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NOTES ON ADVERTISING AND MARKETING. Marketing: The science that lets advertisers and vendors know the desires that provoke consumption.
Marketing: The science that lets advertisers and vendors know the desires that provoke consumption. Advertising: A paid, one-waycommunicationthrough a medium in whichthe sponsor isidentified and themessageiscontrolledbythe sponsor. Itcreates and stimulatesthedesireforsuperfluousnecessities and augmentstheirconsumption.
Humanbeingshavewants and desireswhichinfluencetheirbehavior; onlyunsatisfiedneeds can influencebehavior, satisfiedneedscannot. • Sinceneeds are many, they are arranged in order of importance, fromthebasictothecomplex. • Theseneeds are: • Physiological • Safety and security • Social • Selfesteem • Selfactualization ABRAHAM MASLOW’S THEORY
SuggestedbyLeonFestinger, thisoccurswhenan individual experiencessomedegree of discomfortresultingfromanincompatibilitybetweentwocognitions. Forexample, a consumermayseektoreassurehimselfregarding a purchase, feelingthatanotherdecisionmayhavebeen, in retrospect, preferable. COGNITIVE DISSONANCE THEORY
It is a signalormessageembedded in anotherobject, designedtopassbelowthe normal limits of perception. Thesemessages are indiscernible bytheconsciousmind, butallegedlyaffectthesubconsciousordeepermind. Subliminal techniqueshaveoccasionallybeenused in advertising and propaganda; thepurpose, effectiveness and frequency of suchtechniquesisdebated SUBLIMINAL MESSAGE