetary characteristics vs. stellar spectral type. • Terrestrial planets in multiple star systems. • Relationship between “Earths” and “Jupiters”. • Densities of giant planets. • Albedos/phase functions of “hot Jupiters”.
SUMMARY • Detect true Earth analogs (or show that they are rare). • Characterize the distribution of terrestrial planets. • Determine the properties of stars (single & multiple) hosting planets. Kepler is uniquely qualified to detect Earth-like extrasolar planets “before this decade is out”!